according to the law of increasing opportunity cost,

Getting the most goods and services from the available resources. b. The allocation of resources by the market is perfect. d. No change in the supply of or demand for airline tickets because the price is not changing right now. c. Relies on the use of central planning by private firms rather than the government. Intermediate goods; final goods and services B. The production possibilities model suggests that specialization will occur. b. Utilizes both market and nonmarket signals to allocate goods and services. The slope of the linear production possibilities curve in Figure 2.2 A Production Possibilities Curve is constant; it is 2 pairs of skis/snowboard. Now suppose that, to increase snowboard production, it transfers plants in numerical order: Plant 1 first, then Plant 2, and finally Plant 3. As the economy transitions from gadgets to widgets, the gadget workers best suited to widget production would transition first, then the workers less suited, and finally the workers not at all well suited to widget production. c. The supply curve will shift to the right to create equilibrium. A faster recovery from the storm We have already seen that an additional snowboard requires giving up two pairs of skis in Plant 1. The law of increasing opportunity cost states that whenever the same resource allocation decision is made, the opportunity cost will increase. Much of the land in the United States has a comparative advantage in agricultural production and is devoted to that activity. Now suppose that a large fraction of the economys workers lose their jobs, so the economy no longer makes full use of one factor of production: labor. The supply curve for monkey wrenches will shift to the left. Economists conclude that it is better to be on the production possibilities curve than inside it. In the summer of 1929, however, things started going wrong. In the transition to widget production, workers would likely need training and time to develop the skills required to be as productive at making widgets as making gadgets. All the consumer desires are satisfied and business profits are maximized. Local and state governments also increased spending in an effort to prevent terrorist attacks. A straight line when there is constant opportunity costs Airports around the world hired additional agents to inspect luggage and passengers. For example, there might be a trade-off between hunting for rabbits or gathering berries. The sensible thing for it to do is to choose the plant in which snowboards have the lowest opportunity costPlant 3. The reason for the law of increasing opportunity cost is due to the fact that some resources are not well suited for A movement from A to B requires shifting resources out of the production of all other goods and services and into spending on security. The negative slope of the production possibilities curve reflects the scarcity of the plants capital and labor. Price. In 2008 the same company sold 40,000 MP3 Its land is devoted largely to nonagricultural use. a. If it fails to do that, it will operate inside the curve. a. The attempt to provide it requires resources; it is in that sense that we shall speak of the economy as producing security. Increases as its price falls, ceteris paribus. When an economy is operating on its production possibilities curve, we say that it is engaging in efficient production. c. Also means demand has shifted. Greater regulation to correct the imbalances in the economy, as well government intervention to maintain full The increase in resources devoted to security meant fewer other goods and services could be produced. And finally, the curved line of the frontier illustrates the law of increasing opportunity cost meaning that an increase in the production of one good brings about increasing losses of the other good because resources are not suited for all tasks. Here, an economy that can produce two categories of goods, security and all other goods and services, begins at point A on its production possibilities curve. If EMC's estimated opportunity cost of funds is 999 percent, as an analyst, how would you view the acquisition? I hope you have enjoyed your journey to the frontier and learned some valuable lessons about economics along the way. a. a. d. A decrease in the supply of pens, If there are only two airlines that fly between Dallas and New Orleans, what will happen in the market for According to The Wall Street Journal, merger and acquisition activity in the first quarter rose to $5.3\$ 5.3$5.3 billion. The production possibilities curves for the two plants are shown, along with the combined curve for both plants. b. A lower quantity demanded of a good reflects, ceteris paribus: Price will increase until it reaches the equilibrium price. It shows that Econ Isle can produce a maximum of 12 gadgets and 6 widgets or any other combination along the line. The curve shown combines the production possibilities curves for each plant. If you have difficulty accessing this content due to a disability, please contact us at 314-444-4662 or We see in Figure 2.5 The Combined Production Possibilities Curve for Alpine Sports that, beginning at point A and producing only skis, Alpine Sports experiences higher and higher opportunity costs as it produces more snowboards. B. The segment of the curve around point B is magnified in Figure 2.3 The Slope of a Production Possibilities Curve. C. A technological advance a. a. b. Given the labor and the capital available at both plants, it can produce the combinations of the two goods at the two plants shown. o Higher opportunity costs induce higher output per unit of This problem has been solved! c. Other things remain equal. The answer is Yes, and the key lies in comparative advantage. An economy cannot operate on its production possibilities curve unless it has full employment. Second, it might not allocate resources on the basis of comparative advantage. d. The supply of cancer-treating curves will increase. What Is A Simple Definition Of Opportunity Cost? a. The law of supply implies that: c. The changing relationship between the two variables. C. A line that curves outward when resources are perfectly adaptable in the production of different goods a. c. Technology is lost Plant 3, though, is the least efficient of the three in ski production. c. A higher price of the good. Plant R has a comparative advantage in producing calculators. The plant for which the opportunity cost of an additional snowboard is greatest is the plant with the steepest production possibilities curve; the plant for which the opportunity cost is lowest is the plant with the flattest production possibilities curve. Answer: The statement is: True. Markets have to have both a demand side and a supply side. b. c. The production-possibilities curve The demand curve will shift to the right b. Higher opportunity costs induce higher output per unit of input. Producers increase supply. D. producing equal amounts of all goods, B. Explain the concept of the production possibilities curve and understand the implications of its downward slope and bowed-out shape. Finished goods are bought and sold. The mix of output to be produced and the resources to be used in the production process. b. As for the benefits packages received by employees from the employers, approximately 33% are . Suppose that at the time of the acquisition a weak economy led many analysts to project that VMWare's profits would grow at a constant rate of 222 percent for the foreseeable future, and that the company's annual net income was $39.60\$ 39.60$39.60 million. c. The quantity increases but the change in the price cannot be determined c. Shortages of building materials and a slower recovery from the storm Greater production means factor prices rise. Suppose both the demand and supply of salsa increase (although not necessarily by the same amount). b. The Production Possibilities Frontier (PPF) is a graph that shows all the different combinations of output of two goods that can be produced using available resources and technology. It illustrates the production possibilities model. a. How is a nation different than a state or country? a. The goods and services that maximize profits for businesses. By 1933, more than 25% of the nations workers had lost their jobs. a. a. Many countries, for example, chose to move along their respective production possibilities curves to produce more security and national defense and less of all other goods in the wake of 9/11. A. an increase in the working-age population Use these formulas to answer the problem. a. b. Greater production leads to greater inefficiency. \textbf{Right-hand endpoints}: S_R=\frac{14 n^2+18 n+4}{3 n^2} So along the straight line, each time Econ Isle increases widget production by 2, it loses the opportunity to produce 4 gadgets. Consumers increase demand. Figure 2.9 Efficient Versus Inefficient Production illustrates the result. McNEESE State University Assig, Statistical Techniques in Business and Economics, Douglas A. Lind, Samuel A. Wathen, William G. Marchal, Fundamentals of Engineering Economic Analysis, David Besanko, Mark Shanley, Scott Schaefer. d. Participants in the market do not have to make choices. Economists say that an economy has a comparative advantage in producing a good or service if the opportunity cost of producing that good or service is lower for that economy than for any other. Suppose Alpine Sports expands to 10 plants, each with a linear production possibilities curve. If the price of pencils rises, then we will see: b. The production of both goods rises. c. Finished services are bought and sold. c. Greater production of one good requires increasingly larger sacrifices of other goods. Capital, as economists use the term, refers to: The role of the entrepreneur in an economy is to: The opportunity cost of studying for an economics test is: A production-possibilities curve indicates the: A point on a nation's production-possibilities curve represents: According to the law of increasing opportunity costs: If the United States decides to convert automobile factories to tank production, as it did during World War II, but finds that some auto manufacturing facilities are not well suited to tank production, then: d. Is one that allows trade with other countries. There are always participants in the market that are more efficient than you are in production. The demand for bottled water by individuals. c. Want the goods and services the most. Where will it produce them? Approximately three-fourths of the 78 first-quarter deals occurred between information technology (IT) companies. Expanding snowboard production to 51 snowboards per month from 50 snowboards per month requires a reduction in ski production to 98 pairs of skis per month from 100 pairs. b. Production and employment fell. The opportunity cost of an additional snowboard at each plant equals the absolute values of these slopes. Plant 3s comparative advantage in snowboard production makes a crucial point about the nature of comparative advantage. In 2007 a company sold 35,000 MP3 players at $150 each. Specialization means that an economy is producing the goods and services in which it has a comparative advantage. The law of increasing opportunity cost helps managers assess the trade-off of a decision to move resources away from one area of production to another. Production of all other goods and services falls by OA OB units per period. Suppose the firm decides to produce 100 radios. Have the most political power. The price increases but the change in the quantity cannot be determined d. Decrease and the equilibrium quantity of ice cream to decrease. Finally, increasing by another 2, Econ Isle can produce 0 gadgets and 6 widgets. The supply curve for monkey wrenches will shift to the right. Which of the following is a. b. She also modified the first plant so that it could produce both snowboards and skis. Figure 2.4 Production Possibilities at Three Plants. First, let's figure out the total number of each you can produce. c. The mix of output to be produced, the resources to be used in the production process, and for whom the If the firm wishes to increase snowboard production, it will first use Plant 3, which has a comparative advantage in snowboards. The slopes of the production possibilities curves for each plant differ. When the area under f(x)=x2+xf(x)=x^2+xf(x)=x2+x from x=0x=0x=0 to x=2x=2x=2 is approximated, the formulas for the sum of nnn rectangles using left-hand endpoints and right-hand endpoints are, Left-handendpoints:SL=1436n+43n2Right-handendpoints:SR=14n2+18n+43n2\textbf{Left-hand endpoints}: S_L=\frac{14}{3}-\frac{6}{n}+\frac{4}{3 n^2}\\ Factors of production are also known as resources In this section, we shall assume that the economy operates on its production possibilities curve so that an increase in the production of one good in the model implies a reduction in the production of the other. a. d. The government is allocating resources inefficiently. Where will it produce the calculators? d. A change in a determinant of demand shifts the supply curve. Increasing the production of a particular good will cause the price of the good to remain constant. A decrease in the size of the labor force In the section of the curve shown here, the slope can be calculated between points B and B. A decrease in the supply of airline tickets. Points outside the production possibilities curve represent combinations of products that are: If you have $10,000 to start a lawn-cutting business, the interest rate is 4 percent, your cost of equipment is $3,000, and the earnings you sacrifice from working at another job are $32,000, your yearly cost of doing business would be: An unemployed individual decided to spend the day fishing. If the quantity demanded of a good is greater than the quantity supplied of the good at the current price, The second plant, while smaller than the first, was designed to produce snowboards as well as skis. The U.S. economy looked very healthy in the beginning of 1929. employment was associated primarily with the work of: d. Everyone who wants a good or service can have it. The market supply curve intersects the market demand curve. c. Eliminates market failures created by government. Increase and the equilibrium quantity of ice cream to increase. Using an equilibrium price formula. Results from a change in price of other goods. b. Evaluate the given expression without using a calculator. For example, many Econ Isle workers are likely very productive gadget makers. one airline if the other one goes out of business? a. We have seen the law of increasing opportunity cost at work traveling from point A toward point D on the production possibilities curve in Figure 2.5 The Combined Production Possibilities Curve for Alpine Sports. Created by Sal Khan. The result is a far greater quantity of goods and services than would be available without this specialization. A rightward shift in a demand curve and a rightward shift in a supply curve both result in a: Which of the following events would allow the production-possibilities curve to shift outward? An Emerging Consensus: Macroeconomics for the Twenty-First Century, 33.1 The Nature and Challenge of Economic Development, 33.2 Population Growth and Economic Development, 34.1 The Theory and Practice of Socialism, 34.3 Economies in Transition: China and Russia, Appendix A.1: How to Construct and Interpret Graphs, Appendix A.2: Nonlinear Relationships and Graphs without Numbers, Appendix A.3: Using Graphs and Charts to Show Values of Variables, Appendix B: Extensions of the Aggregate Expenditures Model, Appendix B.2: The Aggregate Expenditures Model and Fiscal Policy. c. Percentage change in y coordinates between two points divided by the percentage change in their x coordinates. This point shows widget production increased by 2, and this by 2 more, and this by 2 more, indicating all widgets and no gadgets. B. The greater the absolute value of the slope of the production possibilities curve, the greater the opportunity cost will be. Fewer people will die from cancer. 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according to the law of increasing opportunity cost,

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