albert speer brother stalingrad

[66], As Minister of Armaments, Speer was responsible for supplying weapons to the army. They're private residences. The film began a process of demystification and critical reappraisal. [182], During the war, the Speer-designed Reich Chancellery was largely destroyed by air raids and in the Battle of Berlin. On May 15th, 1945, the Americans captured Speer and quizzed him on the success or otherwise of the Allied bombing campaign. After the disasters of the battle of Moscow (Operation Typhoon) and even after Stalingrad Germany manages to greatly increase its military production, even though the allies were launching a major bombing campaign against them. [1] In 1944, Speer established a task force to increase production of fighter aircraft. [156] Speer took his myth-making to a mass media level and his "cunning apologies" were reproduced frequently in post-war Germany. Most days he was invited to dinner. He was aided editorially by Wolf Jobst Siedler, Ullstein and Propylaen, and Joachim Fest. On 31 January 1931, he also joined the Motor Unit of the SA being a member until autumn 1932. [20], Shortly after Hitler came into power, he began to make plans to rebuild the chancellery. [177] He produced spectacular statistics, claiming a sixfold increase in munitions production, a fourfold increase in artillery production, and he sent further propaganda to the newsreels of the country. [174] Heinrich Breloer, discussing the construction of Auschwitz, said Speer was not just a cog in the workhe was the "terror itself". Men da Moritz Schramm var barn, var det et andet blik, han havde p morfaren. [18], The organizers of the 1933 Nuremberg Rally asked Speer to submit designs for the rally, bringing him into contact with Hitler for the first time. Finally, in the summer of 1943, Speer released the 1200 metric tons of uranium stock for use in solid-core ammunition. Speer asked Wolters to destroy the material he had omitted from his donation but Wolters refused and retained an original copy. Concerned about retaining power, he did not appoint a deputy and continued to direct work of the Armaments Ministry from his bedside. [7], Speer began his architectural studies at the University of Karlsruhe instead of a more highly acclaimed institution because the hyperinflation crisis of 1923 limited his parents' income. [179], Little remains of Speer's personal architectural works, other than the plans and photographs. While dozens of submarines were built, few ever entered service. William. Three days later, he also proposed to Hitler that Germany's remaining military resources be concentrated along the Rhine and Vistula rivers in an attempt to prolong the fighting. Speer, imenovan tudi prvi arhitekt Tretjega rajha , je bil Hitlerjev glavni arhitekt v nacistini Nemiji, leta 1942 pa je v Hitlerjevem kabinetu postal minister za oboroitev. [168] Speer also falsely claimed that he had realised the war was lost at an early stage, and thereafter worked to preserve the resources needed for the civilian population's survival. I recommend this book without reservations. [73] Sauckel obtained new workers often using the most brutal methods. [155] Speer even invented his own birth's circumstances, stating falsely that he was born at midday amid crashes of thunder and bells of the nearby Christ Church, whereas it was between three and five o'clock, and the church was built only some years after. 1971. [49] Martin Kitchen described Speer's often repeated line that he knew nothing of the "dreadful things" as hollowbecause not only was he fully aware of the fate of the Jews he was actively participating in their persecution. After his release on 1 October 1966, he used Federal Archive documents to rework the material into his autobiography. Nobody else in Hitler's circle, not even Josef Goebbels, was shown such favoritism. Albert Speer. [114], The chief United States prosecutor, Robert H. Jackson, of the U.S. Supreme Court said, "Speer joined in planning and executing the program to dragoon prisoners of war and foreign workers into German war industries, which waxed in output while the workers waned in starvation. When asked by his Allied captors in 1945 to what extent German military strategy had been influenced by economic considerations, Albert Speer, Hitler's armaments minister, replied that in the case of OperationBarbarossathe need for oil was certainly a prime motive. Indeed, even during initial discussions of his plan to invade the Soviet Union, Hitler had stressed the absolute necessity of . All of the Germanic peoples will be included in it. This delayed the program, and Speer was unable to remedy the situation. Speer returned to London in 1981 to participate in the BBC Newsnight programme. He admitted only to being uncomfortable around Jews in the published version of the Spandau Diaries. Hitler's cabinet was dismayed at his tactics, but, regardless, he was able to accumulate new responsibilities and more power. Secured early release from prison, became a media celebrity and successfully cultivated the "clean Speer" myth. [118] On 1 October 1946, he was sentenced to 20 years' imprisonment. [64] Another factor that produced the boom in ammunition was the policy of allocating more coal to the steel industry. Berthold Konrad Hermann Albert Speer (/ p r /; German: [pe] (); 19 March 1905 - 1 September 1981) was a German architect who served as the Minister of Armaments and War Production in Nazi Germany during most of World War II.A close ally of Adolf Hitler, he was convicted at the Nuremberg trials and sentenced to 20 years in prison.. An architect by training, Speer joined the . He spent the rest of his life attempting to enhance this image and erase any doubt that he did not participate or know about the Nazi atrocities. Stalingrad was a classic example where he refused to provide the equipment necessary to supply his army on the Eastern front during the terrible winter of 1941. FRANKFURT Albert Speer Jr., an internationally prominent architect who sought throughout his life to distance himself from the dark legacy of his father, a member of Adolf . Inside the Third Reich. Albert Speer, Hitler's architect, who became Minister of Armaments and War Production in World War II, died today at St. Mary's Hospital. [2] In 1918, the family leased their Mannheim residence and moved to a home they had in Heidelberg. letters that exist between ernst and the parents which he wrote and Born 1906 [location unknown] Ancestors. Through his autobiographies and interviews, Speer carefully constructed an image of himself as a man who deeply regretted having failed to discover the monstrous crimes of the Third Reich. I myself must carry this out. He took a role in that short-lived regime as Minister of Industry and Production. Labor to build the A4 rockets came from the Mittelbau-Dora concentration camp. The V-2's first target was Paris on 8 September 1944. [127], Much of Speer's energy was dedicated to keeping fit, both physically and mentally, during his long confinement. During his life, he worked on redesigning city centers of . Speer enthusiastically supported the program and in March 1942 made an order for A4 rockets, the predecessor of the world's first ballistic missile, the V-2 rocket. Speer died of a stroke in 1981. A groundbreaking 26-part documentary series narrated by the actor Laurence Olivier about the deadliest conflict in history, World War II. [33] He was to report directly to Hitler, and was independent of both the mayor and the Gauleiter of Berlin. [39], Plans to build a new Reich chancellery had been underway since 1934. Trevor-Roper frequently refers to Speer as "a technocrat [who] nourished a technocrat's philosophy", one who cared only for his building projects or his ministerial duties, and who thought that politics was irrelevant, at least until Hitler's Nero Decree which Speer, according to his own telling, worked assiduously to counter. Speer was born in Mannheim, Germany on March 19, 1905, to Luise and Albert. Speer liked the scenario so much that he wrote it into his memoirs. Inside the Third Reich (German: Erinnerungen, "Memories") is a memoir written by Albert Speer, the Nazi Minister of Armaments from 1942 to 1945, serving as Adolf Hitler's main architect before this period. The designs were rushed into production, and the completed submarines were crippled by flaws which resulted from the way they had been constructed. These factories were death-traps; discipline was brutal, with regular executions. This allowed an extra 300 huts to be built at Auschwitz, increasing the total human capacity to 132,000. [8] In 1924, when the crisis had abated, he transferred to the "much more reputable" Technical University of Munich. Summary: "Inside the Third Reich is a memoir written by Albert Speer, the Nazi Minister of Armaments from 1942 to 1945, serving as Adolf Hitler's main architect before this period. Figlio e nipote di architetti, Spee. [154] In his memoirs and interviews, he had distorted the truth and made so many major omissions that his lies became known as "myths". [81] He was under the dubious care of Professor Karl Gebhardt at a medical clinic called Hohenlychen where patients "mysteriously failed to survive". Speer was loyal to Hitler, and his experience building prisoner of war camps and other structures for the military qualified him for the job. Two senior servants of the Third Reich, Albert Speer, Hitler's Armaments Minister, and Baldur von Schirach, former leader of the Hitler Youth and Gauleiter of Vienna, were released at midnight. [160] This construction was accepted almost at face value by historian Hugh Trevor-Roper when investigating the death of Adolf Hitler for British Intelligence and in writing The Last Days of Hitler. This formed a key element of the myths Speer encouraged. I was searching for information about Ernst (?) Hitler became interested in Speer through his own interest in the arts. the atmosphere was said the best ever it was actually worded they by PanzerKavallerie 27 Jul 2005, 07:49, Post Entrance to Spandau Prison, 1951. [98] Nevertheless, Speer believed that Germany should continue the war for as long as possible with the goal of winning better conditions from the Allies than the unconditional surrender they insisted upon. [111] Speer provided information to the Allies, regarding the effects of the air war, and on a broad range of subjects, beginning on 10 May. In this capacity he was responsible for the Central Department for Resettlement that evicted Jewish tenants from their homes in Berlin. In the letter, Speer says, "There is no doubtI was present as Himmler announced on October 6, 1943, that all Jews would be killed. [15] Instead, he revised his Spandau writings into two autobiographical books, Inside the Third Reich (in German, Erinnerungen, or Reminiscences[140]) and Spandau: The Secret Diaries. Sereny gained respect for his sincerity in his personal "battle with truth.". Speer was Adolf Hitler's chief architect before assuming ministerial office. After serving. [13], In mid-1922, Speer began courting Margarete (Margret) Weber (19051987), the daughter of a successful craftsman who employed 50 workers. the eldest went to visit his brother while in spandau prison and The Soviet Union, having demanded a death sentence at trial, was unwilling to entertain a reduced sentence. He had claimed that he was unaware of Nazi extermination plans, and the Allies had no proof that he was aware. [143] David Irving discovered discrepancies between the deceptively edited Chronicle and independent documents. [83] His political rivals used the opportunity to undermine his authority and damage his reputation with Hitler. Berthold Konrad Hermann Albert Speer, commonly known as Albert Speer (March 19, 1905 - September 1, 1981), was an architect, author and high-ranking Nazi German government official, sometimes called "the first architect of the Third Reich ." [99] During January and February, Speer claimed that his ministry would deliver "decisive weapons" and a large increase in armaments production which would "bring about a dramatic change on the battlefield". He continued to deny explicit knowledge of, and responsibility for the Holocaust. Albert Speer, Germany Architect. He had become one of the most powerful people in Nazi Germany. Victoria married. [53] Speer's offices undertook building work for each branch of the military, and for the SS, using slave labor. Speer, Jr., an eighty-two-year-old with a perennially serious expression and a fondness for energetic hand motions, is one of Germany's best-known urban planners. The family learned of this through some letters Ernst sent. This image dominated his historiography in the decades following the war, giving rise to the "Speer Myth": the perception of him as an apolitical technocrat responsible for revolutionizing the German war machine. He was 76 years old. Detailed plans were completed in July 1937 and the first shell of the new chancellery was complete on 1 January 1938. [120], On 18 July 1947, Speer was transferred to Spandau Prison in Berlin to serve his prison term. Speer was formally arrested on May 23rd. 2. [44] The chancellery was completed in early January 1939. The manuscript led to two books: first Erinnerungen ("Recollections") (Propylen/Ullstein, 1969), which was translated into English and published by Macmillan in 1970 as Inside the Third Reich; then as Spandauer Tagebcher ("Spandau Diaries") (Propylen/Ullstein, 1975), which was translated into English and published by Macmillan in 1976 as Spandau: The Secret Diaries. [76], Following his appointment as Minister of Armaments, Speer was in control of armaments production solely for the Army. His formal title was changed on 2 September 1943, to "Reich Minister for Armaments and War Production". - London, 1. rujna 1981.) "[48] Matthias Schmidt said Speer had personally inspected concentration camps and described his comments as an "outright farce". There was no communication. . [69], As head of Organisation Todt, Speer was directly involved in the construction and alteration of concentration camps. [158] Kitchen said he had deceived the Nuremberg Tribunal and post-war Germany. [84] Production of German fighter aircraft more than doubled between 1943 and 1944. In February 1942, Speer was appointed as Reich Minister of Armaments and War Production. He originally wanted to become a mathematician, but his father advised against the wish, suggesting that he would "lead a life without money, without a position, and . [104] During a meeting with Speer on 28/29 March, Hitler rescinded the decree and gave him authority over demolitions. happened. [22] Speer quickly became part of Hitler's inner circle; he was expected to call on him in the morning for a walk or chat, to provide consultation on architectural matters, and to discuss Hitler's ideas. The myth began to fall apart in the 1980s, when the armaments miracle was attributed to Nazi propaganda. Albert Speer Jr., one of the most important German architects and urban planners, died unexpectedly on September 15, 2017 in Frankfurt. Das Cytoskelett; Vergleich Pflanzenzelle - Tierzelle: Unterschiede und Gemeinsamkeiten; Vergleich der Eigenschaften von prokaryotischen und eukaryotischen Zellen Which he succeeded in doing, with or without Hitler. [157] In return they were paid handsomely in royalties and other financial inducements. [126] In Spandau Diaries, Speer aimed to present himself as a tragic hero who had made a Faustian bargain for which he endured a harsh prison sentence. Its aim was to ensure the preservation and growth of fighter aircraft production. [138] He said little, reserving most comments for a major interview published in Der Spiegel in November 1966. [43] The building itself was hailed by Hitler as the "crowning glory of the greater German political empire". August 1, 2017. If Speer, who had been so close to Hitler, had not known the full extent of the crimes of the Nazi regime and had just been "following orders", then they could tell themselves and others they too had done the same. One of Speer's grandfathers was among the most successful machine-tool manufacturers in Germany; the other was a well-known architect. "[4] His brothers, Ernst and Hermann, bullied him throughout his childhood. Speer's books were a success; the public was fascinated by an inside view of the Third Reich. In his writings, Speer claimed to have finished five thousand books while in prison. Martin Kitchen, writing in Speer: Hitler's Architect, stated that much of the increase in Germany's arms production was actually due to systems instituted by Speer's predecessor (Fritz Todt) and furthermore that Speer was intimately involved in the "Final Solution". Hello. It is considered to be one of the most detailed descriptions of the inner workings and leadership of Nazi Germany but is controversial because of Speer's lack of discussion of Nazi atrocities and questions regarding . The Fhrer emerges as neither an incompetent nor a carpetgnawing madman but as an evil genius of warped concepts endowed with an ineffable personal magic. By the time Prisoner Number 5Albert Speerwalked out of Spandau Prison on 1 October 1966, he was known to the world as the "Good Nazi.". Study now. One thing that happened in early 1840 of Victoria time was that In July1932, the Speers visited Berlin to help out the Party before the Reichstag elections. Little remains of his personal architectural work. [123], In 1949, Wolters opened a bank account for Speer and began fundraising among those architects and industrialists who had benefited from Speer's activities during the war. [67] With Hitler's full agreement, he decided to prioritize tank production, and he was given unrivaled power to ensure success. Speer's full length portrait of Hitler has unnerving reality. [171] Brechtken said Speer only admitted to a generalized responsibility for the Holocaust to hide his direct and actual responsibility. The book was a worn, thick burgundy paperback, spine splintered in three parts, tiny print . Albert Speer, nemki arhitekt in politik, * 19. marec 1905, Mannheim, 1. september 1981, London, Zdrueno kraljestvo . [57] Speer succeeded Todt not only as Reich Minister but in all his other powerful positions, including Inspector General of German Roadways, Inspector General for Water and Energy and Head of the Nazi Party's Office of Technology. As a Nazi Party member, she had greatly enjoyed dining with Hitler. Speer's father ran one of the more prosperous architecture firms in the area. Albert Speer was a German architect famous for his time in the Nazi Party and for his close friendship with Adolf Hitler. After August 1944, oil from the Romanian fields was no longer available. [77], Speer and his hand-picked director of submarine construction Otto Merker believed that the shipbuilding industry was being held back by outdated methods, and revolutionary new approaches imposed by outsiders would dramatically improve output. [50] In his final statement at Nuremberg, Speer gave the impression of apologizing, although he did not directly admit any personal guilt and the only victim he mentioned was the German people. [99][169], Speer maintained at the Nuremberg trials and in his memoirs that he had no direct knowledge of the Holocaust. [42] Shortages of labor meant the construction workers had to work in ten-to-twelve-hour shifts. Instead, development turned to a "uranium motor", for use in the navy's submarines. Prisoners worked for Junkers, Messerschmitt, Henschel and BMW, among others. [54], In 1941, Speer was elected to the Reichstag from electoral constituency 2 (Berlin-West). This movie is based on Speer's autobiography of the same name. [48] He also said: " en route to my ministry on the city highway, I could see crowds of people on the platform of nearby Nikolassee Railroad Station. [121] There he was known as Prisoner Number Five. The public was fascinated by an inside view of the Third Reich and a major war criminal became a popular figure almost overnight. [6] He followed in the footsteps of his father and grandfather and studied architecture. On 20 July 1942, Speer was enrolled by order of Heinrich Himmler as a SS Man/member of. Speer's joint undertaking with the SS leadership resulted in the creation of Mittelwerk (Central Works) for underground production of the V-2. The house had a studio were Hitler (see Hitler parents) often came to draw his . The journalist described an invented scenario in which Speer had refused Hitler's orders and Hitler had left with tears in his eyes. Minister for Armaments. This was probably the start of the downfall of the Reich. [151] His daughter, Margret Nissen, wrote in her 2005 memoirs that after his release from Spandau he spent all of his time constructing the "Speer Myth". Inventing for Speer the post of General Inspector of Buildings, Hitler steadily promoted him to the point where other Nazi leaders and rivals believed that he might well become Hitler's successor. [177], The armaments "miracle" was a myth; Speer had used statistical manipulation to support his claims. Described by associates as ice cold. The large capital investment was not repaid in military effectiveness. Founded in 1999. [164] Brechtken said that if his extensive involvement in the Holocaust had been known at the time of his trial he would have been sentenced to death. Em 1946, ele foi julgado em Nuremberga e sentenciado a 20 anos de priso por sua participao no regime nazista, principalmente pelo uso de trabalho escravo nos campos de concentrao. Speer did not act on the request until mid-January 1943. [11] As such, Speer taught some of his classes while continuing his own postgraduate studies. In September 1945, he was told that he would be tried for war crimes, and several days later, he was moved to Nuremberg and incarcerated there. Speer with his children Albert and Hilde, front, and Margret, Arnold and Fritz, back. He assumed his German readers would not be so gullible and told them the Nazi Party offered a "new mission". For early access to our videos, discounted merch and many other exclusive perks please support us as a Patron or Member.Patreon: An architect by training, Speer joined the Nazi Party in 1931. Der er bare lige den hage ved Moritz Schramms morfar, at han var den kendte topnazist Albert Speer fra Hitlers inderkreds, og at han i dag anses for at vre en af Anden Verdenskrigs helt store forbrydere. Speer has paid his penance for his part of the inner circle and had come to the realization of Germany's reality during WWII. [26] Brechtken added that, throughout Speer's life, his central motives were to gain power, rule, and acquire wealth. At the end of July 1942, a lack of fuel brought Paulus to a halt at Kalach. [80], In December 1943, Speer visited Organisation Todt workers in Lapland, while there he seriously damaged his knee and was incapacitated for several months. When the commission was completed, Speer returned to Mannheim and remained there as Hitler took office in January1933. As an example, he wanted to be given power over all armaments issues under Hermann Gring's Four Year Plan. Speer described the personalities of many Nazi officials, including Joseph Goebbels, Hermann Gring, Heinrich Himmler, Rudolf Hess, Martin Bormann, and, of course, Hitler himself. Profile manager: Gordon Becker [ send private message ] Hosted by askropp and Frech. Speer was aided in shaping the works by Joachim Fest and Wolf Jobst Siedler from the publishing house Ullstein. Speer's desperate mother called Speer . They paid for Toni Proost to go on holiday, and for bribes to those who might be able to secure Speer's release. Albert Speer's account of all his experiences during the war was to me, totally fascinating. It takes the reader inside Nazi Germany on four different levels: Hitler's inner circle, National Socialism as a whole, the area of wartime production and the inner struggle of Albert Speer. In 1944, this became endemic; over half a million workers were arrested. ", The main body of the book effectively ends when Speer, by this point having joined Karl Dnitz's government seated in Schleswig-Holstein, receives news of Hitler's death. Fordonsmklarna Blocket, Kpop Groups That Start With Y, Arbetsgivardeklaration Individuppgift, What Happened To Katelyn Thornley, Josh Kesselman Net Worth 2020, How To Install Samsung Notes On Huawei, Finland Immigration For Skilled Workers, Albert Speer Brother Stalingrad, Ambulanshelikopter Pilot Ln, Ortopediska Arbetsskor, Raskatter Omplacering, Ekonomi Och Redovisningsassistent . Having served his full term, Speer was released in 1966. [1]:506,699701. BERLIN When Hilde Schramm inherited several paintings collected by her father, Hitler's chief architect and Armaments Minister Albert Speer, she was only sure of one thing: she did not want. Son of Albert Friedrich Speer and Luise Mathilde Wilhelmine (Hommel) Speer. His father, the son and grandson of architects, had joined the Nazi party in 1931 and soon . [90] By this time, 140,000 people were working in Speer's underground factories. [176] In 2007, The Guardian reported that a letter from Speer dated 23 December 1971, had been found in a collection of his correspondence with Hlne Jeanty, the widow of a Belgian resistance fighter. [75] By April 1943, Sauckel had supplied 1,568,801 "voluntary" laborers, forced laborers, prisoners of war and concentration camp prisoners to Speer for use in his armaments factories. Speer went on to quote Hitler as telling him privately after the remilitarization of the Rhineland, "We will create a great empire. He met Hitler and toured the damaged Chancellery before leaving Berlin to return to Hamburg. Speer (Albert Speer's brother) and his life. The existing Berlin railroad termini were to be dismantled, and two large new stations built. [61] By April 1942, Speer had persuaded Gring to create a three-member Central Planning Board within the Four Year Plan, which he used to obtain supreme authority over procurement and allocation of raw materials and scheduling of production in order to consolidate German war production in a single agency. [93] He opposed the assassination attempt against Hitler on 20 July 1944. [178] The production of armaments did go up; however, this was due to the normal causes of reorganization before Speer came to office, the relentless mobilization of slave labor and a deliberate reduction in the quality of output to favor quantity. Unsubstantiated rumors have claimed that the remains were used for other building projects such as the Humboldt University, Mohrenstrae metro station and Soviet war memorials in Berlin. The Battle of Stalingrad was a brutal military campaign between Russian forces and those of Nazi Germany and the Axis powers during World War II. Discussions on the personalities of the Wehrmacht and of the organizations not covered in the other sections. Albert Speer was a German architect who is known in the history as 'the man who built Nazi Germany' and also 'the Nazi who said sorry' for accepting moral responsibility of the atrocities his Nazi party committed. Importantly, he provided an alibi to older Germans who had been Nazis. [29] Speer modified Werner March's design for the Olympic Stadium being built for the 1936 Summer Olympics. The idea for this myth came to him after he recalled the panic when car fumes came through an air ventilation system. It was only on the urgent advice of his publisher that he added a mention of seeing the ruins of the Central Synagogue in Berlin from his car. After hearing Hitler speak at a Berlin . As "the Nazi who said sorry", he accepted moral responsibility at the Nuremberg trials . For Riyadh, Saudi Arabia, AS+P completes the planning of the Ministry of Commerce and Investment (MCI). Though stockpiling of materials and other work continued, this slowed to a halt as more resources were needed for the armament industry. [32], On 30 January 1937, Hitler appointed Speer as General Building Inspector for the Reich Capital. Post It is considered to be one of the most detailed descriptions of the inner workings and leadership of Nazi Germany but is controversial because of Speer's lack of discussion of Nazi . "[142] He supported Hermann, his brother, financially after the war. "[3], On the other hand, in a 1973 Bryn Mawr College review, Barbara Miller Lane wrote, "Scholars have observed so many gaps in his account of the operation of his ministry as to shed considerable doubt on the whole. [105] Speer ended them, though the army continued to blow up bridges. [27], When Troost died on 21 January 1934, Speer effectively replaced him as the Party's chief architect. Included in the building works was material to build gas chambers, crematoria and morgues. by PanzerKavallerie 27 Jul 2005, 16:15, Post [5] Speer was active in sports, taking up skiing and mountaineering. Berthold Konrad Hermann Albert Speer (/pr/; German: [pe] (listen); 19 March 1905 1 September 1981) was a German architect who served as the Minister of Armaments and War Production in Nazi Germany during most of World War II. His brothers names were Charles, Albert, Louis (Ludwig), and like so many other Germans his In the aftermath of the Night of the Long Knives, he had been commissioned to renovate the Borsig Palace on the corner of Vostrae and Wilhelmstrae as headquarters of the Sturmabteilung (SA). "[16] The historian Magnus Brechtken, discussing Speer, said he did not give anti-Jewish public speeches and that his anti-Semitism can best be understood through his actionswhich were anti-Semitic. Carefully measuring distance travelled each day, he mapped distances to the real-world geography. [141] He found himself unable to re-establish a relationship with his children, even with his son Albert who had also become an architect. Sauckel had whole villages in France, Holland and Belgium forcibly rounded up and shipped to Speer's factories. The journalist had unwittingly collaborated in one of his myths.

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albert speer brother stalingrad

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