characteristics of a corporation quizlet

The filing fee for Articles of Incorporation is $100. The companys ability to pay its current liabilities. \text{Direct labor}&22\\ i) Must be a quorum present They are kind to everyone. Organization costs, including legal fees, underwriters' fees for stock and bond issues, and incorporation fees, are recorded as an intangible asset and amortized over a period of time not to exceed 40 years. They remember their manners. Money that can be borrowed as you need it, which must be paid back with interest. is a company that is registered by a state and operates apart from its owners. Ability to raise large amounts of capital High ability 5. Privately held companies may have some restrictions on the transfer of stock. Microsoft. \text{Selling and administrative expenses (45\\\% variable)}&\underline{26}\\ Certain industries, such as banks, financial institutions, and gaming, are also subject to regulations from other governmental agencies. C) Actively helping plan the long-term direction and goals for the institution A corporation is treated as a person with most of the rights and obligations of a real person. a) Indenture sets out the companies full obligations to the creditors, the company has no fiduciary duty to creditors, their entire obligation and relationship is set forth in the K. In order to pierce the corporate veil, a P must prove (1) The owner has exercised such control that the corporation has become a mere instrumentality of the owner, which is the real actor; (domination) What are the advantages and disadvantages of the three types of business? ii) Income - Dividends = Retained earnings b) Responsible for establishing the terms of any stock options executives may get as compensation Removing #book# The five main characteristics of a corporation are limited liability, shareholder ownership, double taxation, continuing lifespan and, in most cases, professional management.. What are some features of a corporation quizlet? a) Unless the P can rebut the presumption, a court will evaluate the substantive merits of the action A) Waste only is "what the corporation has received is so inadequate in value that no person of ordinary, sound business judgment would deem it worth that which the corporation has paid" People pool their money together to buy a variety of stocks. Stockholders are agents for the corporation only if they are also employees or designated as agents. 6) Amend the Bylaws, Warrant gives the creditor the option to buy the stock by a particular time, for a particular price, and when this is exercise the corporation has to issue additional stock to cover the obligation, i) A bond is a loan to the company for a fixed period of time Top 9 Examples of Most Common Corporations. Which is a disadvantage of a corporate structure? Retrieve the 2016 Under Armour financial statements at by clicking on Filings and then searching for Under Armour under Company Filings. a) Company records in its books information concerning every transaction in which it's involved vii) Can elect tax treatment as partnership If she does not believe that the agent has the authority, the principal is under a duty to investigate (5) Common office space, address, and telephone numbers of corporate entities; $50 per unit One of the disadvantages of a corporate structure is the corporation pays its own tax burden on net income and then the stockholders pay income tax on the dividends they receive. The five main characteristics of a corporation are limited liability, shareholder ownership, double taxation, continuing lifespan and, in most cases, professional management. What are the 4 attributes of corporation? 2) A corporation is typically formed under the laws of a particular country, and is subject to the jurisdiction of the government in which it was created. An opportunity cost is next best choice you could have taken.). (credit). "A business that is able to nurture the same . a) Partnership is not a taxpaying entity. The duty to provide the faith and confidence and the duty of care, loyalty and obedience i) Directors, officers and controlling shareholders owe a fiduciary duty to the corporation; and through the corporation to the shareholders is a legal agreement to use the name and sell the products of a parent company in a designated geographic area. Competitive: I thrive under pressure. What are some of the characteristics of a corporation? a. Ownership is easily transferred through sale of stock 4. When you see the list of filings for the company, select the Form 10-K for 2016. D) Meeting materials are sent in advance, but board members do little or no preparation i) External affairs of a corporation are generally governed by the law of the place where the activities occur and by federal and state regulatory statutes rather than by the place of incorporation E) Knowing where the institution stands and staying abreast of its financial health a) It is less risk than common stock but more risk than debt 1) Here, analysts typically like a 1:1 ratio, suggesting you have as much equity as you owe debt, Accounting & Financial Reporting - Income Statement, A) Within a fiscal year the money that a company earns and the expenses it incurs and the result is the net income or net profit, and at the end of the fiscal year the net income is carried over to the total equity line on the balance sheet Previous The five main characteristics of a corporation are limited liability, shareholder ownership, double taxation, continuing lifespan and, in most cases, professional management. Examples of personal positive qualities: kind, gentle, strong, resilient, caring, assertive, hard-working, reliable, honest, practical, responsible, loyal, mature, creative, consistent, appreciative, capable, quick, sensitive, perceptive, patient, thoughtful, fit, trustworthy, shows initiative, motivated, versatile. 1) If they find no irregularities they offer a "clean" opinion that it represents fairly in all material aspects jmu women's field hockey roster 3) Accounts Receivable = amounts not yet collected from customers to whom goods have been shipped or services delivered d. The company pays cash dividends to shareholders. a market where stocks and bonds are traded. Positive character traits are those things that draw us to other people. 1) CEO and CFO must personally certify that the financial statements are in fact accurate, Accounting & Financial Reporting - Retained Earnings, A) The cumulative amount the company has retained from its products Kremlinomics: A financial buzz word used to describe economic policies which some view to be overly leftist. d. overhead costs. iii) Corporate managers who breach their fiduciary duties can be held personally liable for any losses they cause the corporation, i) In order to encourage directors to take risks on behalf of the corporation w/out fear of personal liability for any losses which may ensue, courts have developed this rule v) Personal liability Withdrawal or death of an owner does not cause termination. Thrifty (not wasteful!) a) Internal Auditor iii) At-will or definite period A closely held business has only a few shareholders. State laws usually include the requirements for issuing stock and distributions to stockholders. The liability of stockholders is limited to the amount each has invested in the corporation. By contrast, any investor with the necessary funds can buy stock in a publicly held firm . Good people understand that others need praise. Corporations have an indefinite life. A low inventory turnover. They think of others. Which is a characteristic of a generally accepted accounting principles? iv) Board of directors manage Who is the most powerful person in a corporation? iii) Officers = Agent/Principal The LLC can be considered as a partnership or sole proprietorship for income tax purposes. What will she spend in each stage of her life? Self-Managing It's hard to manage others effectively if you. Hard worker 4. acts, thinks, and feels in a way that matches some commonly accepted ?good? B) With contract creditors, plaintiffs will have had every opportunity to get personal guarantees in the contracts, or to protect themselves in the event that funds were not available; whereas, with a tort, it kind of just happens and you can't prepare for it The business entity carries on business activity on its own behalf. Dividends. A general corporation may have an unlimited number of stockholders that, due to the separate legal nature of the corporation, are protected from the creditors of the business. What is a relevant cost? i) Court's won't usually impose this strict approach on contract creditors, but they may do it for financial institutions or lenders, Piercing the Corporate Veil -- Equitable Ownership of the Corporation, A) An individual who exercised sufficient control over the corporation may be deemed to be an "equitable owner," notwithstanding the fact that the individual is not a shareholder of the corporation C) Rationale is that if a corporation used its own treasury funds then s/h who produce revenue for the corporation could be supporting a politician they don't support. What is the nervous system tissue called? v) Common shareholders elect board and vote on major matters These characteristics are as follows: Capital acquisition. It can be easier for a corporation to acquire debt and equity, since it is not constrained by the financial resources of a few owners. The customer makes $20,000 in labour income when they are young. \text { Output } & \text { TC } & \text { MC } \\ (6) The degree of discretion shown by the allegedly dominant corporation; Characteristics of Entrepreneurs 1.Risk taker 2. Limited liability 5. D: Which of the following is true with regard to the characteristics of corpora- tions? They can exist until the business decides to terminate. When elderly, the customer uses savings acquired over the years. Lovrek Company pays salaries of $12,000 every Monday for the preceding 5-day week (Monday through Friday). Rather, it is, as its name indicates, a statute that is intended to be a model for statute legislatures when adopting or amending an actual corporate law. Corporation management (can be separate from ownership). Corporate Authority -- Directors, you are not independent if You are not independent if The communication of thoughts, information, perceptions, and opinions among individuals is a continuous cycle in professional, personal, and business settings. - a. This statement is true. 1) A principal advantage of the corporate form is that a shareholders potential loss is limited to the amount that she invested in the enterprise. The five main characteristics of a corporation are limited liability, shareholder ownership, double taxation, continuing lifespan and, in most cases, professional management. B) Board members don't hold the CEO or management team accountable for actions or inactions The five main characteristics of a corporation are limited liability, shareholder ownership, double taxation, continuing lifespan and, in most cases, professional management. Examine these ideal beliefs and significance weights, and then create a verbal description (i.e., concept) of a new brand for these items that would satisfy this student's needs. ii) The idea of the internal affairs doctrine is that we need at least some core that is predictable so we can know if managers need to be elected by a majority or a plurality - McDermott Inc. v. Lewis. a) The ratification only applies to that specific transaction, does not create future authority, 1) The majority of directors should be independent of the company and its management Separation of owners and entity (no mutual agency). Select one: a. Question: Which of the following is true with regard to the characteristics of corporations? all the positive, good character traits, at least: Strong (mentally!) Influential leaders have a wide collection of skills, including self-confidence, reliability and honesty. ii) Bookkeeping works within following three categories Life span. b) Action is brought against the corporation for failure to bring an action in law against some third party, most often an alleged careless or unfaithful manager, who is also a defendant in the suit Owners elect a board of directors to set corporate policies and select officials to manage the corporation 6. (adsbygoogle = window.adsbygoogle || []).push({}); Copyright 2023 Find what come to your mind. 2022-11-23. All corporations are owned by groups of investors. The following independent situations require professional judgment for determining when to recognize revenue from the transactions. i) Factors a business that uses mostly labor to offer intangible products. D) Setting clear policies and monitoring the institution's operations for compliance iv) Each partner has an equal voice In addition, Euro has made the order conditional on receiving European safety certification. \begin{array}{lr} a) You have been an employee of the company, or a family member has been an executive of the company Cheerful : I develop a positive work environment. Stockholders legally own the corporation, but they manage the corporation indirectly through a board of directors they elect. It is a team of people, including suppliers of money and labor, who work together to earn a return on their investment. You can begin building your success by developing these 11 must-have traits of a powerful and successful leader. iii) BJR creates a presumption that, "in making a business decision, the directors of a corporation acted on an informed basis, in good faith, and in the honest belief that the action was taken in the best interest of the company 3M. a) *Current ratio = Current Assets / Current Liabilities* 4) Was made by a director or directors w/ a personal interest in the decision; or Separate legal existence 2. Within 90 days of filing, the initial statement of information is due and costs $25. 1) Cash = money in the till and money in demand deposits in the bank Legal status 5. Owner liability 8. Identify the two types of relevant costs. Upon conversion of all the bonds, Bridgewater Corp. recorded the$160,000 premium as a reduction of paid-in capital. ii) Formed by operating agreement and filing articles of organization This statement is true. Which is characteristic of a limited liability company ( LLC )? These taxes are substantial; they can amount to more than 40% of taxable income publicly held corporation ii) Bond is a K that is governed by the terms and the K and the terms are set forth in what is called an Indenture vi) No member liability Additional taxes Corporations must pay federal and state income taxes as a separate legal entity. A company shareholder is personally liable for the debt of the corporation. Stakeholder theory of the modern corporation. Terms in this set (8) The five main characteristics of a corporation are limited liability, shareholder ownership, double taxation, continuing lifespan and, in most cases, professional management. B) Cash flow just makes certain type of adjustments as to which components of the statement reflect where cash is going in and going out 2) Even if the corporation does well, the holder of the debt security only receives a fixed payment A corporation is subject to numerous state and federal regulations. High Fence Whitetail Hunts Nestled in the hills of south central Kentucky lies an oasis of trophy whitetail bucks and the best Kentucky deer hunting you've ever seen. Living, $475.75; fixed,$679.65; share of annual, $291.17. It may be established as a profit making or nonprofit organization and may be publicly or privately held. Some refer to it as a legal person.. i) A non-shareholder defendant may be, "in reality" the equitable owner of a corporation where the non-shareholder defendant "exercises considerable authority over the corporation to the point of completely disregarding the corporate form and acting as though its assets are his alone to manage and control", Piercing the Corporate Veil -- Parent-Subsidiary Corporation, A) *Alter Ego Doctrine* Allows the imposition of liability on a corporation for the acts of another corporation when the subject corporation is organized or operated as a mere tool or business conduit B) Represents the difference/surplus between revenues and cost b) Typically, preferred stockholders will receive a fixed dividend payment although the declaration of a preferred stock dividend is also at the discretion of the board of directors a) The corporation pays taxes, not individuals Most corporate detectives avoid terms like spying and espionage, preferring the more dignified label "competitive intelligence", but whatever they call it, snooping on business rivals has become an entrenched sub-industry. What are 3 characteristics of corporations? What are the characteristics of a good person? What are 3 characteristics of corporations? Government regualtions. Brightstone is evaluating a special order from a European automobile company, Euro Motors, Euro is offering to buy 20,000 tires for$116 per tire. What is an example of a business that would have a high inventory turnover? F) Meetings are characterized by little or no discussion, or board members go out of their way to avoid conflict, resulting in rubber stamping Ability to increase capital by selling stocks. The filing fee for Articles of Incorporation is $100. bookmarked pages associated with this title. (1) Disregard of corporate formalities; ii) A corporation's board of directors generally may sell authorized but unissued stock on whatever terms it decides reasonable. Produce goods used by other businesses or organizations to make things, type of commercial business that use mostly labor to offer intangible products to satisfy consumer needs. Limited to their investment. A corporation is a legal entity, meaning it is a separate entity from its owners who are called stockholders. Terms in this set (8) Separate Legal Existence. C. The title of the corporation is limited by the death of the owner Which of the following is a characteristic of a limited liability company (LLC)? A number of characteristics distinguish a corporation from a sole proprietor or partnership. b. setup time Will consumption remain the same over the course of the consumer's life? A corporation can sell shares to new investors, and larger entities can issue bonds to obtain a significant amount of debt financing. - b.$55 per unit Additional taxes. Duration of life 3. The par value of corporate shares issued represents a corporations legal capital. So, the minimum grand total for forming a California corporation is $125. Partnership income and expenses are said to "flow/pass through" to the partners in proportion to their ownership interests. The characteristics of an S corporation differ from that of an ordinary corporation in a number of ways. Versatile. What are 2 characteristics of a corporation? Characteristics of a corporation include a alimited lifespan b. direct management by the shareholders (owners) c its inability to own property shareholders who have limited liability 22. Example #7 ? What are the characteristics of a corporation quizlet? In a corporation, one stockholder cannot jeopardize other stockholders through poor decision making. Courteous : I care about workplace atmosphere. The five main characteristics of a corporation are limited liability, shareholder ownership, double taxation, continuing lifespan and, in most cases, professional management. 5 What are the 4 attributes of corporation? Capital acquisition. Published on 22 Oct 2018. often referred to as a closely held corporation, usually has only a few stockholders, and does not offer its stock for sale to the general public. Capital acquisition. CHARACTERISTICS OF A CORPORATION 1. A) The corporation is a separate legal person, but can neither sue nor be sued. These characteristics are as follows: Capital acquisition. Issued represents a corporations legal capital corporation indirectly through a board of directors they elect as a or... Copyright 2023 Find what come to your mind California corporation is $ 100 acts, thinks, larger! Vote on major matters These characteristics are as follows: capital acquisition setup time will consumption remain same... Through Friday ) is true with regard to the characteristics of an s corporation differ from that an., who work together to earn a return on their investment can building! 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characteristics of a corporation quizlet

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