explain recursion to a non technical person

Let your listener digest. Some software engineers balk at the idea of speaking with non-technical stakeholders. However, it is important to impose a termination . Azure DevOps and git admin with a weird interest in rsums and portfolios Another way to describe recursion is linguistic recursion. You open the box only to find more boxes. really simple language. Learn more about Stack Overflow the company, and our products. Do it properly, and the chances of success are so much higher. How is it obvious to use this type of recursion? Why must a product of symmetric random variables be symmetric? Cracking the Coding Interview states that "All recursive algorithms can [also] be implemented iteratively" in its section on approaching technical interview problems using recursion.. When singer, e.g. If the piece of fish fits in your pan, you're done, Follow "Fish-Cutting-Steps" for each half. Once unpublished, all posts by sloan will become hidden and only accessible to themselves. Awareness of your own industrys jargon is a great place to begin improving this area of your communication. Finally, it is very useful to introduce some silence into your explanations. Well, instead of asking people to meet your standards, follow the platinum rule and adjust to their comfort zone. This particular concern goes beyond developers giving a presentation to the marketing department. The relative complexity of your message doesnt mean you cant be a good storyteller or convey your information with an easy, fun, or memorable approach. The pile of boxes is saved on the stack. Recursion is the process of defining a problem (or the solution to a problem) in terms of (a simpler version of) itself. Although it may be second nature for you to throw out acronyms like GCP and DBMS, certain terminology may confuse or disengage the less technically savvy members of your audience. The recursive function's structure can often be modeled after the definition of the recursive data structure it takes as an input. I believe it's better for everyone if a software developer uses proper . The communication skills necessary to present knowledge-specific information to non-techies is growing in necessity. Those same software engineers often have all of the raw material to be great communicators. Please enable Javascript and refresh the page. Are functional languages better at recursion? Take some time to make sure your audience understands the context of the situation.. Recursion is the process of repeating items in a self-similar way. The best answers are voted up and rise to the top, Not the answer you're looking for? There are probably even better examples to be found on the web. k6 = k5 +1 The course (and also this article) is based on the amazing book Grokking Algorithms by Adit Bhargava. Otherwise, youll lose their attention and trust faster than you can build it. This process once again gets on and on until the person before grandma knows how many people are before him and replies the same to you. Oh no they wont, they will just remember how much more they will hate eating broccoli! 2^2 = 2^1*2 = 2*2 =4 Let me try to explain with an example. When it gets a number the first thing it does is look to see if the number is 1, if it is 1 then we just return 1 since the factorial of 1 is 1. Engineering Computer Science Write a Recursive Algorithm for given Heapify Problem: Specifications: Precondition: The input is a balanced binary tree such that its left and right subtrees are heaps. When you have a lot of data or information to share, resist feeding it to your audience with a firehose. 2^5 = 2^4*2 code of conduct because it is harassing, offensive or spammy. For instance, you may want to write a count down function. What the recipient of these blueprints cares about is the context (that the remodel design will allow more people to fit in the same office space) and the impact (the company saves money by not having to lease a second building). Are you trying to convince your CMO that no-code platforms for citizen developers will dramatically reduce the product backlog? Cookie Notice This is a BETA experience. This button displays the currently selected search type. Sometimes this means coming up with useful analogies that explain an idea in a way that is relatable. 3. Think of each slide in the context of how it will guide your audience along the journey from point A to point B.. Take whatever the topic is, and think of something completely non-technical that they would understand, and explain it to them that way. Well, recursion is actually pretty simple to grasp for kids. In c++ please with clear indentation thank you so much Write the simplest program that will demonstrate iteration vs recursion using the following guidelines - Write two primary helper functions - one iterative (IsArrayPrimeIter) and one recursive (IsArrayPrimeRecur) - each of which Takes an array of integers and its size as input params and returns a bool such that 'true' ==> all elements of . A Canadian software developer who thinks hes funny. Most people, especially software engineers, struggle with communicating an idea or concept. 24 likes Reply George Marr Oct 7 '18 Edited on Oct 7 Imagine you go to open a room, but the room is locked. This is the base case, where the recursion stops. Ill show you how to help your stakeholders understand what a database is. Any attempt to draw attention to their non-technical nature might be wrong (they might be very technically capable in other fields - just not websites) and, in any case . Knowing that your vocabulary is full of incomprehensible words is great, but from there you must figure out how to explain a technical term or concept in a non-technical way. (1) You must remember which terms are common English and which are technical jargon. And if those kids are fairly competent iterative programmers, they may also resist the new technique, as they feel perfectly comfortable solving problems without it. The communication skills necessary to present knowledge-specific information to "non-techies" is growing in necessity. Tail recursion is a form of linear recursion. We were founded in 1993 and are based in Ann Arbor, Michigan. You can either spend half a meeting going over the heads of the audience as you try to describe the functional differences between your companys iOS app and web app versions, or you can put some pictures up on the screen to easily illustrate your point. But Logo allows you to trivially make neat fractals. How does the NLT translate in Romans 8:2? Why are non-Western countries siding with China in the UN? Find out if you're ready for PM interviews, 2,500+ product manager interview questions. @muntoo And I learned multiplication when I was in Kindergarten. Others to try: remembering to always turn at the end to face the same direction as in the beginning. Process arbitrarily large lists without explicit recursion or abstract list functions? Both approaches accomplish the same thing. He called this 'regression towards mediocrity'. Don't try it with mathematics or whatever the other people here are suggesting. Thank you for sharing. This publication will focus on sharing success stories and tips on how to deliver a world-class stakeholder experience in data analytics. Are you sure you want to hide this comment? Let your listener digest. They don't know either, and ask the person in front of them. This is a widely used idea in data structures and algorithms to solve complex problems by breaking them down into simpler ones. In recursion, a program repeatedly calls itself until a condition is met, while in iteration, a set of instructions is repeated until a condition is met. Use something non-code related, such as matryoshka dolls as a methaphore to explain the basic approach behind recursion. It should reinforce these recursion concepts. Whatever the situation, storytelling is more persuasive than facts alone. While you are talking with a non-technical audience, you also have to be observing. #include<bits/stdc++.h> using namespace std; // Recursive function to find factorial of given . A Cannabis Product For Every Holiday - Good Idea or No? This has the advantage that you can teach your child recursion while eating. I help moderate content and welcome new users to this platform. If sloan is not suspended, they can still re-publish their posts from their dashboard. Unflagging sloan will restore default visibility to their posts. I mean, come on, adding a couple numbers is fine, but there are probably like 50 numbers in this deck of cards. Donations to freeCodeCamp go toward our education initiatives, and help pay for servers, services, and staff. I know it's a shitty explanation but it's all I could really come up with off the top of my head. Concerning the "why you would use it": Does this matter to non-programmers? Explain concept of 'recursion' to grandma? Python Recursion. Sometimes this means coming up with useful analogies that explain an idea in a way that is relatable. With you every step of your journey. If not, you might consider providing a reference guide for any technical acronyms and terms youll be using during your presentation or incorporating those definitions into your slides. In Ruby we can then test it by asking for the factorial of 5 (which we know is 120). can you explain it simply and describe it with an analogy. This particular concern goes beyond developers giving a presentation to the. The second way uses recursion. It will become hidden in your post, but will still be visible via the comment's permalink. I do think that the skill of communicating technical ideas can be learned. It will help give you a home base for direction, so if you start to sway too deep into a topic, you can pull yourself back and cater to the needs of the listener. Speaking of patronizing, its easy to misjudge your listeners technical level. Done. Interested in Computer Vision. If you learn best through videos, consider buying my course. However, you can alleviate the underlying tension by admitting to your audience that you have no clue how to prepare a financial forecast, how to deal with an angry customer, or how to match their own technical prowess. Knowing that your vocabulary is full of incomprehensible words is great, but from there you must figure out how to explain a technical term or concept in a non-technical way. We also have thousands of freeCodeCamp study groups around the world. I'm sure smart kids won't have problems to recognize analogies. Tear them apart and you'll find that the smaller parts will turn out to look like the big whole you once had, just smaller. Written content and verbal explanations are both essential ways to communicate ideas. You are too lazy to count, so you ask the person in front of you. I ran into an issue with my Dockerfile when using it on a Linux machine, setting a platform fixed the issue, You have read a guide to doing Postgres exports or imports and seen --no-owner, this is what it means. Remember, recursion is where a function calls itself. Focus on the initiatives and pain points that your audience cares most about, and your interactions will have a much greater impact with executives and other non-technical employees at your organization. (divide and conquer) then use a simple visual example side by side with the code to explain how this relates to recursion in code. k8 = k7 +1. Dont use boring stock photos or charts that fail to express your message clearly and quickly. If recursion still doesnt seem simple to you, dont worry: Im going to go over a few more examples. This continues until i equals zero. Your non-technical person needs to make a decision. It is not easy though, that's why people resort to workarounds as dumbing down content or abusing of metaphors or even refraining from sharing the information altogether. k5 = k4 +1 if he doesn't get fibonacci, then get him to understand the math before explaining the code. You have the numbers on a stack of index cards, one number on each card. . Just what does the listener already understand? (That is, it is a heap except that its root might not be larger than that of its children.) If you skip over this step, you really are not even turning your translator on. There are three main components to be aware of when speaking to a non-technical audience. Built on Forem the open source software that powers DEV and other inclusive communities. Then use various "basic shapes". You can use it to display mathematical concepts. Imagine you go to open a room, but the room is locked. Some concepts are just hard to explain in words. Once unsuspended, sloan will be able to comment and publish posts again. Some might be auditory and better able to keep up with the conversation. 2^3 = 4*2 = 8 They keep one card for themselves and ask somebody else to add up the rest of the cards And so on down the line (fortunately your school is pretty overcrowded and you have a lot of classmates) until somebody is handed just one card and asked to add "them" up. Does With(NoLock) help with query performance? If you continue to explain and simplify until the lightbulb goes off, youll be certain that you and your audience are on the same page. Framing the problem is half the battle. That sounds like a lot of work. we would really appreciate it if you could let people know about the I hope this article brought you more clarity about recursion in programming. One problem here, of course, is that this . Thinking about how you would explain something to a child may seem patronizing, but it is often a workable approach. The second-to-last person takes that number and adds it to the card they kept, and tells it to the person who asked them. Heres one aspect of communication skills that is highly valued and easy to improve: your ability to explain a technical subject to a non-technical person. You're late for work and you really need to get in the room to get your shirt. And finally, to truly understand recursion, you must read this article again. As such, tail recursive functions can often be easily implemented in an iterative manner; by taking out the recursive call and replacing it with a loop, the same effect can . Apologies for any BrainStackOverflowExceptions. First, then, a not-too-serious dictionary deinition: Recursion (r-kr'-zhn) noun. I still belive he has much greater chance with cartoons then with Fibonacci or any other mathematical concept (which might draw even greater confusion). This course breaks down what recursion is, why you would and wouldn't want to use it, and shows a variety of examples for how it can be used. Then, when you are ready to take something off, you always take off the top item. Consider as well that your peers will likely have various preferences in learning styles. If a listener cant take away something helpful from a piece of information, then its a sign to zoom out and focus on the bigger picture. To start, whats the most important takeaway? If you provide us with your mobile phone number we may send you limited texts related to your submission. a : not related to technique or technical skills or subjects Most of the criticism focused on nontechnical aspects of carenot whether the diagnosis or surgery was correct but on the overall experience of the patient. You need to get that shirt soon, so you have to think of a good algorithm to find that key. People from all areas have to explain industry details to stakeholders who might not know the jargon. You can customize your theme, font, and more by creating your DEV account. They are too young to understand it. When daddy drives the car, it's "normal call". "basic approach behind recursion" is NOT "divide and conquer" -- it is "code reuse" :). You do not use the Fibonacci example to explain the meaning of recursion, but use it for explaining the power of use of recursion. So you need an algorithm to find the key! How much of what you were told went right over your head? Possible Duplicate: Site design / logo 2023 Stack Exchange Inc; user contributions licensed under CC BY-SA. Any object in between them would be reflected recursively. I will show you the call stack in action with the factorial function. Where the term self-reliant suggests a person or persons who have acquired a certain level of expertise without necessarily being professionals. (1) You must remember which terms are common English and which are technical jargon. The second step is figuring out ways to explain often quite complex concepts in lay terms. n=0 is the base case, and we simply return 1 if it's true. This will give the kid something tangible to grasp at. The first step is finding within yourself the patience and willingness to translate your information into non-technical terms. Data Concierge | Delivering a World-Class Stakeholder Experience in Data Analytics | Engaged 100+ stakeholders in healthcare, etc. But there is no pile in the recursive approach. Half of the students didn't understand what's this thing and why do we need it. Something you have to look out for when writing a recursive function is an infinite loop. And trust me: They'll understand it in no time. It associates various information with domain names assigned to each of the associated entities. If you can come up with and explain the idea for a simple program to solve towers of hanoi in a few minutes, you probably understand recursion well enough to pass most technical interviews. The equation of a straight line ()y = mx + b Where, if you were to imagine a straight line (as shown above), m: The slope of the line (The angle at which the line is turned) b: The intercept (On the Y-Axis, how much higher or lower is the line) y: The dependent/ target variable (The value we want to predict) x: The independent/ predictor variable (The variable that we use to make the prediction) Python. Before you give your presentation, go through each point you intend to make and ask yourself, What does this give the listener? A topic is more digestible when the audience understands how it is relevant to their lives. Write down the steps to cut the fish so it fits in the pan. Jul 16, 2018. Remember, the first method was iterative using loops. Stack Exchange network consists of 181 Q&A communities including Stack Overflow, the largest, most trusted online community for developers to learn, share their knowledge, and build their careers. Reddit and its partners use cookies and similar technologies to provide you with a better experience. How much IT exposure have they had? So here the base condition is to know a person who knows how many are standing before. It means that a function calls itself. The condition that terminates the further call of the function by defining the termination state is called the base condition. If you learn best through books, get the book! Explain Like I'm Five: What's a standard library? Something like this: We accomplish this by creating thousands of videos, articles, and interactive coding lessons - all freely available to the public. Lets say, for example, that you were suggesting the adoption of new patching, suppressing, and monitoring protocols for your network, you should focus your discussion on how exposure to cyberattacks cost U.S. businesses $654 billion in lost capital in 2018 alone rather than going on and on about the latest authentication process technologies. Like, number of legos in a box after applying the next step in the algorithm (which I'd advice to call something less scary, such as a turn or a step). Use a mathematical monster like the Julia or Mandebrot set in fractal form. Say we need to write a program that lets us work out the factorial of a number. Once unpublished, this post will become invisible to the public and only accessible to Sloan the DEV Moderator. In programming languages, if a program allows you to call a function inside the same function, then it is called a recursive call of the function. Crucially, recursive functions can propagate information through multiple calls by passing variables around. Here's what I just thought of: Ask the kid to find out the name of his great-great-great-granddad. Get started, freeCodeCamp is a donor-supported tax-exempt 501(c)(3) charity organization (United States Federal Tax Identification Number: 82-0779546). With some planning, non-technical audiences will begin to applaud your efforts and really learn what you're trying to teach them, instead of becoming frustrated and complaining about your efforts to their bosses. As you put together your presentation, always keep your objective or purpose in mind. Recursion is the process of defining something in terms of itself. Recursive Definitions Sometimes it is possible to define an object (function, sequence, algorithm, structure) in terms of itself. So good luck. But that termcommunication skillsis so broad that it can be hard to figure out what you should work to improve. Many of the key stakeholders who are consulted for software product input may not be technical. The short answer is that Recursion is basically whenever a function calls itself, usually with a different input passed to the child function. Prefer: and again, and again, and again Pan it out so he's getting the impression he's playing a game. Any function which calls itself is called recursive function, and such function calls are called recursive calls. This site requires Javascript to verify that you are a human. What they will comprehend is a simple statement explaining that users will be able to request refunds more easily, alleviating stress on the accounting department. You may opt-out by. Children should be able to pick it up. Well-known Google joke featuring recursion. Recursion is a process in which a function calls itself, either directly or indirectly. If you dont have your own relatable or relevant story, use anecdotes taken from recent events or industry publications that fit your needs. Those functions are pretty useful to apply a repeating behaviour to a serie of data. if you want to explain to an 8 year old recursion, use the linear series Example PM technical interview question "How would you describe an API to a non-technical person?" This is a reasonable question to expect at a company that has a . You don't need to code to work in tech! Let me demonstrate this by calculating the sum of all the elements of a list recursively: When it comes to hiring or promoting a software engineer, communication skills can be used as the tie-breaker between two equally talented people. software engineer, motorcyclist, bass guitar player, C++ fanatic, video game maker, working on my own scripting language, experienced developer * passionate about teaching, University of Pennsylvania - MSE in Computer and Electrical Engineering. Are they in a creative field? Among todays career professionals, developers and engineers have some of the most impressive skill sets around, honed by years of tech training and real-world experience. The 4 phases of the project management life cycle, The go-to toolkit for effortless documentation, improve one's ability to synthesize information by 36%. There are three main components to be aware of when speaking to a non-technical audience. Sometimes this means simplifying the concept, i.e. Whenever you need to talk about code or present technical information, always strive to make your audience feel more comfortable. target number the number we know the step to the next element. 1,2,3,4,5,.. and tell him: Recursion is quite complicated in terms of resolving and monitoring the values at each recursive call. Should I include the MIT licence of a library which I use from a CDN? We also know that from looking at our 5 * 4 * 3 * 2 * 1 = 120 example that if we knew the factorial of 4 (4 * 3 * 2 * 1 = 24) we could just write 5 * 24 = 120. How did Dominion legally obtain text messages from Fox News hosts? A medical practice has it's own patient database and appointment scheduling system used by it's admin and medical staff. Can coding just be a job or does it have to effect my whole lifestyle? . This is similar to a stack of books. I was speaking with respect to the average. Sign upto receive our technical articles in your email inbox. 542), How Intuit democratizes AI development across teams through reusability, We've added a "Necessary cookies only" option to the cookie consent popup. We have called this method factorial and it will work with the number we give it. A recursive function requires two parts: a recursive call and a base case. Examples: Recursive definition of an arithmetic sequence: - an= a+nd - an =an-1+d , a0= a Recursive definition of a geometric sequence: xn= arn xn = rxn-1, x0 =a You cant access a different functions copy of x. Lets briefly go back to the original example about looking in nested boxes for a key. One extra approach that might work is to work out, with him, the algorithm that solves a tower of Hanoi, a rubics cube, or even a simple puzzle (do a simple puzzle with the picture facing the floor, and you'll quickly end up working like a computer, trying combinations one at a time). Research suggests a visual can increase your memory of a piece of information by 65% versus 10% by hearing it alone and improve one's ability to synthesize information by 36%. If that somebody isnt you, then someone else with equal technical skill may be perceived as more valuable. something he can draw, like a Koch Snowflake or one of its variations. If that somebody isnt you, then someone else with equal technical skill may be perceived as more valuable. Tail Recursion: If a recursive function calling itself and that recursive call is the last statement in the function then it's known as Tail Recursion. You add things one at a time. Read this sentence and do what it says twice. Tips on how to help your stakeholders understand what a database is but still! Do it properly, and such function calls itself is called recursive function to find of... K5 +1 the course ( and also this article ) is based the. Monitoring the values at each recursive call it out so he 's getting the impression he playing. Portfolios Another way to describe recursion is where a function calls itself, directly. They kept, and more by creating your DEV account you don & # x27 ; can it! 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explain recursion to a non technical person

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