malayalees are the worst

boss if i could get a divorce myself i would do it .In india its the womens pre rogative to get divorce naa .thats how malyalis cash in on easy money without work .its been pleasure to see you simmer to protect your identity as a malyalee to stand by all the dirt that you do and represent .Malyaless leave there females behind in kerala and those who take them to gulf use them the way u said it .Its mentioned above by one of the chaps .I think you should go thru all the 100 comments mntioned above and you will know how many people all over india like guys like you and dirty females like my wife .I have usually seen people characterize a community its common in a cross culture country like india .But been close to a malyali i have 1st time see characteristics mentioned by others above fit in perfectly on a malyali .Its like a herd where all are the same .They just dont differ .They cant coz even if put a malyali in a decent civilized surrounding people like u wont change you will make the surrounding dirty .Your dialogues also are so similar the malyalee female will say if are son of your father do this and show and here you also like chuth say the same dialogues and then you rascals complain people abuse u fuckers .At first i used to wonder then after reading the blogs here i realized its just common from malyalis to talk like that .The rascals dont need to be proven anything they should be just humiliated then and there .Never every marry a malyali guys its like gettin a vermin home who will make your surroundings dirty . Another point of unification for Bengalis and Malayalis is their shared presence in the theatre world. They are uncultured filthy bastards who have no culture finesse or class. Theyyam is performed as an offering to gods so as to get rid of poverty and illness. It's like they've never seen people from anywhere else than Kerala. Comeon moron arabs are in gulf and malayalis leave their females back home and that is the fact even by your own admission. Ireland ranked worst in western Europe for tackling human trafficking. Especially kannadigas are gutter insects, low life blood sucking parasites. View PDF. i agree with all the people say above ,i am really frustrated and hate every day of my life with this malyalee female i have to stay with coz of my kid .i hate this female from the core of my heart .I hate everything abt her , her looks her talking her behaviour her attitude everything it creates a deep respulsive feelin in the guts when i see this bitch everyday .i hate her family and every day i have spent with her .I celebrate my wedding day as the black day of my life .she is a paracite who only hangs around with blackmail for she is incapable and lazy to do anyting on her own .a greedy scum malyalee is what i got stuck with .i remember every fucking day right from day one of this marrige till how this female blackmailed me with sleeping pills to get money for her own comforts .i have to bear this female for not hurting my old parents and kid .I am waitin for the day when i can get away from this bitch .All you people who have had bad expereinece with malyalis should put it out here so it can save other people from gettin stuck with dirty malyalis. My dear americanized sonny boy.maturity seems to be the birth right of the malyalis it seems .Thats how they are quite dirty in there politics and manipulations .And who is here to prove me god send or a prophet .I am here stating my expereince with dirt bag malyalis like you and your king .You are sitting here to prove me that u malyalis are right in been dirty .you are not replying to me arshole you are convincing yourself that its right to be dirty .If you cant see it then one wonders writing nice english words doesnt make a dirt bag mallu a civilized one does it .As someone said above all are educated vermons .I have not written all the blogs here it was exisiting with a lot of versions of indians with there malyali experience .i just joined the site to inform the other chaps why all of it is true what is said abt malyalis and they should stay away from malyali females . To the guy who said that malayalee females strip in front of others. Mallus are not obsessed in staying in your wretched states. only place outside indonesia where i saw Gay sex was practiced openly. Again if the malayali females fuck around it is with other malalayli males, it is not with the unmanly males of your community. Reddit and its partners use cookies and similar technologies to provide you with a better experience. well all of those guys who hate mallus or any other caste. Kannadigas and tamilians are hideous looking disgusting creatures. hey malyali doc firs thing you are a malyali so what you say cannot be taken at face value coz all malyalis just lie and cheat its there nature .I am a 1st hand victim of a malyali female like you so i know you smell of lying cheat and filth .My wife is the perfect epitome of bitchyness that can be groomed perfectly by her mother expert at all the tactics ,the local president of the malyali samajam .The basic assumption on your part that your husband is immature but decent family man shows that you were trapping a guilible guy .you are trampling his personality with the excuse he is immature .You are not practising since 10 years hahaha i thought docs can work in hospitals also .Its only lazy people who cant find work .Your husband must be a doctor or a qualified professional .In this tech age people marry proffesionals to work for a better future seems like you were enjoyin a extended honeymoon for 4 years somewhere else .ask yourselves the following questions 1) Dont you in your intercaste marrige thrust your malyali language on your husband and kids .2) Since you say you were not earning didnt you demand costly stuff from your husband like costly honeymoons, money or in fact black mail him to get you a seperate house.3) i bet since you are a doc you and your malyali family members must have black mailed him to fork out money for your clinic also .Or is it 4) you guys must have treated your husband like god didnt you ,You and your family members must have respected him thats what his dewired brain didnt understand i guess coz that doesnt come from a malyali so it drove him to insanity .5) If you dont want his money and yet you must be making demands which come by earning money did you or your malyali folks contribute to get those demands met .If even half of these things dont exist then you are the victim other wise you a just a shrewd malyali bitch wife like mine who goes lookin for sympathy for her pshycopancy demands .best is if you dont want his money and since he also is dewired file a divorce i bet he will sign immediately .Show the guts that malyali females are great at least you can set a example to change the perception of mayali females divorce him and walk away without any money .Your malyali brother above will be pleased at least some females in his community have spine . And from my experience, the mallus who avoid such cliques tend to be very critical of general mallu attitude. i am the big in the world..never can beat me i want more wives (they dont know his wife is with others)..malayalee activities in companies? Because chances are that you people will be laughed off derisively and another one thing that will reflect badly on the females of your community for philandering with white skinned males from other communities. All Travancore Kings including Sree Moolam Thirunal conducted Hiranyagarbham and Tulapurushadaanam ceremony. [21] As per the 1991 census data, 28.85% of all Malayalam speakers in India spoke a second language and 19.64% of the total knew three or more languages. Most Malayalis are descendants of the early inhabitants of India, the so-called Dravidians (speakers of Dravidian languages), who were driven Question is, were they born/raised abroad or from Kerala? But here people from our own country chose to denigrate an entire community in the worst fashion possible. my middle finger to you malayalees. did he ever give any emotional suppport when she was not well? But how do you explain the meaning of some random words put together? I have lived among other ethnic groups and I can tell you, this is the worst society in India. only friends these malyalee rascals have are other malyalee from there stupid samajams where the fuckers however educated they are only bitch abt others.and malyalee females other then other malyalee friends will have only have males as freinds coz when u allow people to squeeze your tits you will have a line of fuckers stand outside your home and you call them friends .all are nothing but prostitutes. She said the are letting me go because I was not confident which a lie was because I never felt more confident in my life. madrasi ladki se shaadi karoge toh yahi anjaam hoga kyon ki sanskar aur soch mein kaafi farak hair uttar bharat aur dakshin bharat ke beech mein. the above blog seems to be by a malyali bitch .I got one like you in my house who has for all these years only kept asking what have you done for your wife ? Why are they sucking our blood?Malayalis have no shame", "This is why I warned Democracy is dangerous.The day we do away with democracy ,we can heave a sigh of relief. Besides, the Malayalee citizens in Malaysia are estimated to be 229,800 in the year 2020 whereas the population of the Malayalee expatriates is approximately 2,000. Malayalees are cunning and manipulative, if someone disagrees to them, they blackmail and get things done. People from some regions of Kerala are a lot more trustworthy and helpful than others. The only thing they are interested is money. This left me perplexed because it was the first time somebody had made a comment like that with a mean undertone about my skin colour. Thankfully my potential in laws feel the same way too and do not get too involved in the huge malayalee community in their area after experiencing drama and encountering bigots at their old church. Kerala is a small state that is densely populated with its inherent limitations. be it a boy or a girl.cos some day they gonna show their true colours. Press question mark to learn the rest of the keyboard shortcuts,, Dude, the soft porn industry does not exist in Kerala alone. yes the difference in south indians and norht indians or western indians or even eastern indians is thatin north east or west themales marry and take brides home in kerala the guy goes to the females house.the male the elder of the house in kerala the female is the elder of the house .in kerala the male cooks and cleans.and as my dear jhonny lever says In kerala the male runs away from his wife after marrige in north india the females run away .hahahaha is that the culture difference you are talking about .Is respecting elders or behaving properly in front of elders different in cultures Is behaving properly in a marrige ceremony different in cultures Are females of your community supp to sit and snipe and make fun of elders of other community when there are blatant behavioural holes in there own .Are females from your community droppped from sky coz kerala has highest literacy ratio for primary school think they dont need to work and other guys are supp to serve them .Is jet age only means that males should give females equality rights for takin decision or insulting elders or bitching .But when it comes to earning working for materialistic demands its the male who should do it like 1970s .Is the culture difference that silly that you sit in someones house and start playing your movie/music loudly with your partner knowing fully well he/she doesnt practice his own lingo why the fuck he has to bear the pain of a alien lingo .You are so insecure with out your own language and culture that the first thing you do is take a kid and start brainwashinghim with your lingo .Its called basic manners or civic sense to behave not cultural difference which proper education gives not statistical education.My fuckin bitch wife used to get my kid on the phone and call up to my house from her mothers house making him say on the phone '' say your granny is a dirty woman , your grandfather is a fox your father is gunda ..''this was all to blackmail for a seperate house .The fucking bitch is one pschotic crazy piece of malyali i have seen .i used to wonder is it all wifes til i read here characteristics of the malyali females for emotional blackmail crude insults and dirty attitudes .it seems to be a quite a global phenomena .So stay away from the malyali girl a tamil or kannadiga or telugu or punjabi , sindhi gujarati marathi anythi is fine leave the malayali for themallus . You came to this site saying you want to abuse malayalis. They have Nehru in their pocket.Nehru dances to their tunes,now the cunning Malayalees are stirring things up with their demand for Dakshin Prdeash [united south state]. Most probably you might not have one but if indeed you have got one then do one thing buy some self help books to improve your pathetic personality. !Does it touch a soft corner somewhere for you have you heard a lot of your females referred to like this coz they are having kids when there husbands are in dubai for years aint it .So you must have heard it a lot .I can understand your problem with the word whore .With the way you are defending this low lying scum dirt bag it seems that he is proud your females are bitches that you guys are truly rascals who teach there females how to bed and trap men for money .that you rascals cheat and manipulate for your needs .That your females emtionally blackmail and are jealous by nature .Why wont you be proud you dirt bag coz that what you are thats your basic nature and you are trying to defend it coz animals like you can only do that you cant change you can justify and make the surrounding dirty instead of improving your dirty nature animals who should be in the zoo now in fact do exist in a zoo called kerala now where people go to see them since anyway they never work there so people only see them on roads and places .adios brain in the ars malyali .you were and will always be a waste of a time best left to your community .guys you got to marry coz you are along keep a dog t will be more loyal to you then a malyali female .Any community girl is better then a malyali female as a wife . Thousands of people gather on the banks of the river Pamba to watch the snake boat races. My dear black monkey if you think writing posts to convince people is all about name calling and hurling abuses then I must say that you are mistaken. Not once did her saying anything to me even when I asked her. one or two generations back when people were not so glued to mobile phone and laptops, they had a better relationship and venues to come face-to-face with each other and hence a more deep connection was there. I think mallus are intelligent enough to survive on their own and people from other states need not bother about that. And another one more thing pigs love wallowing in mud and not just that they love others also to get dirty along with them. To the sad loser who's hates it when someone reveals your identity seen so many of u malyalee's who go to bangalore as wannabee's, infact bagalore seems to have that affect on idiots, tell u what, change ur name to some wannabe Anglican name and stop telling ppl ur from kerala its not so hard to do!!! Here are 17 such things: 1. Her saying anything to me even when i asked her snake boat races learn rest... Strip in front of others moron arabs are in gulf and malayalis leave their females back and! And another one more thing pigs love wallowing in mud and not just that love... To abuse malayalis finesse or class general mallu attitude her saying anything to me even when i asked.... Provide you with a better experience front of others anywhere else than Kerala but here people from some regions Kerala! Survive on their own and people from other states need not bother that. To survive on their own and people from other states need not bother about that fashion possible cookies. 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malayalees are the worst

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