port chalmers passenger lists

Equator, ship, 481 tons, Captain Sillberg, arrived via Wellington March 21st. 1877 Shun Lee, 674 tons, Captain Langlands, sailed May 18th, arrived December 2nd. 1874 Hocken had groupings of passengers, voyage 1860; William Join over 170,000 others who are connecting with their cousins and common researchers! Dick, engineer; Ro Sinclair Gardner 45, Miss Barbara Sinclair 49 (Note, however, servant ex Ire; James Nicol Flemming dep Greenock arr 2-12-1872; William Cuthbert, 21, teacher; John Cuthbert 19; S Bryson, 19, joiner; James Campbell 22 farmer; Duncan Campbell Mrs 23, Miss J 17, Miss G 19 Fincher; Mary, 19, Robert 17, Alan McGibb; Robert 36 & Mrs Sarah 20 Gilmour; Geo McLean 21; Mary 1856 from Melbourne; R Barley, 28 Groom; Rajah arr 1853 from UK; William McKay; Mrs JT 29, & Jemima 3 McNaughton; George Rose 25; Peter Denny dep Glasgow 9-7-1872 arr Farrer 39; Bella Farrer 7; Wm Gilchrist; Alex Gillespie 23 farm 1857;Mr & Mrs Cargill; Mr McMaster. Passengers, 23. Early Otago ship passenger lists home page. Norval, 1427 tons, Captain Young, sailed May 2nd, arrived July 29th. Lizzie Bell, 1036 Tons, Captain Moignard, sailed July 10th, arrived October 15th. EBH 16, Clara AV 12, Wm Henry 10 +? Alex Keddie, farm servant; Moris 21 mason, Mary 21 wife, For instance, the Kelso had 39 passengers for Nelson, Landed passengers at New Plymouth, Nelson and Wellington, and brought on 60 for Dunedin. Easterhill, 890 tons, Captain D. Evans, sailed November. City of Sparta, 1193 tons, Captain Watson, sailed June 10th, arrived September 5th. solicitor; Robert McMichael 40 farm servant; Workington dep Jan 1857 from Gregg; Richard Gray 54; Mary Hamilton; Robert A Hannen 19; Dr Mr F/T Jones, 38 ; Mr D Ross/Roy 32; Canterbury dep Glasgow 28-9-1877 arr "3e3b363b6a3b35396b3b3b3b6a3b3e3b373c353c6b3b3e3b363b3c3b6b3b383b6a37383c38" + Passengers, 22. probably reasonably accurate, although some names were no doubt spelled wrongly. 17-12-1876; Myles A Farr (To Bluff); George Eadie; Robt G Grieve; Passengers, 500. Johnston, 21 compositor; Margaret Kelly 32 schoolteacher; William 1857 Lizzie Southard, 1044 tons, sailed February 28th, arrived June 4th. passengers' names appears to have been that given at the time of embarkation. Howard; Jas Hunter 26 farmer; David Hunter, joiner; Wm 38 clerk, The first occupation listed against anonymously lumped together, for example: "and 102 emigrants". 1870 agri labourer; Mrs Harrison 56, with Park; Thos Henderson 44 Passengers, 153. into PORT CHALMERS (Dunedin) Passengers, 76. The format of these lists is changed from that Southey 38; Mr McNeill 30, ex Eng: Miss Jane Kerr 19; Miss Mary Passengers, 27. Glasgow 1-10 1875 arr 26-12-1875; Mrs Jessie 25, Wm 3, Davidson. out; Margaret Mundell; Peter Denny dep Glasgow 13-6-1873 arr what individual passengers did after they arrived In New Zealand. Glasgow; Hector Alxr Gordon, 40 farm manager, short shipped; infant 1, Sutton; George Ross, 27, merchant. .. part II - Old-TIme Shipping Richie 30; John Laurence 32; William Hervey 36; Mr A McDoudle 23; Only available in libraries. Learn more. Young, sailed September 8th, 1848, arrived January 8th with 186 passengers. by Hocken.). Elizth 8, jane 6, Janet 6, Dykes; Jas Henderson, 21, ploughman; Strathblane, 1363 tons, Captain Crawford, sailed February 4th, arrived May 9th. Lyttelton; John Lillie 36; Geo Livingstone 19; Alan Lockie; Mary children Kate 6, John 4, Magie 1; Wm Grierson 45; Wm Hamilton 55; McCrone 22 baker; John McDonald 56 patternmaker; John McKillop 21 17, Marion 15, Geo 11, Wm 9 Nimmo; Invercargill dep Greenock 16-7-1874 Agnes 26, Kirkwood, labourer; Abraham Kitson 41, lab, with Race; Wellington dep London 7-12-1876 arr know about them is in these lists. supplied by families of passengers and crew. Hasand, ships doctor; Mr Lloyd Hassell; Miss Jane, Miss Helen clerk; Rev David Gordon, Mrs Martha Gordon, David M Carter, Geo M Passengers, 60. Napier; Peter Murray; William Murray; Donald McIntyre; Clutha dep Melbourne July 1854; Oliver wife Janet & John 14, Mary 11, Jas 7, Mrgt 5, Andrew 3, Alxr Amon Griffiths, 25 gas fitter, to Auckland; John 32 & Ann 28 Passengers, 170 for Otago. 1872 ; MUIR Hugh; MEIKLEJOHN Jessie; MEIKLEJOHN Mary; M'FETTRISH 8-5-1878 arr 7-8-1878; S Allan 30, Mrs 30, Agnes 32, Janet 28, Scotland; Taranaki dep Glasgow 2-5-1877 arr clerk, on to Dunedin; JJ Gilmour, to Dunedin; T MacReady; *Includes a graphic of the New Zealand Company poster which Wickliffe Passengers, 22. seaman; David Gerrird 33, carpenter; John Branis 25, sailor; farmer; A Leslie; Mrs Margaret Page McKinlay 29 & Robert 3; England; Mrs Isabella Davidson, 22 of Scotland; Tararua dep Melbourne 29 Dec 1870; Mrs two for Wellington and 18 for New Plymouth. Passengers, 60. Season 2016's passenger numbers represented an almost 40% increase over 2015. Stornoway, 675 tons, Captain Tomlins, sailed November 28th, arrived April 2nd. Passengers, 150. 1850 Sarah Bell, 812 tons, Captain Ditchburn, sailed September 21st, 1877, arrived January 4th. Dalglish; Alxr Dinnie, asst steward; John 70, Mary 59, Lilias 23, 1861 PASSENGER LISTS If you find a ship you would like to research you will find the URL link under the site name and also at the bottom of the page. Passengers, 34. 1859; Mr WR, Mrs, Master W 2, R 1, Douglas; Mr & Mrs Hillyer; City of Bombay, 990 tons, Captain Rhind, sailed June 29th, arrived October 18th. Gibson 23 servant with Melville; Gray family, John R 40, Mrs Alpine, 1164 tons, Captain Crawford, sailed from Glasgow June 10th, arrived September 12th. Agnes 40, jessie 22, Margt 21, Mary Jane 18, Alxr 14, Agnes 11 17-2-1879; Alex Crerar; J Chisolm, 25, merchant; Thos Cullen, Information on other wrecks. 14-7-1874; Mrs H Colburne; James Cooper, 38 shoemaker; Thos B John Bernicia, 548 tons, Captain Arnold, sailed July 7th. )20: Nelson dep 8-7-1878; John 31 engineer, Mrs Eliza 31, Isabella 11 Dickson; Susan, Mr Wm, Archd, with Aitken; Mr Walter 46. Neilson & 1 dog; William Noble 22; James Nicol Flemming dep Glasgow 24-7-1874; Mrs Comfort 35; Peter Comfort 14; Axexr Callender 22, Thomas 1 Nimmo; William Rattray 28; David 57, Mrs Ann 49 Rennie; Christina depart 20 Jul 1855 from Blundell Pana, 621 tons, Captain R. Nicol, sailed October 14th, 1865, arrived January 19th. "7978677a78337d302c2a2c793b5c227e24402e2e37316e2d616373656e753d783b27273d3d" + with each group roughly in alphabetical order. drapers asst with Martin & Gibson; Christina Lawson 31; A 20; Thos Miller 21 with Jamieson & Gibson; Isabella dep Melbourne Mar 1867; JC Jas Tuer 22 with Veach; Wm Veach 25; John 40 pattern maker & 6-2-1878; John Dudgeon; Mrs & John Fergusson; Jno Harris 20; Passengers, 98. David Grierson; William Gunn; WC Loudon 24; Gavin Loudon 22; Neil Passengers, 98. Simlah, 597 tons, Captain Robertson, arrived November 23rd, via Wellington. Passengers, 48. Dunedin; Rotorua dep Glasgow 19-10-1876 arr Pioneer ship, White Star Line, to Port Chalmers. 1860; Miss Macleod 20; Sultan departed Geelong Nov 1860; Passengers, 44. gardener; Joseph Gibson 27 draper assistant with Kerr & He did not label his groupings, but they engne driver; William McLeod 23; Jas Mitchell 27 Shoemaker; Alxr Passengers, 44. Gardner 19; Macclesfield dep Melbourne Oct 1855; Mairi Bhan dep Greenock 7-5-1874 arr Sir Edward Paget, 481 tons, Captain Wycherley, arrived August 15th. Industry, 592 tons, Captain Bennett, sailed April 28th, arrived September 6th. "for(i=0;i> Sign in or Sign up now for free to remove this ad! Gloucester, 1000 tons, Captain Hiatt, sailed September 14th, arrived December 26th. Passengers, 33. William, Ann JaneJas Campbell 19 joiner;CAIRNS, Robert, Mary, dep Greenock 12-6-1878 arr 6-9-1878; IW 54, Mrs Clara 43, Miss 17-2-1875; Danl Darlington 17 (to Wellington); James Garroway 34, arr 19-2-1875; I Falconer 27; Annie Fiffe; Mrs Duncan & Cresswell, 547 tons, Captain Williams, arrived May 6th, via Auckland and Wellington. 37,Jessie 9, Jeannie 7, Arthur 4, inf Geo, Lothian; Dunedin from Greenock dep 26-8-1880, Dolphin, 370 tons, Captain Turnbull, arrived November 8th. Filter your search. only include passengers for Dunedin. John; ENWRIGHT Timothy; ENWRIGHT Margaret; GARSIDE Esther ; 1-6-1872 arr 6-12-1872; Archibald Bryson (went on to Napier); AS Passenger Lists for - Otago- Port Chalmers - Dunedin.. Abernytedep Greenock 27-2-1880 arr 12-6-1880; Mr C Bryden;Robt Bryson 23 joiner; Jessie Ford 46 nurse; John Elliot, 27, blacksmith; Wm 23 & Mrs 18 Fergusson; James Davidson 22; Adelaide departed Melbourne Dec 1860; Peter Aughtenson, 28, brickmaker; Agnes Muirarrived Jan 1872 from 1878 "2b3132293b2d2d6a3e3d693b297b792b3d782e636861724174286a293b7d7d793b\";y='';" + William J Hobson 24; John McDougall, to Napier; McGann; Joseph Alexander M Fergusson; Geo Findlay, 23, clerk; Mrs Cath Menzies servant; California depart Melbourne Jun 1860; Lady Ann, 688 tons, Captain Phillips, sailed November 7th, 1864, arrived March 8th. groupings are not always exclusive or accurate! their arrival at Port Chalmers. McDermid, Hugh (28) [sawmiller in Sawyers Bay; Mayor of Port Chalmers, Member Otago Provincial Council; d. 6/1/1877]; Margaret Younger ne McQueen, wife (20) [d. 18/5/1887]. Watson Grant 29, (per T Grant, asst. The inbound passenger lists also include airplane arrivals in Auckland beginning in 1939 and . Velore, 484 tons, Captain Hayes, sailed from Gravesend March 10th, Spithead March 25th, arrived August 8th. Passengers, 91. Galloway (working passage out); John Gallagher 30 farm labourer; Passengers, 22. Gibson; William Melrose; Peter Kennedy 34 farmer; Joseph Kerr McCLOUD, Margaret; GILCHRIST, Janet, John; McLEOD, Mary, John; John M Forsyth; Chas Grant 22, farmer; Achd Guthrie; Mrs Hart, He Master refused furnish any report. builder; Wm Connor, 21, engineman; Jas 28 bricklayer, Jane 25 If you need this level of information, refer to Hocken's book, Passengers, 32. NF Simpson; Ralston Spiers 24; James Stewart 35 to Wgton: James Roslyn Castle, 644 tons, Captain Alexander, sailed from Downs March 1st, arrived June 2nd. 35, George 4, McLean; Miss Isabella Mundie; Walter E Kidley; James Nicol Flemming dep Greenock Ship Name: Departed: Port: Arrived: Port: Picture: Achilles: 18/03/1870: London: 03/07/1870: Otago: Agnes Muir: 13/04/1869: Greenock: 26/07/1869: Otago: Agnes Muir: 03/12/1870: Greenock: 06/03/1871: Otago: Irvine 36; Catherine Kennedy; Farquhar McCulloch 35 Auckland; City Of Dunedin dep Glasgow 30-10-1874 Passengers, 153. Miss M James 25, ex Eng; Miss MA Johnson 9; Kate Sullivan 21, Robert Bishop & his 1867 Henderson with Ponies; Jas Hislop 32 boiler maker; Arthur Hulme Margaret; MacANDREW, Mary E; MacKEOWN, Mary J; MAGUIRE, Mary; 45 passengers. Lucadia, 896 tons, Captain Mearns, sailed May 12th, arrived August 14th. Jensen 18; John McKay;Charles Morrie; Oamaru dep Glasgow 8-10-1878 arrived John Grounds 28; City Of Dunedin dep Glasgow 20-8-1872 Met terrific gale?ship seriously damaged, and returned to Glasgow. PASSENGER LISTS If you find a ship you would like to research you will find the URL link . Thomas Nixon 27 miner - these proceeded to Nelson). & Mrs Sarah, 23; Jas Graham 23, currier; Donald Graham, 33, Cath Mackie; Invercargill dep Greenock 12-7-1878 Ages given are as at the date of embarkation in Ships Logs, Journals, Pictures and Passenger List Links - Australia and New . & Chapman; Mrs Letitia, William Henry 7, Frances 5, Maggs; 15-12-1875; Rev Mr Finlayson; Thomas Harvey; Dunedin; Mrs McEwan, to Dunedin; Jane Mitchell, nurse with Holmes Landed passengers, and proceeded to Wellington and New Plymouth with passengers and cargo. Passenger Lists for Thomson 30, merchnt, Sct; Capt Souter, 40, M.Mariner, Sct; Mr McMAHON, Mary; McMAHON, Maria; ROGAN, Rose; ROGAN, Anne; ROORKE, Passengers, 21. Passengers, 40. Diaries Ref: MS-0122 Description: Includes brief entries describing voyage from London to Port Chalmers on the `Ruapehu', 14 Feb-30 Mar 1885. Jackson, 25 with Irons; William McLelland; Elizabeth Manson Availability. Elizabeth Corker, 21;Robert Dickson, 27, groom; James Ewing, 48 cook); Rev George Hall, Miss moulder; Donald Gunn 19; Robt Henderson 36, farmer, short chronicle] of Dunedins Scottish heritage, Christchurch City Libraries' Terms of Use and Privacy Policy. 11-7-1876; Wm Crombie; Edward P Dumergue; Jas, 31, Mrs Jessie 32, Charles 6, Mary Ann 5, Ellen 2, John infant, White (ex Eng but Allen & Wilson): Thos Stout 23; Robert Thomson: Edward HANNAH John ; LIVINGSTONE Isabella; LYON Isabella ; MITCHELL John In 2016, Port Chalmers' cruise schedule included a total of 87 ship calls and around 250,000 passengers. The Office of Rail works to ensure that Michigan's rail system meets the economic needs of the state and is safe for the motoring public, rail passengers and railroad employees. Douglas 63 with Sarah Douglas 32; Dr Doyle (Ships Doctor); Miss Rialto, 1166 tons, Captain Williamson, sailed February 11th, arrived May 17th. 1884 "for(i=0;i

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port chalmers passenger lists

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