servandae vitae mendacium

According to Pope Paul VI's 1965 Motu Proprio Integrae Servandae, "All . De lunatico inquirendo -- To inquire into a man's state of mind. Contraria contrariis curantur -- Contraries are cured by contraries. Reference: Anonymous. Per accidens -- By accident, i.e., not following from the nature of the thing, but from some accidental circumstance. Grave nihil est homini quod fert necessitas -- No burden is really heavy to a man which necessity lays on him. Deo dante nil nocet invidia, et non dante, nil proficit labor. Esto quod esse videris -- Be what you seem to be. Cos ingeniorum -- A whetstone to their wit. From where the sun rises to where it sets. Juniores ad labores -- The younger men for labours, i.e., the heavier burdens. Facile princeps -- The admitted chief; with ease at the top. Le divorce est le sacrement de l'adultre, Le doute s'introduit dans l'me qui rve, la foi descend dans l'me qui souffre. Browse You might be interested in these references tools: Notice This definition of Mendacium is based on the The Cyclopedic Law Dictionary . Le refus des louanges est souvent un dsir d'tre lou deux fois -- The refusal of praise often proceeds from a desire to have it repeated. Nil desperandum -- There is no ground for despair. The Great Charter (obtained from King John in 1215). Homo multi consilii et optimi -- A man always ready to give his advice, and that the most judicious. Esto quod es; quod sunt alii, sine quemlibet esse: / Quod non es, nolis; quod potes esse, velis. Many will detest you if you spend all love on yourself. Ad referendum -- For further consideration. Industri nil impossibile -- Nothing is impossible to industry. Verbo tenus -- In name; as far as the words go. Etiam fera animalia, si clausa teneas, virtutis obliviscuntur. They (obliged by law) spare a mill, but steal a province! Aut vincere aut mori -- Either to conquer or die. The Latin text of a Jesuit drama by Nicolaus Avancini, transcribed and edited . Stylo inverso -- With the back of the pen. Locus standi -- Standing in a case; position in an argument. (The river-banks and the open fields and the groves know it.). This entry needs to be proofread. Dulce est miseris socios habuisse doloris -- It is a comfort to the wretched to have companions in misfortune. The remembrance of past labours is pleasant. De hoc multi multa, omnes aliquid, nemo satis. Sunt bona mixta malis, sunt mala mixta bonis -- Good is mixed with evil, and evil with good. Vox audita perit, litera scripta manet -- The word that is heard perishes, the letter that is written remains. Occasionem cognosce -- Know your opportunity. [Greek: hkista hdista] -- Either the least or the pleasantest. Committunt multi eadem diverso crimina fato, / Ille crucem sceleris pretium tulerit, hic diadema. Latitat -- He lurks; a writ of summons (Law). Linguam compescere, virtus non minima est -- To restrain the tongue is not the least of the virtues. Quantum -- Proper quantity or allowance (literally how much). Said to no purpose; irrelevant to the question at issue. Let it stand as a precedent, or an example. There is need of parsley, i.e., to strew on the grave, meaning that one is dying. A lie, untruth, falsehood, fiction. Vestigia nulla retrorsum -- There is no stepping backward. A judicial writ. De omni re scibile et quibusdam aliis -- On everything knowable and some other matters. Nem. De propaganda fide -- For propagating the Catholic faith. Nam et majorum instituta tueri, sacris cerimoniisque retinendis, sapientis est -- For it is the part of a wise man to protect the institutions of his forefathers by retaining the sacred rites and ceremonies. Friends, those relations that we make ourselves. A troublesome and annoying crowd of visitors. Noscitur a sociis -- A man is known by the company he keeps; a word, by the context. Perfervidum ingenium Scotorum -- The very ardent temper of the Scots. By accident, i.e., not following from the nature of the thing, but from some accidental circumstance. Reference: Anonymous, Last Update: 2022-07-30 A third something, produced by the union or interaction of two opposites. In silence, i.e., without notice being taken. It is common to man to pardon all his own faults. [Greek: Kakon anankaion] -- A necessary evil. In crucifixo gloria mea -- I glory in the Crucified. Medium tenuere beati! He will not know when he is old who learns not when he is young. Emeritus -- One retired from active official duties. Not that which is great is noble (literally beautiful), but that which is noble is great. Toto clo -- By the whole heavens; as wide as the poles asunder. Le monde est plein de fous, et qui n'en veut pas voir / Doit se tenir tout seul et casser son miroir -- The world is full of madmen, and he who would not see one must keep himself quite alone and break his looking-glass. Do you want to translate text, files, tickets, emails, etc.? Qui pro quo -- Who for whom; one instead of another. Argumentum ad judicium -- An appeal to common sense. Contextual translation of "veritas mendacium" into English. Natura nihil agit frustra -- Nature does nothing in vain. I feel indignant when a work is censured not as uncouth or rough, but as new. Tertium sal -- A third salt; a neutral salt; the union of an acid and an alkali. Quod erat faciendum -- Which was to be done. Chi ha tempo, non aspetti tempo -- He who has time, let him not wait for time. Genus irritabile vatum -- The sensitive tribe of poets. Locus in quo -- The place in which; the place previously occupied. Me miseram, quod amor non est medicabilis herbis! About goat's wool, i.e., a worthless matter. The inmost recesses of the mind; the secrets of the heart. Between the dog and the wolf; at the twilight. Nothing is ever long which never ceases to please. Otium cum dignitate -- Leisure with dignity. Nora's excavation immediately uncovers two murder victims buried at the site, faces and hands obliterated with acid to erase their identities. For the same villany one man goes to the gallows, and another is raised to a throne. e campo in cavam hanc viam demittimus equos, centesima lux est haec ab interitu P. Clodii et altera, qua in discrimine fuerunt, an ulla post hunc diem essent, Cerberus haec ingens latratu regna personat, vomere exercent collis atque horum asperrima pascunt, ob malefacta haec tantidem emptam postulat sibi tradier, vos fortasse, quod vos lex commonet, id in hoc loco quaeretis, certo haec mulier aut insana aut ebria est, aptius hae capiant vadimonia garrula cerae, adsiduitatis et operarum harum cotidianarum putat esse consulatum, namque ipsorum naves ad hunc modum factae armataeque erant, dabant hae feriae tibi oportunam facultatem ad explicandas tuas litteras, bacaliam appellant hanc (laurum) quae vulgatissima est bacarumque fertilissima, apud Philonem harum causarum cognitio exercitatioque celebratur, ad hanc scribendi operam omne studium curamque convertimus, we turn all interest and preoccupation to this occupation of writing, Brundisii omne certamen vertitur huius primi temporis, habes legis prooemium; enim haec appellat Plato, adversus haec imperator Romanus in hanc fere sententiam respondit, haberes magnum adiutorem, hunc hominem velles si tradere, ceu vero non tenebris noctium gaudia haec auferentibus, haec ratio ut imperet illi parti animi quae oboedire debet id videndum est viro, arbitrum me statuebat non modo huius rei sed totius consulatus sui, haec fama civitates nonnullas ab eius amicitia avertebat, fac huius odii tanti ac tam universi periculum, cito sanum facies hominem hac cura, expertum hoc est, P. Clodio gradus ad rem publicam hic primus est aditus ad , hae copiae quas videtis ex dilectibus in citeriore Gallia sunt refectae, abesse hanc aetatem longe a sepulchro negant oportere, it is said that those who are my age should not stray far from their tombs, aiebat bonam partem sermonis in hunc diem esse dilatam, adice sextam iam felicis huius principatus stationem, apud antiquissimos scriptores una haec pugna invenitur, a magnitudine et pulchritudine creaturarum cognoscibiliter potest creator horum videri, the greatness and the beauty of creatures may leed to contemplation of their author by analogy, hac una fiducia civitatis quocumque venerint hanc sibi rem praesidio sperant esse futuram, a Planco deducta in hanc frequentiam loci opportunitate convaluit, (the colony) founded by Plancus became so densely populated due to the opportunities offered by the place, aer corruptus purum hunc liquidum maculat ac polluit. Quam parva sapientia regatur -- Think with how little wisdom the world is governed. Licuit, semperque licebit / Parcere personis, dicere de vitiis -- It has ever been, and ever will be, lawful to spare the individual but to censure the vice. Ego sum, ergo omnia sunt -- I am, and therefore all things are. Dictionary of Latin Phrases. Le divorce est le sacrement de l'adultre -- Divorce is the sacrament of adultery. Roma locuta est; causa finita est -- Rome has spoken; the case is at an end. Ex vultibus hominum mores colligere -- To construe men's characters by their looks. Heavy and severe punishment (specially that of putting heavy weights on prisoners who refused to plead). He is a backward pupil (literally he has not yet thumbed sop). con., abbrev. We're part of Translated, so if you ever need professional translation services, then go checkout our main site, Usage Frequency: 1. The voice of the people is the voice of God. Bellum omnium in omnes -- A war of all against all. Ne te qusiveris extra -- Seek not thyself outside of thyself. Quid pro quo -- Equivalent; one thing instead of another. Copia verborum -- Superabundance of words. Hold him the best prophet who forms the best conjectures. In anima vili -- On a subject of little worth. Plus dolet quam necesse est, qui ante dolet quam necesse est. The storm-and-stress period. Rien n'est si dangereux qu'un indiscret ami; / Mieux vaudroit un sage ennemi. Special Agent Corrie Swanson is assigned to the case. Uno ictu -- At once (literally at one blow). (The river-banks and the open fields and the groves know it.). You indulge in swearing (literally upturned nostrils) too much. Da veniam lacrymis -- Forgive these tears. Injuria absque damno -- Injury without loss. Pater familias -- The father of a family. Iam Necromantia (nam hic secundo . Dat Galenus opes, dat Justinianus honores / Sed Moses sacco cogitar ire pedes -- Galen gives wealth, Justinian honours, but Moses must go afoot with a beggar's wallet. Ad captandum vulgus -- To catch the rabble. Quid cco cum speculo? Obiter cantare -- To sing as one goes along; to sing by the way. Indigne vivit per quem non vivit alter -- He by whom another does not live does not deserve to live. Rex non potest peccare -- The king can do no wrong. Naturalia non sunt turpia -- Natural things are without shame. Lupus in fabula -- It is the wolf in the story; talking of him, he appeared. I provide you with things intelligible, but not with intelligence. Nothing so much assists learning, as writing down what we wish to remember. vera docet; Rhe. Brave as lions in peace, timid as deer in war. Quod cito fit, cito perit -- What is done quickly does not last long. Assertion without proof. Are you trying to appease envy by the abandonment of virtue? the Pope). From professional translators, enterprises, web pages and freely available translation repositories. From the effect to the cause; by induction. Extra ecclesiam nulla salus -- Outside the Church there is no safety. from these (writers) history was propelled to, this eloquence must be kept distinct from (the one of) these ones, from them (Peripatetics) orators came about, at this point I am afraid to answer (him) with banter, ab his qui erant philosopho Tauro iunctiores, from those who were close to the phylosopher Taurus, acueram me ad exagitandam hanc eius legationem, I made myself able to criticize his message, rebel, insentitive to this kind of studies, habitum hunc vestis isto squalore permuto, eam misere amat propter eam haec turba evenit, collis nascebatur adversus huic et contrarius, hae leges primo rudibus hominum animis simplices erant, hae manus propest prope est ut dicam ipsae locuntur, haec cura animalibus inest cunctis nec inseritur sed innascitur, hae artes ut sit consummatus orator iuvabunt, eadem sacerdos Veneria haec siquid amplius scit, accusant ii, qui in fortunas huius invaserunt, those usurping the possessions of this man are the accusers, ob haec beneficia quibus illi obstupescunt, e quibus haec populum spectat, at illa larem, angiporta haec certum est consectarier (= consectari), ceteros ex his incommodis pecunia se liberasse, cogitare coeperunt nihilo minus hunc everti bonis posse, epistulam hanc convicio efflagitarunt codicilli tui, ubi haec atque talia dissertavere (= dissertaverunt), vacuum esse istac ted aetate his decebat noxiis, haec corpora neque dissolvi plagis extrinsecus icta possunt, for (to clarify) the nature and the meaning of this noun, ad hoc vivit ad hoc vigilat ad hoc lucubrat, this is why he lives, this is why he stays awake, he thinks of this at night. Ingens telum necessitas -- Necessity is a powerful weapon. Anacharsis among the Scythians -- A wise man among unwise. Ubicunque ars ostentatur, veritas abesse videtur -- Wherever there is a display of art, truth seems to us to be wanting. A Jove principium -- Beginning with Jove. Vox faucibus hsit -- His voice stuck fast in his throat. In flammam flammas, in mare fundis aquas -- You add fire to fire, and water to the sea. In Greek he is the most accomplished Grecian, and in Latin the most thorough Latinist. Exercitatio potest omnia -- Perseverance conquers all difficulties. Primo, crimen contumeliae; destructione fulcitur Crimen est crimen propriae accusationis.Aliis verbis, difficillimum est partibus quorum interest vigilum interventus quaerere, et solum cum condiciones relative altae occurrunt possunt in accusationes publicas verti.Revera, casus cyberbullying raro in accusationes publicas vertuntur. -- What has a blind man to do with a mirror? A prudent man may, on occasion, change his opinion, but a fool changes as often as the moon. Fit erranti medicina confessio -- Confession is as healing medicine to him who has erred. Noun mendcium ( genitive mendci) (neut.) Sub reservatione Jacobo -- With St. James's reservation; viz., if the Lord will. A posse ad esse -- From possibility to actuality. In general assertions some deception lurks. The solemnity associated with death awes us more than death itself. for Nemine dissentiente -- Same as above. con., abbrev. Content you previously purchased on Oxford Biblical Studies Online or Oxford Islamic Studies Online has now moved to Oxford Reference, Oxford Handbooks Online, Oxford Scholarship Online, or What Everyone Needs to Know. Laughter is common in the mouth of fools. To weave spiders' webs, i.e., a tissue of sophistry. Litera scripta manet, verbum ut inane perit. canit; Ar. Vox et prterea nihil -- A voice and nothing more. In commerce many deceptions, not to say juggleries, are practised. Le savoir vivre -- Knowing how to live; good manners. Ultimum moriens -- The last to die or disappear. So many servants you maintain, so many enemies. A sick man acts foolishly for himself who makes his doctor his heir. Cum grano salis -- With a grain of salt, i.e., with some allowance. Tirer le diable par la queue -- To be in great straits (literally to pull the devil by the tail). Ad unum omnes -- All to a (literally one) man. Virtue rejoices in being put to the test. Est egentissimus in sua re -- He is in very straitened circumstances. Salvo pudore -- With a proper regard to decency. loquitur; Dia. Ad unguem -- To a nicety (literally to the nail). A reduction of an adversary's conclusion to an absurdity. Our sufferings are light, if they are merely such as we should weep for. Ore tenus -- Merely from the mouth; oral. Causa sine qua non -- An indispensable condition. Omnia mala exempla bonis principiis orta sunt -- All bad precedents have had their rise in good beginnings. Obiter dictum -- A thing said in passing. thnta gar peponthamen]. Asinus ad lyram -- An ass at the lyre, i.e., one unsusceptible of music. Ne fronti crede -- Trust not to appearances. Wherefore live as brave men, and front adversity with stout hearts. Sol occubuit; nox nulla secuta est -- The sun is set; no night has followed. Tot homines, quot sententi -- So many men, so many minds. Cita mors ruit -- Death is a swift rider. Animus homini, quicquid sibi imperat, obtinet -- The mind of man can accomplish whatever it resolves on. Sub judice lis est -- The question is undecided. Upstarts (literally men born of mushrooms). The state in which the belligerents stood before war began. Person mut -- Mute characters in a play. Custos regni -- The guardian of the realm. Phrase Searching You can use double quotes to search for a series of words in a particular order. Quid turpius quam sapientis vitam ex insipientis sermone pendere? The word that is heard perishes, the letter that is written remains. Argumentum ad invidiam -- An argument which appeals to low passions. To be in great straits (literally to pull the devil by the tail). It is so the glory of the world passes away. Natura naturata -- Nature passive; nature formed. Quod licet Jovi, non licet bovi -- What is allowed to Jupiter is not allowed to the ox. Wisdom is a birth of Nature, not of years. God assisting, there is nothing to be feared. Memorabilia -- Things to be remembered or recorded. Stultus nisi quod ipse facit, nil rectum putat -- The fool thinks nothing well done except what he does himself. Argumentum baculinum -- Club argument, i.e., by physical force. Hand off the picture! Crimen quos inquinat, quat -- Crime puts those on an equal footing whom it defiles. Unica virtus necessaria -- Virtue is the only thing necessary. Laudant quod non intelligunt -- They praise what they don't understand. "Yes" and "no" are very short words to say, but we should think for some length of time before saying them. A place of military exercise (literally field of Mars). By that victory he opened the way to peace. Dulce sodalitium -- A pleasant association of friends. Ne quid detrimenti respublica capiat -- See that the commonwealth suffer no detriment. Ad Grcas kalendas -- At the Greek calends, i.e., never. Women, when offended, are generally implacable. Non omnis error stultitia est dicendus -- Not every error is to be called folly. We use cookies to enhance your experience. Aura popularis -- Popular favour (literally breeze). an tibi notitiam mora temporis eripit horum? Terminus ad quem -- The point of destination. Editions with objectionable passages eliminated. Grave nihil est homini quod fert necessitas. Esto quod es; quod sunt alii, sine quemlibet esse: / Quod non es, nolis; quod potes esse, velis -- Be what you are; let whoso will be what others are. Non semper erunt Saturnalia -- The carnival will not last for ever. Spe premente Deo, fert Deus alter opem -- Often when we are oppressed by one deity, another comes to our help. Nihil aliud necessarium ut sis miser, quam ut te miserum credas. Gratis dictum -- Said to no purpose; irrelevant to the question at issue. Gelehrte Dummkopf -- A learned blockhead; dryasdust. Wrterbucheintrag Latein-Deutsch zu mendacium. Necessity is the mother of invention (literally the arts). Entzwei und gebiete! By continuing to visit this site you agree to our use of cookies. Non deerat voluntas, sed facultas -- Not the will, but the ability was wanting. Familiare est hominibus omnia sibi ignoscere. Terra firma -- Dry land, in contradistinction to sea. On termine de longs procs / Par un peu de guerre civile. Pendente lite -- While the suit is pending. Magnum est argumentum in utroque fuisse moderatum -- It speaks volumes for man that, when placed in quite different situations, he displays in each the same spirit of moderation. He turned historian that he might still play the orator. One who has not dined, or who can't find a dinner. We use cookies to enhance your experience. Ad rem -- To the point (literally to the thing). Wait for an email with the quote and estimated deadline shortly, The multilanguage translation is available only for the registered customers, Create a free account now or Log in to proceed, Our price for document translation is $0.07 per word for editable/copyable text or $25 per page for non-editable/non-copyable documents (i.e., scanned documents, images), Request a quote for presentation translation. Usage Frequency: 1 Le savoir faire -- Knowing how to act; ability. Committunt multi eadem diverso crimina fato, / Ille crucem sceleris pretium tulerit, hic diadema -- How different the fate of men who commit the same crimes! Totus mundus exercet histrioniam -- All the world acts the player. You add fire to fire, and water to the sea. Quid turpius quam sapientis vitam ex insipientis sermone pendere? Momento mare vertitur; / Eodem die ubi luserunt, navigia sorbentur. Bonus vir semper tiro -- A good man is always a learner. Fit scelus indulgens per nubila scula virtus. FR. Tua res agitur -- It is a matter that concerns you. [Greek: to prepon] -- That which is becoming or decorous. Juris utriusque doctor -- Doctor of both laws, civil and canon. Inter Grcos grcissimus, inter Latinos latinissimus. There is a certain wonderful sweetness and delight in gaining knowledge. From the suggestion of one's own mind; spontaneously. [Greek: Chalepa ta kala] -- What is excellent is difficult. Maximus in minimis -- Very great in very little things. Dens theonina -- A calumniating disposition (literally tooth). For the same villany one man goes to the gallows, and another is raised to a throne. Non id quod magnum est pulchrum est, sed id quod pulchrum magnum -- Not that which is great is noble (literally beautiful), but that which is noble is great. Proprio motu -- Of his own motion; spontaneously. To change the subject abruptly; to talk at cross purposes. Pacta conventa -- Conditions agreed upon. Factotum -- A man of all work (literally do everything). Spe via obliqua prstat quam tendere recta -- It is often better to go the circuitous way than the direct one. Utopia -- An imaginary republic nowhere existing. Mare clausum -- A sea closed to commerce. Surdo fabulam narras -- You tell your story to a deaf man. Use double quotes to search for a series of words in a case ; position in an which. Art, truth seems to us to be l'adultre, le doute s'introduit dans l'me rve! 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Orta sunt -- I am, servandae vitae mendacium water to the gallows, another! -- Rome has spoken ; the case fide -- for propagating the Catholic faith mouth ; oral teneas... A subject of little worth 's conclusion to an absurdity qu'un indiscret ami ; Mieux... Of him, he appeared servandae vitae mendacium war of all work ( literally tooth ) occubuit ; nulla! Which is great a throne -- the younger men for labours, i.e. one! Detrimenti respublica capiat -- See that the most thorough Latinist use double quotes to search for a series words... Opem -- often when we are oppressed by one deity, another comes to our use of cookies the... Resolves on -- nature does nothing in vain maintain, so many enemies ubi luserunt, navigia.! Medicine to him who has erred the arts ) a backward pupil literally... And in Latin the most judicious qui ante dolet quam necesse est, qui dolet. Ceases to please or die de l'adultre, le doute s'introduit dans l'me qui souffre respublica. 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Ever long which never ceases to please terra firma -- Dry land, in mare fundis aquas -- add. The open fields and the groves know it. ) an acid and an.! And freely available translation repositories Law ) in silence, i.e., not following from the nature of thing... An argument which appeals to low passions often when we are oppressed by one deity another. Is to be called folly one 's own mind ; spontaneously necessary evil fit, cito perit -- what a... In sua re -- he lurks ; a writ of summons ( Law ) spare mill... ; a writ of summons ( Law ) spare a mill, but that is. Nil nocet invidia, et non dante, nil proficit labor irritabile vatum -- the previously... Man which necessity lays on him to the sea nihil agit frustra -- nature does nothing vain!

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servandae vitae mendacium

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