slate advice column care and feeding

(It pretty much always is. Here is my low-stakes problem: Almost everyone we run into, both strangers and people we know, comments on how beautiful she is. Slate has a parenting advice column called Care and Feeding. The following exchange is from "Care and Feeding," Slate's parenting advice column. You have to use headphones.". My opinion is that you shouldnt police the behavior of people being kind to your child. Since hes started to do better with bottles (hes breastfed and previously had been refusing bottles), she agreed (if nervouslyand I did have to make the offer multiple times). Dear Care and. When he tells you how great she is, Id cheerfully say, Yes, she is greatI think so too. I promise hell get over her, as we all get over these early, practice runs at being in love. And if she breaks his heartthat is, if he is still all-Kaylie-all-the-time when the Zoom book club ends and Kaylie disappears from his screen and his lifethats good practice too. Her mom and I have been divorced for 10 years and her mom believes whatever my daughter wants, she should get. Although he gets good grades, we fight all the time over schoolwork. 10. Theres no percentage in arguing with them about it. I hate the idea of taking books away, and Im also not sure how to monitor it when his sister is allowed to read them (she hasnt adopted any of the language). I Despise My In-Laws. It also seems to me important to point out that if Daisys mother and father have joint custody, the time she spends with her mother is not visiting. Daisy has two homes. They say it mostly to me, but within earshot of my daughter, and sometimes directly to her. And as time passes and your son gets older, you can make a decision about whether he needs to be excluded from these visits too.). My younger siblings friends have dads who are in their 20s, 30s, and early 40s. My daughter is beautiful. He needs to understand that talking about something as intimate as this could damage his relationship with her if she ever learned about it. Any advice on how to deal with this divide? All rights reserved. In the meantime, I wish you fortitude. Submit it here or post it in the Slate Parenting Facebook group. Its anonymous! Perhaps in the future you might say something to the effect of Whatever works for you! Submit it here or post it in the Slate Parenting Facebook group. My Ex Wants Us to Vacation Like One, Big, Happy Family. And how do we support him as he struggles? I paid for him to obtain a six-month programming certification and am guiding him through next steps to begin a professional career. Charlie did not use any of the teacher's examples, and instead wrote a paper . You would never forgive yourself if you ignored the warning signs. My wife (26) and I (24) are expecting our first kid. I have come up with about a thousand ideas from do nothing and step away to find some sort of immersive therapy program and pay to send them, and many in between those extremes, but I am unsure how to proceed. Or Scotch tape. The windows are of crystal; the tables are partly of gold, partly of amethyst, and the columns supporting the tables are partly of ivory, partly of amethyst. Nearby homes similar to 59 Westview Dr have recently sold between $550K to $550K at an average of $270 per square foot. All rights reserved. You may want to dial that back a bit unless you want to be greeted with eye rolls and side-eyes. When you talk with her about college, dont try to force or lead her in one direction. How Do I Get Them to Back Off? If she doesnt feel comfortable coming out to you, then its clear that shes not ready for the world to know yet, either. But he didnt want that one either. Care and Feeding is Slate's parenting advice column. There is not a huge difference in what it will cost us, but enough to make a difference. Running the risk of sounding dismissive, I have a strong feeling that the same will be the case for your son. But more and more, hes started adopting language and mannerisms that are directly from Big Nate, Diary of a Wimpy Kid, etc., and that are somewhere between really annoying and inappropriate for a kid his age. And watching their grandmothers treatment of their younger brother cannot be good for your other children, either. Hard though it may be to see others announce pregnancies or births, I think the real source of your pain is the callousness (or cowardice) of the friends who hurt you. Heck, if the relationship with my kids and future grandkids was on the line based on whether I spoke to a mental health professional or not, Id be in a therapists office before dinnertime. Now hes dropping F-bombs constantly. Three to six months is plenty of time to get on-track if properly motivated to do so. The other day my husband was doing yardwork while our 3-year-old son and I were playing in the yard. You cant do anything about that now, so you want to make sure your daughters experience is different. Weve told our son to get rid of that whole section of the answer because his prospective employers do not need to know that much about his personal life. You must realize that youre not doing your daughter or your grandkids any favors by allowing this to continue. Over the past few months, she has developed this habit of saying things like kill me or I want to die when shes not happy about something. At the time they were 11, 9 and 7, and I was . One is a state college 30 minutes away. Submit it here or post it in the Slate Parenting Facebook group. How do we rejoin a world that would rather ignore us? Also, I could write an entire column about the horrors of dressing identical twins alike, but Ill spare you. Have a question for Care and Feeding? Even visits to the pediatrician were sad and depressing. Slate is published by The Slate Group, a Graham Holdings Company. Im pretty sure I am overreacting, but I still dont know if I should discourage him or not. Have a question for Care and Feeding? View more recently sold homes. Have a question for Care and Feeding? Theres no shame in being afraid of confrontation, especially when it includes a figure like your dad who traumatized you since you were little, but that doesnt mean you should do nothing. Im not saying that loving people dont have faults, but Ill also say that the people they love usually arent living in fear of upsetting them. (Questions may be edited for publication.). I went to school, played sports, met new people, and figured it all out without any catastrophes. If Daisy is indeed being abused, however, Im not sure that you are the right person to be helping her attain and employ those tools. If your husband doesnt like to talk about it, you may never know. Ill wait. Is it inappropriate of me to take her to Morgans funeral as a learning experience. What should I do? I expect youll eventually find that you have others in your corner, friends who will relate to and understand and support your family, who will care enough to learn what they dont know, who will see and love and celebrate your child and all of you as you are. I have my own big feelings about it, and I want to make sure we are helping him to manage his as well. His reaction to her discipline is to escalate his upset behavior. My husband thinks thats really unimportant, and his only hang up is that he works in the school district and knows that the system they use to keep track of students is based on the first initial, last name, and year of high school graduation (if our sons name was Thomas, hed be TLastname2038). My personal favorite: My 3-Year-Old Keeps Complimenting Me on My White Skin [December 1, 2020] But I say all of this with the shadow of your depression over it. How can I be a supportive figure in her life and not alienate her from a relationship with her biological mom? I find myself going back and forth about how I feel (but also less concerned about the former, more about the latter). I know you love my kids, but I cant have them live with the fear I had all of my life around you. Submit it here or post it in the Slate Parenting Facebook group. Whats the alternative? I am 100 percent certain that this dynamic existed long before you entered the family. It seems very unfair to prohibit my bisexual teen from having sleepovers just because they happen to be attracted to both genders. Submit it here or post it in the Slate Parenting Facebook group.. Dear Care and Feeding, My husband and . Its anonymous! My Daughter-in-Law Is Blowing Up Over the Tiniest Little Thing. Hopefully that will be the case with your dad as well. I think you do have to get back into therapy. I Despise My In-Laws. Co-host of Slate's "Mom and Dad Are Fighting" podcast, and he co-writes Slate's "Care and Feeding" advice column. Here's everything you need to know,Wondering what makes a gravel bike a gravel bike? Photo illustration by Slate. I Despise My In-Laws. Hes not particularly ill-behaved, nor has any other adult in any setting expressed similar concerns. I Played a Card Game With My Fianc to See Who Does the Most Housework. She picks out all her own clothes, and as long as shes comfortable and weather appropriate, we support her eclectic style. WhichI am just guessing heremight also be the case. At the young age of four, she can be downright stunning. (Questions may be edited for publication.). I dont want to alienate you with a harsh response, eitherbut a sign-off of mom of the most beautiful girl in the world comes off as a tad obnoxious. She goes back to work in a few months, and Id like to watch the baby two days a week, just like I do my other grandchild, but I feel like now when I offer shell say no because shes still mad about this. Its clear that your dad has some serious issues, and I think youre right to be wary of having your kids experience the same feelings you have now. For our sons second birthday, he got $200.) I was in therapy some time ago when my relationship with my husband hit a bad spot, and one of the exercises I was given then was to try to reframe harsh automatic thoughts into healthier ones, so Im trying to do that with my kids (I try to replace they dont want to hear from me with theyre busy with work/school) but its so hard. Ive read about how to support children with emotionally abusive parents, and all the experts recommend giving the child tools to handle it and encouraging a relationship with the parent until the child turns 18. How online advice columns teach us to tell our own stories. They complain about weaponized body odor and accuse each other of always shouting at me. It used to be theyd at least pretend to be interested in how each others days had gone before the arguments started every night, but now they often blow up the second theyre both home from work. Instead of saying It makes me feel bad that we have so little contact or I try to show how much I love you by doing things for you, and then you tell me not to! you might just tell them that you love them, that youre sorry you are so awkward on the phone, and that you would be very glad to know what they would welcome from you by way of contact or expressions of love. Photo by Getty Images Plus. This is nothing at all to feel bad about, either. If you missed Tuesdays Care and Feeding column, read it here. Slate is published by The Slate Group, a Graham Holdings Company. Even if they werent sure how to respond, they could have tried harder; they could have asked what you needed from them; they could have been more loving. However, she is much stricter with him in what we feel is not an age-appropriate manner, and she doesnt deny treating him differently. For a while I tried writing letters insteadat their suggestionbut then thered be no answer, or the response would come only months later. But now we have solid evidence: Do we just pretend we dont know until our daughter feels comfortable enough to talk to us? The thing is, I have very little contact with my daughters. You can tell your daughter something like, Honey, after I do these two things for you, Im stepping away. When will it end? So Ive come to feel that they think Im intrusive no matter how seldom I call, text, or email. Some of the applications have a series of essay questions. Care and Feeding is Slates parenting advice column. My Daughter-in-Law Is Blowing Up Over the Tiniest Little Thing. This is the time when you should travel, engage in hobbies, chill out, or do whatever the heck your heart desires as you enter the latter stages of life. Uh, No Thanks. Or (for all you know) they have, to no avail. Image Credit: James Gardiner Collection via Flickr Creative Commons. He had frequent outbursts, consisting of yelling and swearing. At the beginning . I dont know how close you are to your stepmom, but I would suggest enlisting her when you speak with your dad. On 27 May, a letter writer asked Slate's parenting advice column Care and Feeding how to boost a child's intrinsic motivation:. How Do I Get Them to Back Off? Hes a loving man so she stays and I understand how tough that would be. In the meantime, when Daisy confides in you about her mothers awfulness, can you bring yourself to say, Im so sorry that happened. Parenting advice on boundaries, new grandparents, and marital trouble. Submit it here or post it in the Slate Parenting Facebook group. Remember, were not talking about toddlers herethese are grownups who need to take some responsibility and ownership of their lives. Dear Care and Feeding, We have a fourth grader who is generally an easy kid, well-behaved, and really fun. Shes not you, shes her own person, shes fortunate enough not to have to work her way through, and her hopes and goals are entirely different from yours. My home situation is a little unconventional because I allowed my 35-year-old daughter and then 2-year-old granddaughter come live with me. What I dont feel proud of is my anger and jealousy towards friends and family members who have recently had babies or announced pregnancies. Of course, if you see that your son is showing major behavioral red flags for an extended period of time (acting out, violent behavior, self-harm, etc.) Its natural to want to weigh in on where your child goes to college, and of course cost is often the deciding factor. ), is just an impossible, unsustainable situation for your kid. Slate is published by The Slate Group, a Graham Holdings Company. How Do I Get Them to Back Off? Recently a friend of a friends brother died of cancer. Sometimes its in response to little things, like a line for the bathroom or a movie she likes being taken off Netflix, other times its a reaction to more major setbacks, like not getting the grade she wants on a test or not making a sports team. The baby fought a bit and ended up having only half of his first bottle. Defend yourself against the specific charges she has leveled against you; let them know just how much of a priority they are in your life. I dont think having young kids when hes this old helped his health (my oldest sibling is 10 years older than me and has a 4-year-old, meaning my youngest sister is the same age as her nephew). But, in general, that "demand" is coming from a little one. I guessdo you have some words to help me not feel so sad at the distant relationship I have with my kids? Most of the time you hear of parents who each have ideas for names that the other parent always shoots down. However, my ex clearly does not view it the same way. He has a temper that he cant control and will not do anything about it. There was a long pause and then she said shed have to think about it. Now I wonder if she thought I was putting off talking to her because of her request for boundaries. Today its gloves; next month it could be snap-shut purses. In our day-to-day lives, though, we often keep our guards . Im finally realizing that I think my dad is verbally and emotionally abusive. Care and Feeding is Slates parenting advice column. I can say this honestly and without bias. My mom never remarried, but when I was in high school my dad married a younger woman with two toddlers. I guess Ill be the one to break it to you, but the vast majority of loving men and grandpas arent verbally or emotionally abusive and controlling. Photo by SvetaOrlova/iStock/Getty Images Plus. Would it be inappropriate to bring her to my friend of a friends brothers funeral as a learning experience? We met, got married, and live in her hometown. charter ship to port phasmatys / john boy and billy big show podcast / john boy and billy big show podcast Except that in reality, I am now fulfilling the role of a father of three! When I was suicidal, I often made comments about wanting to kill myself and nobody took me seriously until I almost went through with it. The thing is, Im also really worried about my dads health. In terms of how to support him, I would make sure you take time to listen without judgment. I have two beautiful daughters. I will pay the deductible. Discuss this column in theSlate Parenting Facebook group! To be honest, I cant tell for sure. Care and Feeding is Slate's parenting advice column. And you didnt do that. Keeping in mind the immense guilt I would feel for sending them down the street. We received pitying text messages and notes of condolence. Also, my son and daughter have a very sweet relationship, but Im worried about how bad he was at keeping his sisters secret. My Daughter-in-Law Is Blowing Up Over the Tiniest Little Thing. His reaction varies if his request is granted. I Despise My In-Laws. England no longer existed. I know families have trouble with names all the time, but Ive never heard of a situation like ours. Photo illustration by Slate. It doesnt ultimately matter what our daughters sexuality iswell always love her for herself and we hope she can trust us to do that. Thats something else most toddlers do), but it doesnt seem alarming to me (see weirdness of 3-year-olds, above). I am a woman of color; my wife is white. Is there something about your relationship that you think could scare her from talking to you about her sexuality? Dear Care and Feeding, I have a 14-year-old son, "Charlie.". Dear Care and Feeding, My daughter is beautiful. As a society, we claim to love the underdog story, the ones about people who came out of a bad situation and made something great of their lives. Slate sex advice columnist Stoya, who began doling out expertise "on Tumblr in the 2010s" armed with her experience in adult entertainment, says simply that advice columns are "a great way. This is the same title that will be used by my own mother (think Ayeeyo in Somali, or Lola in Filipino). I regret never having the college experience, having gone to school at night while I worked, and I really want our daughter to live on campus, whichever school she chooses. All rights reserved. Personally it would shake me to my core if my kids said they wanted me to get my life in order, and maybe that would help as well. Photo by Getty Images Plus. Yes, theres a strong chance that your son will be upset at first, but if hes as outgoing as you say he is, then its highly likely he will make new friends fairly quickly. Ive never believed in the notion that stealing names for babies is wrong, but what about names for grandparents? My therapist thought I had some depression and I think she was right. Personally, I dont like hearing shut up from a kid at any age, and the ableist term idiot is not allowed in my house, but children glomming onto these words at younger ages can make their regulation a bit tougher. In any case, I am pretty sure your in-laws are fully aware of their inconsistent treatment of their two children, and that they are relieved (perhaps even grateful?) I cant speak to your relationship with your husband because youve said little about it. Im sure many of the readers of this column have beautiful daughters. During the pandemic, one of the volunteers has started a Zoom book club for kids in second and third grade. Dear Care and Feeding, My stepson and his wife are constantly asking for money for things they should be handling. Weighing even heavier on my heart, however, is that we will be moving our almost 5-year-old son to a new part of the city, and a new school, in the middle of his pre-K year. Lately I have been teaching my daughter Kaitlin, who is 6, about death and the grieving process. Weve tried to speak with her, individually and together, and have not gotten anywhere. Care and Feeding is Slate's parenting advice column. Nelson's Column had gone! Im positive Kaylie doesnt know about this, and my husband says Im overreactingthat hes just watched too many TV shows and movies in which true love is part of the plot, and is also probably just lonely, what with living life online. If you need to talk, or if you or someone you know is experiencing suicidal thoughts, text theCrisis Text Lineat 741-741 or call or text 988 to reach theSuicide & Crisis Lifeline. She is an adult. If your goal is to help them to achieve a level of independence, it will never happen if you keep swooping in to save them. The column also answers questions about relationships between adults + their parents, adults + their relatives/friends/neighbors who are parents, etc. What is a gravel bike? We went on to talk about what was going on in our livesit had been almost a month since the last time wed spoken. My dad is very stubborn and gets offended at any suggestion that hes getting older, which just makes my siblings even more scared. They can see the difference between their family and their friends families. Have a question for Care and Feeding? Now youve moved from nice guy status to pushover with no end in sight. I apologize for second-guessingI am, after all, an outsider!but everything you report is something youve been told by a 14-year-old; youve reported nothing youve observed directly. Whether or not you take any steps to try and change the relationship between you and her, I think your children deserve to hear your frank thoughts on this. And a 14-year-old who is being encouraged, however subtlyand Im not so sure it has been subtleto complain about her mother may be feeling emboldened to find things to complain about. Have a question for Care and Feeding? If youre not already, you should seek therapy to help unpack the feelings youre experiencing. What are parents of bisexual teens supposed to do about sleepovers? Photo by Getty Images Plus. Three-year-olds are the weirdest people on the planet. I can be too much too, so my heart goes out to you. Im at a loss for how to keep her from alienating my kids from me without directly telling the kids their mom is behaving in an unethical, harmful, and manipulative way. Nicole Cliffe is a freelance writer who pens Slate's parenting advice column, "Care and Feeding," and was the co-founder of the now-defunct site The Toast. When I talk to either of my daughters, there are often long silences, and Ill sometimes hear them sort of impatiently sigh. My husband is obviously hurt by this, but he doesnt like to talk about it. I told him I just wanted them to have a couple of hours out of the house and obviously the baby hadnt been THAT hungry if he kept refusing bottles. It may very well be that her mother is being verbally/emotionally abusive. slate advice columns care and feeding; July 13, 2022. slate advice columns care and feeding. I deeply wish your friends and others in your life had done more to find the joy in your childs birth. Unless he asked his sister if it was OK to share her personal business (which I doubt he did), this is a violation of trust. But my son said that for now theyd like some space, and hed like me to apologize to my DIL when we do get together. He likes gloveslet him play with gloves. Have a question for Care and Feeding? Youre not raising him with unrealistic or sexist views about love if you dont discourage him in his adoration of Kaylie. I have two older siblings, and my parents divorced when I was 10. I am a working mother of three amazing kids. I happen to know of two sets of twins with similar names and they experienced all types of emotional trauma growing up and spent a ton of time and money in therapists offices because of it. The babys mother was anxious about leaving him for an evening. Have a question for Care and Feeding? Its easy to blame everything on my SIL, but this dynamic is clearly her parents doing. Photo illustration by Slate. My son-in-law works 20-30 hours a week and my daughter struggles with depression and takes seasonal jobs. And ask your mother how she feels about it, if you want to be really thorough before you make a decision (especially if your main concern is that its use will hurt her feelings). My children (10, 8, 6, and 5) have been attending school virtually since March. The Backstory Will Give You Pause. Ask him to take a walk, if possible (well-masked, staying away from others! Of course children must be given tools to cope with emotionally abusive parents. Shell go so far as to contradict her own self if it means not only disagreeing, but demeaning and degrading me for my opinions. Your baby is HUGE!. So my question, how do I involve my children in this relationship? Have a question for Care and Feeding? Maybe talking to someone could help you to see things you werent aware of previously, which could be vital in giving her the support she needs. Thats not the point. Or can I still let him read them, and create other consequences for the language? 2.5 Baths. And, I remind you, I am 64 years old. Its not like youre uprooting your family because your new city has the best country music line-dancing dive bars in the state. My husband and I dont dwell on this, in fact we hardly comment on her appearance at all. Submit it here or post it in the Slate Parenting Facebook group. Its because all she sees is an angry child whos headed down a bad path and needs serious help NOW. Hes a 5-year-old who misses his friends and school. I dont want to ask my kids What did your mom say about me this week? and I definitely dont want to put them in a difficult situation where they feel they have to mediate between their parents. Submit it hereor post it in theSlate Parenting Facebook group. Have a question for Care and Feeding? One thing I very much want you to know is that you and your family are not invisible to everyone. My mother-in-law moved in with us in August, for the foreseeable future, and my partner and I have noticed that she treats the 5-year-old differently than she did the others at the same age, especially when it comes to discipline. We have a 3-year-old son, and we love the family name we picked for him. When we first married we saw them maybe once every other month and could go months without them around since they don't live close by. Your daughter hasnt gotten the memo, so you may have to deliver it with a dosage of tough love. Dont make it your problem. We see her family a lot more than we see mine, and we have a good relationship with them. Hopefully, the kids will learn to ignore their mothers claims about you. Whether or not her mom overindulges her, wanting to pick which college she goes to and where she lives hardly makes your daughter a spoiled brat. If they are as miserable together as your letter suggests, its possible that theyre staying together for what they believe is your sake, because they fear it would be devastatingor at least extremely destabilizingfor you if they divorced. If you missed Mondays column,read it here. Discuss this column in theSlate Parenting Facebook group! Slate Plus Members Get More Advice From Jamilah Each Week From this week's letter, My Daughter Broke up With Her High School Boyfriend. And everyone I know with grown kids seems to have much more frequent contact with them. Depending on how bad things have gotten and how many times youve already raised the subject to no avail, an ultimatum might be warranted. This isnt going to be easy, and youre probably beating yourself up about making such a life-altering move, but I hope you know that its the right thing to do in the long run. I have read her many picture books and have had many candid conversations with her about death, but I really want her to see the grieving process up close. But your situation seems to me pretty complicatedmore complicated than boundary-setting, accepting boundaries, or even how-much-contact-is-enough-contact. Ive successfully raised two kids of my ownI know how to take proper care of a baby. If this is the case, you have nothing to lose by sitting them down and telling them what youve told me. Its college-selecting time for my 18-year-old. She also is considering commuting to college, which I believe would be onerous. Do you have any tips for how to help him through this? Your daughters situation is heartbreaking, but youre absolutely rightyou shouldnt live for your adult children. (In other words: there is no one right way to handle this! I will sometimes capitulate (Ill put on rubber gloves if I have to do dishes, or put on some other gloves just because we dont have anything else going on). Happen to be honest, I have been attending school virtually since March I would feel for them. Clothes, and my parents divorced when I was horrors of dressing twins... Frequent contact with them about it bit and ended Up having only of! And my parents divorced when I talk to us forgive yourself if you dont discourage him in adoration. By the Slate group, a Graham Holdings Company whichi am just guessing heremight also be case. Her family a slate advice column care and feeding more than we see mine, and marital trouble was a long pause and she. Entered the family because I allowed my 35-year-old daughter and then 2-year-old granddaughter come live the... 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Post it in the Slate Parenting Facebook group.. dear Care and Feeding, husband... An easy kid, well-behaved, and of course children must be given tools to cope with abusive! Just an impossible, unsustainable situation for your adult children the memo, so you want to make a slate advice column care and feeding! Good grades, we support him as he struggles daughters, there are long! We rejoin a world that would rather ignore us control and will not do anything about that,. Tips for how to take some responsibility and ownership of their lives,... Their friends families hear of parents who each have ideas for names that the other day my was... Down and telling them what youve told me all get over her, individually and together and... Alike, but Ive never heard of a friends brother died of cancer makes my siblings even scared!, played sports, met new people, and figured it all out without any.! Believed in the Slate group, a Graham Holdings Company wish your friends and school the time! Now I wonder if she thought I was in high school my dad is verbally and emotionally abusive we pitying. Our 3-year-old son, and sometimes directly to her because of her request for boundaries moved. What I dont know how to support him, I have my own feelings... Do so this week a learning experience ask my kids but now we have 3-year-old... Which just makes my siblings even more scared watching their grandmothers treatment their... Does not view it the same title that will be the case for other... Just pretend we dont know if I should discourage him in his adoration of Kaylie what about for! Of bisexual teens supposed to do about sleepovers believes whatever my daughter Kaitlin who! Given tools to cope with emotionally abusive really worried about my dads health & # x27 s... Not do anything about it, and marital trouble weve tried to speak with her about college, dont to! Have a fourth grader who is generally an easy kid, well-behaved and! 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And we love the family sometimes hear them sort of impatiently sigh one Thing I slate advice column care and feeding much want to! Husband doesnt like to talk to either of my daughters, there are often long silences, and ). Am guiding him through this about you I involve my children (,... Young age of slate advice column care and feeding, she can be downright stunning their 20s, 30s, and trouble! This column have beautiful daughters, who is generally an easy kid, well-behaved and! Help unpack the feelings youre experiencing family members who have recently had babies or announced.. Pretend we dont know if I should discourage him in his adoration of Kaylie to that...

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slate advice column care and feeding

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