treatment plan goals and objectives for homelessness

Operate CalWORKs program and other workforce development projects that improve economic self-sufficiency including pre-vocational workshops and work experience opportunities. Health Center reporting does not support an estimate of expenditures on homelessness outside of the HCH program. The PATH and Treatment for Homeless Persons Programs serve a somewhat narrower subgroup of the homeless population than the other programs: the PATH program focuses on homeless individuals with serious mental illness; and the Treatment for Homeless Persons program targets homeless persons who have a substance abuse disorder, or both a . Grants can also be used for outreach activities targeting youth who may need assistance. Further, build on existing efforts and link with ongoing government or community initiatives where possible. The Guide focuses on implementation of HAB Policy 99-02, as issued in 1999 by the Health Resources and Services Administration, HIV/AIDS Bureau, which administers the CARE Act. This work group, entitled the Secretarys Work Group on Ending Chronic Homelessness, comprises senior leadership from seven operating divisions and numerous staff divisions within the Office of the Secretary and has expanded to encompass more offices as the Work Group has matured (see Figure 1). Where feasible and appropriate in HHS programs, identify ways to mitigate the long-term impact of homelessness as a result of disasters. Much of the data we collect is recorded and tracked using Alameda County's Homeless Information Management System (HMIS), an integrated countywide database that tracks homeless housing and service outcomes in the region. Assessing Homeless Population Size through the Use of Emergency and Transitional Shelter Services in 1998: Results from the Analysis of Administrative Data in Nine US Jurisdictions. Homeless prevention activities should be reported under the decent housing objective, since the goal of most prevention activities is to help individuals or families preserve their housing and/or make it more affordable while the individual or family is experiencing a temporary crisis. > Research Final report was published in March 2006 and is available at:, The DASIS Report: Homeless Admissions to Substance Abuse Treatment: 2004(SAMHSA), A short report based on the SAMHSAs Drug and Alcohol Services Information System (DASIS), the primary source of national data on substance abuse treatment. As such, Strategy 4.4 emphasizes the importance of coordinating homelessness data activities within HHS with relevant data activities in other federal agencies and Cabinet-level departments such as HUD, VA, DOL, and the USICH. Each year, approximately one percent of the U.S. population, some 2-3 million individuals, experiences a night of homelessness that puts them in contact with a homeless assistance provider, and at least 800,000 people are homeless in the United States on any given night (Burt et al 2001). The U.S. Department of Health and Human Services has developed the Strategic Action Plan on Homelessness to outline a set of goals and strategies that will guide the Departments activities related to homelessness over the next several years. 1995; 85(12): 1642-1649. HHS is the United States government's principal agency for protecting the health of all Americans and supporting the delivery of essential human services, especially for those who are least able to help themselves. The 2007 Plan was circulated throughout the HHS operating and staff division heads prior to being finalized by the Department and made public. HHS Budget Growth- Mainstream Programs FY 2003-FY 2006, Key Research and Programmatic Activities Between 2003 - 2006. There are two new elements that represent the greatest departure from the 2003 Strategic Action Plan and deserve to be highlighted for their magnitude and breadth. We have employed a fulltime HUD Compliance Coordinator dedicated to HMIS since October 2009. Key Events Shaping Strategic Action Plan Revision. To date, every state (including the District of Columbia) and U.S. This perspective can be seen within different HHS operating divisions strategic plans. This report highlights efforts of many States to use Federal Block Grant funds for mental health and substance abuse services to provide more effective care for people who are homeless. , National Alliance to End Homelessness, July . Screenings for depression for all new mothers (new this year). Head Start serves homeless families eligible for the program in areas such as nutrition, developmental, medical and dental screenings, immunizations, mental health and social services referrals, and transportation. 0000036035 00000 n SSBG funds support outcomes across the human service spectrum, and these outcomes are associated with strategic goals and objectives such as employment, child care, child welfare, adoptions, and youth services. Federally recognized Indian Tribes, Indian Tribes that are not federally recognized and urban Indian organizations are also eligible. 0000134369 00000 n Childhood risk factors for homelessness among homeless adults. Receive the latest updates from the Secretary, Blogs, and News Releases. o Promote joint initiatives through interagency cooperative agreements, pooled funding for special projects or evaluations of mutual interest or benefit. 0000174588 00000 n startxref The Community Health Centers, operated by the Health Resources and Services Administration (HRSA),provide health services to underserved populations. Coordinate diverse funding sources to maximize impact on youth homelessness. For example, Teresa might say, ''I want to feel less . There is no standard but what is key is that you have a way of differentiating between the two and ensuring that your shorter term activities feed into larger priorities. The final report, which will consist of a collection of 12 research papers, will be available in the summer of 2007. In addition, it includes the goals of the medical sessions. Eligible activities include emergency and transitional housing and related services; substance abuse and mental health programs for homeless individuals; homeless ex-offender aftercare programs and miscellaneous other supportive homeless services. This PolicyAcademyfollow-up includes providing technical assistance to the states and territories around effective implementation of their Action Plans and sustaining their momentum in addressing homelessness in their respective states and territories. o Monitor the development of HUDs Homeless Management Information Systems (HMIS) and seek opportunities to partner with HUD and local Continuums of Care on future research initiatives utilizing HMIS data, while maintaining the confidentiality of personally identifying information about individuals served by domestic violence programs. trailer Strategy 3.5 Develop, disseminate and utilize toolkits and blueprints to strengthen outreach, enrollment, and service delivery. 0000116542 00000 n The population who experiences homelessness is a heterogeneous group, and includes single individuals, families with children, and unaccompanied runaway and homeless youth. The study design involved a five-year, cross-site data collection and analysis program involving eight study sites. CMHSBG funds are used to carry out the plan, evaluate programs and services carried out under the plan, and for planning, administration and educational activities that relate to providing services under the plan. Make personal observable goals for ADHD management. The prevalence of homelessness among adolescents in the United States. The U.S. Conference of Mayors Hunger and Homelessness Survey of 23 cities (2006), report that requests for shelter from homeless families increased by 5% over the previous year, with 59% of the 23 cities reporting an increase. 0000035936 00000 n You will meet one-on-one with a therapist as well as in group sessions. Visit our Research Matters blog for weekly posts from the homelessness sector here. Goal 1: Prevent episodes of homelessness within the HHS clientele, including individuals and families, Goal 2: Help eligible, homeless individuals and families receive health and social services, Goal 3: Empower our state and community partners to improve their response to individuals and families experiencing homelessness, Goal 4: Develop an approach to track Departmental progress in preventing, reducing, and ending homelessness for HHS clientele, Goal 1: Prevent episodes of homelessness within the HHS clientele, including individuals and families, Strategy 1.1 Identify risk and protective factors to prevent episodes of homelessness for at-risk populations, Strategy 1.2 Identify risk and protective factors to prevent chronic homelessness among persons who are already homeless, Strategy 1.3 Develop, test, disseminate, and promote the use of evidence-based homelessness prevention and early intervention programs and strategies, Goal 2: Help eligible, homeless individuals and families receive health and social services, Strategy 2.1 Strengthen outreach and engagement activities, Strategy 2.2 Improve the eligibility review process, Strategy 2.3 Explore ways to maintain program eligibility, Strategy 2.4 Examine the operation of HHS programs, particularly mainstream programs that serve both homeless and non-homeless persons, to improve the provision of services to persons experiencing homelessness, Strategy 2.5 Foster coordination across HHS to address the multiple problems of individuals and families experiencing homelessness, Strategy 2.6 Explore opportunities with federal partners to develop joint initiatives related to homelessness, including chronic homelessness and homelessness as a result of a disaster, Goal 3: Empower our state and community partners to improve their response to individuals and families experiencing homelessness, Strategy 3.1 Work with states and territories to effectively implement Homeless Policy Academy Action Plans, Strategy 3.2 Work with governors, county officials, mayors, and tribal organizations to maintain a policy focus on homelessness, including homelessness as a result of a disaster, Strategy 3.3 Examine options to expand flexibility in paying for services that respond to the needs of persons with multiple problems, Strategy 3.4 Encourage states and localities to coordinate services and housing, Strategy 3.5 Develop, disseminate and utilize toolkits and blueprints to strengthen outreach, enrollment, and service delivery, Strategy 3.6 Provide training and technical assistance on homelessness, including chronic homelessness, to mainstream service providers at the state and community level, Goal 4: Develop an approach to track Departmental progress in preventing, reducing, and ending homelessness for HHS clientele, Strategy 4.1 Inventory data relevant to homelessness currently collected in HHS targeted and mainstream programs; including program participants housing status, Strategy 4.2 Develop an approach for establishing baseline data on the number of homeless individuals and families served in HHS programs, Strategy 4.3 Explore a strategy to track improved access to HHS mainstream and targeted programs for persons experiencing homelessness, including individuals experiencing chronic homelessness, Strategy 4.4 Coordinate HHS data activities with other federal data activities related to homelessness. Second, the Department has added a new goal that focuses exclusively on issues of data and measurement; specifically, the Departments ability to document progress in preventing, reducing, and ending homelessness for the HHS clientele. The PADD program in each State has a significant role in enhancing the quality of life of persons with developmental disabilities in every community. These strategies can help guide your efforts to identify those experiencing chronic homelessness on the streets and in shelters, hospitals, jails, and other settings and connect them with the supportive housing, benefits, and health care they need to end their homelessness once and for all. The desired purpose of this pocket handbook is to be utilized as a quick and essential resource tool for clinicians, peer workers, and social service providers in hopes that they will routinely adapt their services and foster better outcomes for homeless clients. Strong Collaborative Partners- We maintain eight formal partnerships with public agencies and communitybased organizations throughout Alameda County that leverage program resources and keep costs manageable. A position paper of the Society for Adolescent Medicine. Webb, David A., Culhane, Jennifer, Metraux, Stephen, Robbins, Jessica, and Culhane, Dennis. It provides a basic but comprehensive picture of the numbers and characteristics of the two types of homeless assistance programs. 0000001489 00000 n Strategy 2.3 Explore ways to maintain program eligibility. Effectiveness of the actions taken to achieve the goals is measured in the CAPER or Annual Performance Report. In most settings of clinical practice it is critical to be able to demonstrate treatment planning skills that are SMART (specific, measurable, achievable, realistic, and time specific. %%EOF 193 47 o Explore the feasibility of collecting data regarding the housing status or program participants of HHS mainstream service programs. This website is for informational and educational purposes only. Introduce targeted prevention measures to support youth at risk of or experiencing homelessness. Over the past several years, the ability to demonstrate results towards ending and reducing homelessness in a quantitative fashion has increased, and thus, where the original plan included a recommendation for this work, a more focused effort to develop data and performance measurements will be critical to documenting future success and is a key component to the revised strategic action plan. Once you become more confident, you can work on accomplishing larger, more long-term goals. The Characteristics and Needs of Sheltered Homeless and Low-Income Housed Mothers. From its inception to the present time, the Secretarys Work Group has met regularly in order to discuss policy issues related to chronic homelessness, as well as homelessness among families and youth, review progress, and report about key activities occurring in the various operating divisions. Prevention activities are critical to any plan that seeks to end chronic homelessness. This chapter will summarize how the two major changes have been incorporated into the framework of the strategic action plan, and will provide the rationale for the expansion of the plan in these two new directions. Research projects funded via an NIH grant are traditionally published in scientific journals. <<657B2EFBF6C0094B9BFB4AD0FEE23BD3>]>> Eligible applicants for the Basic Center and Transitional Living Programs are states, units of local government, a combination of units of local government, and public or private nonprofit agencies, organizations or institutions. He was the cochair of the EveryOne Home Plan Structure Committee and is an appointee of Supervisor Scott Haggerty to the Measure A Oversight Committee. The table below, adapted from the Calgary Plan to End Youth Homelessness Refresh Strategy Overview (2016), provides examples of the types of goals often found in youth plans. 0000028719 00000 n GOAL 4: A City committed to preventing and ending homelessness. 1997; 87(2): 241-248. Funds are used by states to support a network of local community action agencies, federally and state recognized Indian tribes and tribal organizations, migrant and seasonal farm worker organizations, or private/public community-based organizations to provide a range of services and activities to assist low-income individuals, and families, including the homeless, to alleviate the causes and conditions of poverty. A series of articles that report the study findings will be published in the Journal of Community Psychology in 2007. The plan also contains new language and specific strategies about federal agency collaboration to encourage intradepartmental and interdepartmental coordination and collaboration across the federal government. Connection to mainstream resources including services for further assessment and treatment. These results will enable the HCH Program to determine the efficacy of respite services and in what configuration they are most appropriate. The coordination of these services, both within the Department, as well as with our Federal partners who provide housing and complementary service programs, is a critical component of achieving the goal of preventing and ending homelessness. As the title of the 2003 Strategic Action Plan indicates (Ending Chronic Homelessness: Strategies for Action) the focus of the Work Group was on chronic homelessness. According to the latest available data, state-funded community based agencies used FY 2003 allocations to provide PATH eligible services to 86,000 enrolled persons. 0000134303 00000 n A Way Home: Youth Homelessness Community Planning Toolkit, Roadmap for Preventing Youth Homelessness, Cost Effectiveness of Ending Homelessness, Strategies to Strengthen Homeless Service Integration, Wrap-around Delivery and Other Team-based Models, Considerations for Regionalized Approaches, Considerations for Engagement with Indigenous People, Developing Targets and Performance Indicators, Appendix A: Ontarios Housing and Homelessness System, Undertaking homelessness as a topic in your classroom, Supporting communities to prevent and end homelessness, Homelessness Learning Hub: Practical, relevant, trusted professional development. o Inventory and compile the data currently collected within the Department relevant to homelessness; domains may include: OPDIV, title of data source; population included; method of data collection; web link to the data source (or directly to data that are publicly available), and strengths and limitations, among others. 100% of families and individuals needing benefit acquisition assistance and job training and employment referrals. Long-Term Treatment Goals for Depression. The intent of this revision is not to usurp or replace the original strategic action plan, but rather to refine the goals and strategies to reflect the changing set of challenges and priorities three years after the development of the first plan. Services are provided without regard for a persons ability to pay. Introduce independent housing options for youth, including adaptations of the Housing First approach. Figure 1. o Encourage mainstream programs that support outreach and case management to identify individuals and families experiencing homelessness as potentially eligible candidates for these services. Title IV-A, section 404 of the Social Security Act (Act) allows states, Territories and federally recognized Indian Tribes to use Federal TANF funds in any manner that is reasonably calculated to accomplish a purpose of the TANF program. incorporating the goals and objectives of the treatment plan. This plan details the patient's diagnosis and outlines the action plan for the treatment. o Continue to maintain jointly-funded collaborations to support state and community partners to implement their homeless Policy Academy action plans (e.g., SOAR Training Initiative, jointly funded HRSA Policy Academy contract, jointly funded SAMHSA Policy Academy Technical Assistance contract, jointly funded ACF Homeless Families Policy Academies). Block grant funds are used by each state as they determine their needs; therefore, the program does not require states to report on expenditures related to homelessness. Since the inception of the Treatment for Homeless program, over 10,000 persons have received grant-supported services. Both parties work together to create a shared vision and set attainable goals and objectives. 85% of those who obtain permanent housing will maintain it for at least a year and 65% will maintain permanent housing for at least three years. It is also assumed that, to the extent the strategies seek to impose any requirements on applicants as conditions of given awards, before doing so, programs will confirm that their authorizing authority and program/administrative regulations permit such imposition of conditions. 0000029120 00000 n Types of housing assistance provided through the CARE Act: -- Housing referral services defined as assessment, search, placement, and advocacy services; -- Short-term or emergency housing defined as necessary to gain or maintain access to medical care; -- Housing services that include some type of medical or supportive service including, but not limited to residential substance treatment or mental health services, residential foster care, and assisted living residential services (does not include facilities classified as an institute of mental diseases under Medicaid); -- Housing services that do not provide direct medical or supportive services but are essential for an individual or family to gain or maintain access and compliance with HIV-related medical care and treatment. o Promote organizational development and horizontal coordination between agencies such as housing, HIV/AIDS services/prevention, mental health and substance abuse treatment and prevention, and criminal justice to provide integrated comprehensive services to prevent homelessness. Toll Free Call Center: 1-877-696-6775, Content created by Assistant Secretary for Planning and Evaluation (ASPE), U.S. Department of Health & Human Services,,,,,,,,,,,, Grants for the Benefit of Homeless Individuals, Maternal & Child Health Services Block Grant, Strategy 2.6 Explore opportunities with federal partners to develop joint initiatives related to homelessness, including chronic homelessness and homelessness as a result of a disaster, Substance Abuse and Mental HealthServices Administration. During consultations for the plans development, the Aboriginal Standing Committee on Housing and Homelessness provided the backbone supports leading the work (Calgary Homeless Foundation). DUBUQUE COUNTY SMART PLAN Housing Goals and Objectives 10.3. Health and medical goals are highly individual and people's engagement in setting goals has been demonstrated to affect not only their participation in and adherence to treatment, but their health outcomes and quality of life.2 Step 1: Elicit . The general premise of the strategic action plan posits that homelessness is a complex social problem, and ending chronic homelessness requires housing combined with the types of services supported by the programs funded and operated by HHS. The goal of street outreach is to make connections to stable housing with tailored services and supports . 0000073076 00000 n This manual was designed to assist case managers and other professionals in obtaining critical services for their clients. 0000067458 00000 n Public Health Reports. Goal . 21 Apr. Tips for Conducting an Effective Treatment Plan. Appendix A: Overview of Programs Operated by the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services That May Serve Persons Experiencing Homelessness. Access to Recovery (ATR), operated by the Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration (SAMHSA) and established in 2003, supports a grantee-run voucher program for substance abuse clinical treatment and recovery support services built on the following three principles: consumer choice, outcome oriented, and increased capacity. Another key event that influenced the Secretarys Work Group was Hurricane Katrina, which occurred in August 2005. Home - Office of Supportive Housing - County of Santa Clara The second document that was reviewed was the activities matrix developed by the Secretarys Work Group on Ending Chronic Homelessness. Goals: *I make this section objective. Home - Office of Supportive Housing - County of Santa Clara HCH works within guidelines for the Community Health Center (Health Center) program. Abode Services - Ending Homelessness by Assisting Low-income, Un-housed People to Secure Stable, Supportive Housing in Alameda County, California. Tasks: Client: Client will make appointment with medical provider . Thus, while the Department will develop its own data strategies internally, it will be paramount to also coordinate our efforts and integrate data across multiple Federal departments. The SSBG is based on two fundamental principles: (1) state and local governments and communities are best able to determine the needs of individuals to help them achieve self-sufficiency; and (2) social and economic needs are interrelated and must be met simultaneously. There are approximately 3,000 transitional housing beds and 800+ emergency housing beds being successfully operated by homeless assistance providers receiving properties pursuant to Title V of the McKinney-Vento Homeless Assistance Act. In addition to performance measures, the HRSA strategic plan also discusses the need to assess results, program effectiveness, and strategies. A list of departmental homelessness web resources and research reports relevant to homelessness are included as Appendix B. Enrichment and school-readiness activities for younger children and after-school tutoring and computer education for older children. States have the flexibility to spend SSBG funds on a variety of services. 2003 Strategic Action PlanGoal 3: Work to prevent new episodes of homelessness within the HHS clientele. Affordable Housing: Include brief summary of any issues related to obtaining housing. By January 2015, Abode Services will provide 200 units of permanent supportive housing* for homeless families and individuals (10-year goal). Ensure the diverse services for at-risk and homeless youth have well-articulated roles in the broader system of care; ensure program type, target population, eligibility criteria and outcomes are well articulated for each program, whether delivered by the non-profit or public sector. 0000013624 00000 n Main Street Village Apartments - Fremont (under construction), Bay Street Employment Services Center - Fremont. Programs and activities include: (1) substance abuse treatment; (2) mental health services; (3) immediate entry to treatment; (4) wrap-around services; (5) outreach services; (6) screening and diagnostic treatment services; (7) staff training; (8) case management services; (9) supportive and supervisory services in outpatient and residential settings; and (10) referrals for primary health services, job training, educational services, and relevant housing services. This strategic action plan serves as the next iteration of the strategic action plan released in 2003, Ending Chronic Homelessness: Strategies for Action, which outlined the Departments strategy for contributing to the Administration goal of ending chronic homelessness. Home visiting for young mothers enrolled in our program for emancipated foster youth. Final report published September 2005 and available at:, Using Medicaid to Support Working Age Adults with Serious Mental Illness in the Community: A Handbook (ASPE), The purpose of this primer is to describe the Medicaid program in the delivery of services to adults with serious mental illnesses; specifically, the primer explains how existing Medicaid options and waivers are used by states to finance a broad range of community services and supports for adults with serious mental illnesses, and to demonstrate what aspects of state-of-the-art community services and supports for this population are funded by Medicaid. 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treatment plan goals and objectives for homelessness

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