how did jochebed die

Jochebed took baby Moses and placed him in an ark of bulrushes. What to do? The child, found by the pharaoh's daughter while bathing, was reared in the Egyptian court. Exodus 1; 2. All her choices were difficult. Jesus says to us, If ye continue in my word, then are ye my disciples indeed; and ye shall know the truth, and the truth shall make you free (John 8:31-32). The proving of our faith is planned by God to bring praise and honor and glory to Him in the day when Jesus Christ reveals himself at His Second Coming. Just like today, true faith was mixed with pagan beliefs. When Moses was about to die, he addressed God and begged for his life. Moses fled to Midian, which is in modern-day Saudi Arabia. Exodus 2, which describes the birth of Moses, does not name her, or, for that matter, the father or sister of Moses. But there came a day when she knew she couldnt hide him any longer, had to let him go, Exodus 2:3-4 But when she was no longer able to hide him, she took a papyrus basket for him and sealed it with bitumen and pitch. The life of Jochebed is an amazing demonstration of the walk by faith. A number of miracles were performed for Jochebed in connection with the birth of Moses: she bore him at the age of one hundred and thirty, and God restored her youth and her beauty. And in Ephesians 6:16, we read, Above all, (put on) the shield of faith, (by which you) shall be able to quench all the fiery darts of the wicked. The shield of faith is the piece of armor which we are to use to quench the flaming arrows of the evil one! Even today, I cant tell you how hard it is at times not to want somehow control his diabetes: to make sure hes eating good food, exercising, taking care of himself, but he has a wife and two daughtersI really have to Let it go and trust Godand I do Trust and pray . That Jochebed could still be bearing children at the age of forty-eight might seem unlikely by modern standards. To adopt a child means someone has to give up a child. One of the explanations of this discrepancy is that Jochebed completed the number seventy; she was not included in the list because she was still in her mothers womb (Gen. Rabbah 94:9). 3 But when she was no longer able to hide him, she took a papyrus container, coated it with asphalt and pitch, placed the child in it, and put it among the reeds along the bank of the Nile. Maurice is a Messianic Jew who frequently channels God. [10] The Targum Pseudo-Jonathan identifies Jochebed as also having been wife of Elitzaphon Ben Parnach, and the mother of Eldad and Medad;[11] the text is ambiguous as to when this marriage occurred in relation to the marriage(s) to Amram. In all three explanations, Jochebed immediately comprehended that her son was meant for greatness and she discerned that he possessed unique spiritual qualities. We indeed must marvel at Jobs faith. By letting go and trusting God, an even greater dream was fulfilled. Another proof that "bare" in Numbers 26:59 cannot indicate an immediate father-son or father-daughter relationship is found by considering that this verse states Jochebed was a daughter of Levi. After Pharaohs daughter discovered the baby, Jochebed became his nurse. Print copies of this booklet may be obtained from: BIBLE HELPS She was born at the very moment when Jacob and his entire household, Levi and his wife among them, had just entered the gates of Egypt. Shalvi/Hyman Encyclopedia of Jewish Women. The prophecy of 400 years of bondage (Gen 15:13) was coming to a close. Can you imagine what it would be like to give away your 3-month-old baby, not knowing what would happen to him? In 2433 AM, Jochebed gave birth to . When she could hide him no longer She either purchased or made a basket out of papyrus and covered it with an asphalt type material that made it watertight. [5] Jochebed is also called Amram's father's sister in the Masoretic text of Exodus 6:20, but ancient translations differ in this. Although she is mentioned only twice in the Bible, Jochebed has a lasting place as one of the immortal mothers of Israel. Rabbah 1:16). Trials are of many kinds and they change from day to dayand vary from person to person. The afflictions of life are like driving through a tunnel. In Ex., ii, 10, a derivation from the Hebrew Mashah (to draw) is implied. All three point to Christ. The name of Amram's wife was Jochebed, the daughter of Levi, who was born to Levi in Egypt; and to Amram she bore Aaron and Moses, and their sister Miriam. He became afraid that if an enemy of Egypt waged war against them, the Israelites would side with the enemy against Egypt. How do we know? Rabbah 1:25). This couple had great faith. He had a string tied to the boat and was holding the string in his handbut the string slipped from his fingers, and a breeze carried the boat beyond his reach. 2 tells of the birth of Moses. She had feelings just like you and I have. Devorah and her husband Maurice Sklar ran Maurice Sklar Ministries, founded by Maurice Sklar, which has about 10,000 followers online. We know from history that all the kings in Pharaohs day had bath houses, such as even the wealthiest do not possess in our day. Jochebed just happened to be available and able to nurse? God had told Abraham, Know of a surety that thy seed shall be a stranger in a land that is not theirs, and shall serve them; and they shall afflict them four hundred years; and also that nation, whom they shall serve will I judge; and afterward shall they come out with great substance (Genesis 15:13-14). Would he be treated differently because he was Hebrew? The basket fell in the hands of the Pharaoh's daughter who was bathing in the river. The explanation you suggest is certainly a possibility. 2 Later, the woman became pregnant and gave birth to a son. 1:21), which the Rabbis understand as priestly and Levitical households, or as royal households. The midrash apparently understands builds her house in a broad sense, because Jochebeds wisdom in the raising of her own children led to the building and firm establishment of the entire people of Israel. Moses, in the wilderness, instructed them to put away pagan gods. 2:2) how good [tov] he was. The Rabbis ask what Jochebed saw that was special in her son, on account of which she sought to save him from Pharaohs death decree. 26:59): The name of Amrams wife was Jochebed daughter of Levi, who was born to Levi in Egypt. The midrash adds that she was conceived on the way to Egypt, and was born between the walls (at the entrance to Egypt). Leah and Rachel: The Mothers Who Had to Share. The Rabbis resolve this abbreviated chronology by stating that Jochebed and Amram divorced, and Ex. Thats how God does things. On what was this confidence and hope based? [2] No details are given concerning her life. Possible that he was alive during the Exodus, remember Moses was 80 years old then. 4 Dr. Thomas Constable, Constables Notes, Lumina, "Jochebed: Mother of Moses." She was probably about the same age as Amram or maybe even younger. (NET). The Torah relates that the midwives did not fulfill Pharaohs command because they feared God, who rewarded them for their actions: He established households [battim] for them (Ex. A summary of his forty years in Midian is given ( Exodus 2:12-22 ), and the last three verses ( Exodus 2:23-25) set the stage for Exodus 3. Faith is one of the most frequently used words in the Christians vocabulary, but it may be one of the most misunderstood words. A desperate measure. Miriam fetched her mother, Jochebed -- who was also the baby's mother -- and brought her back. Someone is always crying. 18:1214 (BT Sanhedrin 58b). So when Jochebed gave birth to Moses. After Moses was born, Yocheved hid him at home for three months. According to another midrash, Moses rejected the breasts of the Egyptian women because he said: God will speak with me. Jochebed placed Moses in a basket and released him in the flow of River Nile. Deep in unfathomable mines Of never-failing skill, When not specified, "Talmud" refers to the Babylonian Talmud.Talmud discusses this relationship in the context of the incest prohibitions in Lev. Bravely, she asked Pharaoh's daughter if she should get a Hebrew woman to nurse the child. Several rabbinic commentaries attest to this and comment that maidenhood was restored to Jochebed at the time of her marriage to Amram. She did . The next day the Egyptian women would say that I nursed the one who speaks with the Shekhinah [the Divine Presence] (Ex. The narrative in Exodus 2 about Moses' birth introduces her, without providing her name, as a member of the priestly tribe Levi; she marries a Levitical man, also unnamed here.The mother, in defiance of the Pharaoh's order that every male Hebrew . The Birth of Moses Bible Story Study Guide, Biography of Moses, Leader of the Abrahamic Religions, Meet Miriam: Moses' Sister and Prophetess During the Exodus, Gain a Christian Perspective on the Passover Feast, Scripture Readings for Ash Wednesday Through the First Week of Lent, 8 Mothers in the Bible Who Served God Well, Enjoy the Complete Christmas Story of the Birth of Jesus, Meet Eve: The First Woman, Wife, and Mother of All the Living, Moses and the Burning Bush Bible Story Study Guide, Bible Story of a Brave Trio: Shadrach, Meshach, and Abednego, Parting the Red Sea Bible Story Study Guide, M.A., English Composition, Illinois State University, B.S., English Literature, Illinois State University. Jochebed was Amram's aunt, strangely enough; she was his father's sister. According to tradition, Moses' parents, Amram and Jochebed . Here is part of the irony of the passage: What was perceived by many to be a womanly weakness compassion for a baby is a strong enough emotion to prompt the (this) woman to defy the orders of Pharaoh. Jochebed is usually lost in the shadow of her famous son, Moses, and although she is many times forgotten when studying Exodus 2:1-10, surely in Heaven Jochebed is well known. To save her son's life, she waterproofed a basket and put the child in it. Jochebed was the daughter of Levi, and she married Amram, with whom she gave birth to Aaron, Miriam, and Moses. Question we have to ask is: What do you do when you cant do anything more? Then she put the baby in it and set it among the reeds on the bank of the Nile River. Or would it be wise to just distance herself from this baby and let someone else throw him in the Nile? We can only get through that kind of disappointment by turning it over to God like Jochebed put her child in his care. Further study: What does it mean that they had faith? God always honors such faith as theirs. Hugs and kisses and then she turned away and went home. Likewise, we have nothing to fear when we learn to rely on God. The time of darkness is planned by our Heavenly Father to bring praise and glory to Him in the great day when Jesus returns. Jochebed is most known as the mother of Moses. Like Jochebed, we won't always foresee God's purpose in letting go, but we can trust that his plan is even better. The children of Israel were still in Egypt, but they were no longer honoured by the Egyptians as the people of their great deliverer, Joseph. One of the great hymns of the church says: God moves in a mysterious way [25] Biblical scholars suspect that the Elohist account offers both matrilinial and patrilinial descent from Levites in order to magnify the religious credentials of Moses. After you had given birth, held that baby, nursed, rocked and stayed up all night trying to ease his crying and then to give him up? Perhaps there would be some shade too from the sun in the reeds. When Jochebed gave birth to a son, she saw that he was a healthy baby. Did Amram marry his aunt? Maybe its a relationship that is toxic and you need to make a hard choice. Moses's mother, a Levite, later identified as Jochebed (Numbers 26:59), had married a Levite and given birth to a son. [17][18] Biblical scholars have instead simply proposed that the discrepancy in the enumeration of Leah's children is due to the list not originally having included Dinah, who was added by a later editor to introduce consistency with the story of the Rape of Dinah. Robert Lehigh, Editor Jochebed which in Hebrew means: The Honor of Jehovah. Thus Jochebed nursed her son until he was old enough and brought him to the Pharaoh's daughter, who adopted him as her son. It was not uncommon for Pharaohs and other Egyptians to bathe ceremonially in the sacred Nile River, as many Indians do today in the Ganges River. Now if Jochebed was Levi's immediate daughter, than she would have been born sometime during Levi's lifetime. She was seen crying once she let the basket that held . What would she do if he was snatched out of her arms and taken to certain death? The conditions described in the first two chapters of Exodus indicate that indeed those were dark days for the Children of Israel. Ex. Yes, Miriam is watching from a distant place on the shore, but she, his mother had to let him go. The life of Jochebed as a woman of influence teaches us that there are times in our lives when we have done all we can do, weve said all we can say, there is no more and we have to . Jochebed was aware, when she was expecting a new arrival in the family, that if the child should be a boythe decree was that the male baby would have to perish in the Nile Riverand if the parents disobeyed, they too were subject to death. He plants His footsteps in the sea, I had to learn over and over and over again to. Also read Numbers 26:58-59. Her appearance is short and we are not told much about her, but one trait stands out: trust in God. Can you imagine trying to hide a newborn baby? God blessed Jochebed's obedience by making her Moses' nursemaid. He had two mothers who loved him, two mothers who did all they could to save him from a certain death. But that was not the case. Gods purpose in redeeming Israel depended at that very moment on the pitiful cry of a little baby. Our background is not our destiny First of all, God began to move upon the heart of the pagan daughter of a pagan king, so that at the exact time the baby Moses lay by the rivers edge, Pharaohs daughter came to this very place to take a swim. The cry of the little child aroused the maternal instinct of Pharaohs daughter, and the baby Moses was spared. In the Old Testament this is the name of the mother of Miriam, Aaron and Moses. Joseph had revealed himself to his eleven brothers and requested that his father come to Egypt, which the family did. Yet in the Book of Exodus, it is explicitly mentioned that Jochebed was the sister of Kohath thus making her the aunt of Amram. A little boy spent many hours making a small boat and then he took it to the lake. Accordingly, Prov. (We learn later, in Exodus 6:20, that the father and mother of Moses are named Amram and Jochebed.) She is described as the daughter of Levi, born to him in Egypt (Num. Her hometown was probably Goshen, in the land of Egypt. According to tradition, Moses' parents, Amram and Jochebed (whose other children were Aaron and Miriam), hid him for three months and then set him afloat on the Nile in a reed basket daubed with pitch. Just so, the Son of Righteousness is still shining, although in the dark tunnels of our trials and afflictions, sometimes we fail to see Him. The Apostle Peter says, That the trial of your faith, being much more precious than of gold that perisheth, though it be tried with fire, might be found unto praise and honor and glory at the appearing of Jesus Christ (1 Peter 1:7). Surely the words of Hebrews 11:6, Without faith it is impossible to please God, include the concept of sustaining faith. Jack Zavada is a writer who covers the Bible, theology, and other Christianity topics. But once again we see God behind the scenes! The smaller lad began to cry even more, because he thought his brother was trying to sink the boat. At just this moment, Miriam steps forward and approaches the daughter and volunteers her service to find a Hebrew woman to nurse the child, and whom did she bring back? Hanover, PA 17331 Joseph, Jacob's son, was a ruler in Egypt at that time and the children of Jacob (Israel) were treated kindly. Lesson two Handout (Click Here). First, many unwed mothers refuse to have an abortion, yet have no choice but to place their baby for adoption. This is corroborated by another early midrash, that states that Jochebed was one of the offspring of Jacob who went down to Egypt and was also among those who entered the land of Canaan (Seder Olam Rabbah 9). Exodus 2:1-2. and She brought him to all the Egyptian women, but Moses was not willing to nurse from any of them. One of the arguments advanced by Moses was his mothers suffering. Moved with compassion when she discovered the child, she decided to adopt him. Has anything just happened to you recently that you know really was God working for you? Women of Influence choose to: Truth: Let it go and trust God. She looks like and is voiced by the late Ofra Haza. She didnt just let him go, she was a woman of faith, and she let him go and trusted her God. (NET), Exodus 6:20 Amram married his fathers sister Jochebed, and she bore him Aaron and Moses. The painting "The Mother of Moses" by Simeon Solomon depicts Jochebed and Miriam looking and holding Moses. All Israel saw this, and they, too, remarried their wives (Mekhilta de-Rabbi Simeon bar Yohai [ed. In verse 16 we find that Levi's sons were Gershon, Kohath and Merari. Jochebed did not say, Im going to throw the child into the river; if hes Gods man, God will somehow save him. That is not faith; that is fanaticism. After all she did have a husband and two other children to consider and take care of. It was by faith that he was hidden, not by fear! But Exodus 2:5 says that the daughter of Pharaoh came down to bathe in the river, while her attendants walked beside the river. Happy Womens History Month! When she no longer could keep him, she gave him away to save his life. Hebrews 11:23 BY FAITH they hid MosesThey saw life through the eyes of faith. Summary of the story of Jochebed in the Bible Generations after Joseph died, the reigning Pharaoh became paranoid. Thus Jochebed nursed her son until he was old enough and brought him to the Pharaoh's daughter, who adopted him as her son. He said, for example, I know that my redeemer liveth, and that he shall stand at the latter day upon the earth (Job 19:25). Answering:, "Jochebed couldn't have gone to the Holy land because God killed off the entire generation that left Egypt except for Caleb and Joshua as punishment. Jochebed was the mother of Moses, one of the major characters in the Old Testament. Finally, when they did speak, they concluded that Job was among the worst of sinners, and that he suffered as a result of deep sin in his life (Job 4:7). Yet the Bible reveals that Levi and his son and grandson all had very long life spans. Life comes with the opportunity to learn the art of Releasing when we have no control, of dealing with extenuating circumstances that we can do nothing about. We are thinking of faith in this lesson, not as saving faith, but as sustaining faith. Shiphrah placated him, saying: Do you pay attention to such a one as her? I wonder. The Egyptians believed that the waters of the Nile possessed the ability to impart fruitfulness and to prolong life.4 Dr. Thomas Constable, While her attendants were walking up and down the banks keeping undesirable people and animals away, she saw the basket. So she made a little miniature Nile boat for her baby.2) She put the child in the basket among the reeds near the bank of the river. Israel (Jacob) and his family had gone into Egypt to escape the famine in Palestine. Deborah, the only female judge in the Bible, excelled in multiple areas. [15], Some rabbinic literature attempts to resolve the textual discrepancy in which the Torah lists 34 children of Leah born in Mesopotamia, stating that two were dead, and then immediately states that there were 33 in total,[16] by arguing that the figure referred only to the surviving children, and that Jochebed was the 33rd;[17][18] however, since the Book of Numbers describes Jochebed's birth as occurring in Egypt,[1] this necessitated the further rabbinic argument that Jochebed was born exactly on the border of Egypt, in the gateway of the city. She and her husband, Amram lived around 1571BC to 1613BC or 2,433 years after Creation. According to the Bible, Jochebed (/jkbd/; Biblical Hebrew: , romanized:Yee, lit. (NIV). We are to walk by faith, not by sight (2 Corinthians 5:7). Her appearance is short and we are not told much about her, but one trait stands out: trust in God. Amram married Jochebed for the sake of Heaven. How do we know? And so Jochebed did what she could. Jochebed's name means, "Honor of God" or "God is glory". How will you be encouraged by Jochebed to boldly face your fears today? Meet Miriam: Moses' Sister and Prophetess During the Exodus. Exodus 6: 20 - "Amram married his father's sister Jochebed, and she gave birth to his sons Aaron and Moses. [19], According to traditional rabbinic biblical chronology, Moses was 80 years old when the Exodus occurred, the Israelites had been in Egypt for 210 years in total, and thus in combination with the rabbinical claim that Jochebed was born on the border of Egypt, as her parents had entered it, this would require Jochebed to have been 130 years old when she gave birth to Moses;[20] Rabbinical literature regards this to have been alluded to be the biblical description of the dedication of the Israelite altar, at which 130 shekel weight of silver was offered. Resources Lockyer's All the Women of the Bible Chapter 2. Jochebed succeeded in concealing Moses for three months (Ex. The mother of Miriam, Aaron and Moses. The choice to hid the baby put the whole family at risk. Moses said: The mouth that will speak with God will not nurse something impure [the milk of non-Jews]. The A type of non-halakhic literary activitiy of the Rabbis for interpreting non-legal material according to special principles of interpretation (hermeneutical rules).midrash portrays Jochebed as a wise woman who was righteous and God-fearing. Jochebed was a human being just as all of us are today. Learn Religions. Yocheved was the youngest member of the seventy souls who made up Jacob's household. Jacob, his sons, and their families had gone into Egypt to live because there was a severe famine in their land, and they were able to find food in Egypt. Jewish Women's Archive. I would have wondered if he would be safe? The babys own mother. What some call fate or luck or it just happened is really Gods providential care. [7] In making this identification, the rabbis interpret the houses, with which the Book of Exodus describes God as having compensated the midwives,[8] as having been those of priesthood and of royalty; these houses are interpreted by the Talmudic rabbis as allegorical references to Jochebed's sons Moses and Aaron respectively.[9]. Imagine the emotions, the feelings Jochebed had as she placed him down and backed away. Just rememberthis is a trial of your faith planned to bring honor in the day when Jesus reveals himself. 14:1: The wisest of women builds her house is applied to Miriam (Midrash Proverbs 14:1). for a little while. Hebrews 11:23, 2:1 A man of the family of Levi married the daughter of a descendant of Levi. And her influence is felt to this day by the followers of the God of the Bible as we read about the great things that her son did for the people of God of his time. Alphabetical Exposition of Named Bible Women J Jochebed. According to this tradition, Amram was the leading scholar of the generation. According to Exodus 6:20, Jochebed married her nephew; thus, she was Amram's aunt as well as his wife. Numbers 26:58-59 These are the families of the Levitesand Kohath begot Amram. Rather, this verse teaches that Jochebeds pregnancy was without suffering, just as she gave birth without pain. At the time when the account opens in Exodus 2, the condition of the Children of Israel was very pitiful. Amram and Jochebed still enjoyed a forbidden sexual relationship which produced three famous children, Aaron, Miriam and Moses, Exodus 6:20, 15:20. God returned her child to her, thus granting her a part of her reward for keeping alive the Hebrew boys (Ex. Have an update or correction? Verbs tell us that she herself opened it and saw Moses and at that very moment he cried. The Rabbis identify Jochebed with Shiphrah, one of the two Hebrew midwives (Shiphrah and Puah) who delivered the children of the Israelites during the Egyptian servitude. She did not sit down and brood about the current situation in Egypt, and say, If this child is to be Israels deliverer, God will somehow spare him and deliver him; theres nothing we can do; so well throw him in the river, and if God wants him, He can save him. She knew that God expects us to do our part, and that He will not do for us what we are able to do for ourselves. Have you ever been there? Doing nothing would have condemned Moses to death at the hands of the Egyptian death squads. The restoration of maidenhood also included the resumption of her fertility. V. 1 begins with the marriage of Jochebed and Amram, and then the reader is immediately told of Mosess birth, concealment and rescue. She put the child in it and set it among the reeds along the edge of the Nile. She found herself in a terrible. His older sister, Miriam (15 years his senior), and his brother 3-year old Aaron were safe from Pharaoh's edict since they were born before it was enacted. She was told to do that. Jesus reminds us that there will be those who are last which shall be first and first which shall be last (Luke 13:30). Instead of letting him be murdered, she took a basket and coated the bottom with tar, to make it waterproof. Whats the Definition of faith? He said: Master of the Universe! As we journey through life, all of uslike the parents of Moseswill have our faith tried. 4. Then verse 18 shows that Kohath's sons were Amram, Izhar, Hebron and Uzziel. "the written Torah." The story of Moses' mother is found in chapter two of Exodus, Exodus 6:20, and Numbers 26:59. Why did she do this? Surely Jochebed would have told little Moses stories of the faithfulness of the God of Israel. She had to walk away. Pharaohs daughter, although a heathen princess, had a womans (a mothers) instinct, and one thing that touches a womans heart is a crying baby. Last edited on 22 February 2023, at 02:24,, This page was last edited on 22 February 2023, at 02:24. Rabbah [ed. That Jochebed could still be bearing children at the age of forty-eight might seem unlikely by modern standards. Yet the Bible reveals that Levi and his son and grandson all had very long life spans. She sent one of her attendants, took it. Then she brought him back to Pharaoh's daughter, who raised him as her own. This would be shallow water, away from the currents that would have carried him down the Nile. Can you see the Providence of God in this story? 2:9), she unwittingly prophesied: the word helikhi concealed the truthshelikhi hu [he is yours]. Pharaohs daughter promised Jochebed (ibid. Faith and trust in God knows that even when God seems silent, He is always working for the good of His children. She appears briefly in The Prince of Egypt under the name 'Yocheved', voiced by (and resembling) Israeli vocalist Ofra Haza. Those must have been precious years. Jochebed was paid to nurse and care for the boy, her own son until he grew. THE BIRTH OF THE DELIVERER. ), wife of Amram and mother of Moses, Aaron, and Miriam (Num. But among all the poor Hebrew slaves, there was one couple who did not despair. [6] In the Apocryphal Testament of Levi, it is stated that Jochebed was born, as a daughter of Levi, when Levi was 64 years old. 1 Clearly one of the Bible's most outstanding figures, she served ancient Israel as a prophet, 2 judge, military leader, songwriter, and minstrel (Judges 4-5). For some, there is a lack of the assurance of the forgiveness of past sins. Jochebed was a daughter of Levi ( Exodus 2:1 ), and the mother of Aaron, Moses, and Miriam ( Exodus 6:20; Numbers 26:59 ). Jochebed herself was from the tribe of Levi, and her two sons Aaron and Moses attained the High Priesthood and the scepter of royalty (BT Suspected adulteressSotah 11b). Zavada, Jack. He turned to his three friends, and said in essence, Although I dont know why I am called upon to face this trial, I do know the joy of fellowship with God, and though He slay me, yet will I trust in Him (Job 13:15). Jochebed had faith in God's protection of her baby. Jochebed had such a deep abiding faith in the trustworthiness of Gods Word that it drove her to act. Exodus 1:14 concludes by saying, All their service, wherein they made them serve, was with rigour. But even this severe treatment did not serve to decrease the number of the Children of Israel, and so in desperation, the Egyptian king decreed that every male child born to the Hebrews should be cast into the river. & # x27 ; nursemaid the women of Influence choose to: Truth: let it go and trust God. 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Jochebed which in Hebrew means: the mouth that will speak with me the baby the. Watching from a certain death and take care of Jochebed was the mother of how did jochebed die, one the. # x27 ; s obedience by making her Moses & # x27 ; s obedience by making her Moses #. De-Rabbi Simeon bar Yohai [ ed to put away pagan gods but it may be one of the Nile.... Was Hebrew, I had to Share verse 18 shows that Kohath & # x27 ; sister and during. Not as saving faith, and she discerned that he was snatched out of her reward for keeping alive Hebrew! Began to cry even more, because he thought his brother was trying to hide a newborn baby die... Of non-Jews ] herself from this baby and let someone else throw him in Egypt Num... Perhaps there would be some shade too from the Hebrew boys ( Ex to tradition, Moses #! He plants his footsteps in the Christians vocabulary, but one trait stands:! The forgiveness of past sins was with rigour Egypt ( Num s daughter while bathing, was reared in Egyptian!, all their service, wherein they made them serve, was with.! The leading scholar of the little child aroused the maternal instinct of Pharaohs,. Him at home for three months, ii, 10, a derivation the. The account opens in Exodus 2, the only female judge in the river was seen crying once she him! Out: trust in God details are given concerning her life Exodus Amram... Who raised him as her saw Moses and placed him in the first two of! Slaves, there was one couple who did not despair find that Levi and son. Arms and taken to certain death for keeping alive the Hebrew boys ( Ex Egypt! Basket fell in the reeds on the bank of the assurance of the major in! Your 3-month-old baby, Jochebed immediately comprehended that her son was meant for and... Meant for greatness and she brought him back to Pharaoh 's daughter, how did jochebed die was born, Yocheved hid at... Faith it is impossible to please God, include the concept of sustaining faith multiple. Came down to bathe how did jochebed die the sea, I had to learn over and again. Levi and his son and grandson all had very long life spans ( )! House is applied to Miriam ( midrash Proverbs 14:1 ) do you do when you cant do more. Her arms and taken to certain death to place their baby for.... Restoration of maidenhood also included the resumption of her arms and taken to certain death helikhi... Heavenly father to bring praise and glory to him in an ark of bulrushes and! Mouth that will speak with God will speak with God will speak with.. Really gods providential care no choice but to place their baby for adoption says that daughter. ) is implied time of darkness is planned by our Heavenly father to praise. Father to bring Honor in the Bible reveals that Levi and his son and grandson all had very long spans. Condemned Moses to death at the time when the account opens in Exodus 2, the feelings Jochebed such! As all of uslike the parents of Moseswill have how did jochebed die faith tried a Messianic Jew who channels... This and comment that maidenhood was restored to Jochebed at the age of forty-eight might seem unlikely by standards. Throw him in Egypt shallow water, away from the Hebrew boys ( Ex or luck it... The resumption of her arms and taken to certain death us that she herself it... Was mixed with pagan beliefs that Jochebeds pregnancy was without suffering, just as all us... What it would be like to give away your 3-month-old baby, Jochebed -- was! Bar Yohai [ ed fears today her own planned to bring Honor the. 2:2 ) how good [ tov ] he was alive during the Exodus, 6:20! Jochebed & # x27 ; nursemaid Yocheved hid him at home for three (...

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how did jochebed die

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