karate framework for ui automation

In some cases, for large payloads and especially when the default system encoding is not UTF-8 (Windows or non-US locales), you may run into issues where a java.io.ByteArrayInputStream is encountered instead of a string. You can always directly access the variable called responseHeaders if you wanted to do more checks, but you typically wont need to. #(lang)#(user), """ So it is recommended that you directly use a Java Function when possible instead of using the karate.toJava() wrapper as shown above. Get all my courses for USD 5.99/Month - https://bit.ly/all-courses-subscriptionIn this Karate Tutorial, we will learn about webelement functions in Karate, l. """, # attempt to detect and ignore antialiasing, # customize color / brightness tolerances, # switch to `original` grayscale SSIM algorithm, # JS math can introduce a decimal point in some cases, # but you can easily coerce to an integer if needed, # or you can do the same on multiple lines if you wish, # set headers or params (if any) BEFORE the method step. The following method signatures are available on the karate JS object to obtain a websocket client: These will init a websocket client for the given url and optional subProtocol. Save my name, email, and website in this browser for the next time I comment. This is very close to how custom keywords work in other frameworks. And there is another example in the karate-demos: schema.feature where you can compare Karates approach with an actual JSON-schema example. Given url https://www.kloia.com/ In the called feature, the argument can also be accessed using the built-in variable: called Karate scripts dont need to use any special keywords to return data and can behave like normal Karate tests in stand-alone mode if needed, the data return mechanism is safe, there is no danger of the called script over-writing any variables in the calling (or parent) script (unless you use, the need to explicitly unpack variables by name from the returned envelope keeps things readable and maintainable in the caller script, call re-usable functions that take complex data as an argument and return complex data that can be stored in a variable, JavaScript / JSON-style mutation of existing. The second variant takes a third argument, which is going to do the same thing as the scriptAll() method: So in a single step we can wait for the number of elements to match and extract data as an array. The Cucumber JSON format can be also emitted, which gives you plenty of options for generating pretty reports using third-party maven plugins. Assertions and HTML reports are built-in, and you can run tests in parallel for speed. A good example is when you want to use a CSV file as the request-body for a file-upload. Here is an interesting example where a JavaScript event can be triggered on a given HTML element: When starting with _, the ES6 arrow function syntax is also supported. If you get stuck trying to align the search path, especially if the origin is a small chunk of text that is aligned right or left - try near(). POST method in HTTP is used to create a new resource on the server. A header row is always expected. var results = scriptAll('.js-tree-browser-result-path', '_.innerText'); You would typically use these to simulate a user sign-in and then grab a security token from the response. It is worth taking a few minutes to go through the documentation and examples here: JsonPath Examples. The special tag @report=false can be used, and it can even be used only for a single Scenario: In cases where you want to mask values which are sensitive from a security point of view from the output files, logs and HTML reports, you can implement the HttpLogModifier and tell Karate to use it via the configure keyword. Sometimes, because of an HTTP re-direct, it can be difficult for Karate to detect a page URL change, or it will be detected too soon, causing your test to fail. { "roomInformation": [{ "roomPrice": 618.4 }], "totalPrice": 618.4 }, So the only way to call this Scenario is by using the karate.setup() JS API. The default is 30000 (30 seconds). This is best explained in this example: copy.feature. Karate Framework is an open-source Behavior Driven Development (BDD) testing framework for API test automation, performance testing, and UI testing. """, # * match cat == { name: '#ignore', type: '#regex . countryId: '#number', EXPR in the table above is an interesting one. Heres how it works for XML: This comes in useful in some cases - and avoids needing to use the set keyword or JavaScript functions to manipulate JSON. JSON objects become Java Map-s, JSON arrays become Java List-s, and Java Bean properties are accessible (and update-able) using dot notation e.g. You can use the Visual Studio Karate entension for stepping through and debugging a test. }, You can skip this section and jump straight to the Syntax Guide if you are in a hurry to get started with Karate. You can refer to the Java interface definition of the driver object to better understand what the various operations are. You can see a demo video here. Karate has the following short-cut symbols designed to be mixed into embedded expressions: For completeness, == and != also belong in the above list. You can also sort arrays of arbitrary JSON using karate.sort(). Karate does not attempt to have tests be in natural language like how Cucumber tests are traditionally expected to be. It also details how a third-party library can be easily used to generate some very nice-looking reports, from the JSON output of the parallel runner. Ping me Now! Note that if you did not need to inject Examples: into placeholders enclosed within < and >, reading from a file with the extension *.txt may have been sufficient. "b": 4, GET Example 2: In the Given section we are using path/query parameter. You can over-ride it by using the header keyword before the method step. While $ always refers to the JSON root, note the use of _$ above to represent the current node of a match each iteration. For JSON and XML files, Karate will evaluate any embedded expressions on load. You need to call a method on the driver object directly. Here below is an example that also demonstrates using the multipart/related content-type. Use a variable in the called feature instead, for e.g. A good example of the use of form field for a typical sign-in flow is this OAuth 2 demo: oauth2.feature. The nice thing here is that it returns a Driver instance, so you can chain any other method and the intent will be clear. By default, all actions such as click() will not be re-tried - and this is what you would stick to most of the time, for tests that run smoothly and quickly. As a convenience, there is a second form where you can pass an array as the second argument: And an extra convenience third argument is a time-delay (in milliseconds) that will be applied before each array value. And this framework is the only API testing tool that has combined API Automation and performance testing into a single standalone tool. Keep in mind that you should be able to comment-out a Scenario or skip some via tags without impacting any others. The solution is to ensure that when Karate tests run, the JVM file.encoding is set to UTF-8. IMPORTANT: There are some restrictions when using callonce or karate.callSingle() especially within karate-config.js. It will create a Karate report under Karate Project > target > Karate report > karate-summary.html, Step 4: Create a TestRunner.java class under src/test/java. In case you were wondering, variables (and even expressions) are supported on the right-hand-side. This can be done via the maven-surefire-plugin configuration. Here below is the equivalent of the above, done the hard way: The built-in DockerTarget is a good example of how to: Controlling this flow from Java can take a lot of complexity out your build pipeline and keep things cross-platform. predicate marker to validate that the value of totalPrice is always equal to the roomPrice of the first item in the roomInformation array. Below are the capabilities of Karate UI. """, "function(e){ return getComputedStyle(e)['font-size'] }", # this shorter version is equivalent to the above, # get text for all elements that match css selector, # now you can have multiple steps refer to "e", # find all elements with the text-content "Click Me", # perform some API calls and initialize the value of "token". You also have the option of setting multiple cookies in one-step using the cookies keyword. This is very useful to filter the results that match a desired condition - typically a text comparison. To understand how Karate compares to other UI automation frameworks, this article can be a good starting point: The world needs an alternative to Selenium - so we built one. The steps which are defined under background will run before each and every scenario for a feature file. # this can be a global re-usable function ! In typical frameworks it could mean changing multiple properties files, maven profiles and placeholders, and maybe even threading the value via a dependency-injection framework - before you can even access the value within your test. The limitation of the Cucumber Scenario Outline: (seen above) is that the number of rows in the Examples: is fixed. The assert keyword can be used to assert that an expression returns a boolean value. Karates callonce keyword behaves exactly like call but is guaranteed to execute only once. As a rule of thumb, prefer match over assert, because match failure messages are more detailed and descriptive. I have used this for my response. Some users need callable features that are re-usable even when variables have not been defined by the calling feature. You can call send() on the returned object to send a message. ] input: Since the karate object is injected within karate-config.js on start-up, it is a simple and effective way for other processes within the same JVM to pass configuration values to Karate at run-time. An image comparison UI will also be embedded into the Karate HTML report with detailed information about any differences between the two images. Embedded expressions also make more sense in validation and schema-like short-cut situations. Custom header manipulation for every HTTP request is something that Karate makes very easy and pluggable. You can imagine how you could evolve a nice set of utilities that validate all your domain objects. This means that all your. subType: { name: 'Smith', deleted: false } Added karate dependencies Create First API Test Using Karate Multi-values are supported the way you would expect (e.g. You can easily get the value of the current environment or profile, and then set up global variables using some simple JavaScript. Step 3: Add steps to run a sample GET API request. Here are the few things you need to know. Example: If the element is enabled and not disabled: Also see waitUntil() for an example of how to wait until an element is enabled or until any other element property becomes the target value. Karate is flexible, you can easily over-write config variables within the Java or JUnit runner - which is very convenient when in dev-mode or rapid-prototyping. multipart file. Billie,LOL The following table summarizes some key differences between Cucumber and Karate. When multipart content is involved, the Content-Type header of the HTTP request defaults to multipart/form-data. Karate has an elegant way to set multiple keys (via path expressions) in one step. If you are just trying to pre-define schema snippets to use in a fuzzy-match, you can use enclosed Javascript to suppress the default behavior of replacing placeholders. Multi-value headers (though rarely used in the wild) are also supported: Also look at the headers keyword which uses JSON and makes some kinds of dynamic data-driven testing easier. In some rare cases where you dont want to auto-convert JSON, XML, YAML or CSV, and just get the raw string content (without having to re-name the file to end with .txt) - you can use the karate.readAsString() API. The placeholder format defaults to angle-brackets, for example: . This is great for testing boundary conditions against a single end-point, with the added bonus that your test becomes even more readable. Especially since strings can be easily coerced to numbers (and vice-versa) in Javascript, you can combine built-in validators with the self-validation predicate form like this: '#number? Karate has built-in support for re-trying an HTTP request until a certain condition has been met. And then you would see something like this in the console: In most IDE-s, you would even see the URL above as a clickable hyperlink, so just clicking it would end the stop(). Normally in dev mode, you will use your IDE to run a *.feature file directly or via the companion runner JUnit Java class. You should take a minute to compare this with the exact same example implemented in REST-assured and TestNG. This is actually the intent most of the time and is convenient. Instead, Karate gives you all you need as part of the syntax. To signal the end of the data, just return null. You cant do things such as * url 'http://foo.bar' and expect the URL to be set in the called feature. A great example of how you can extend Karate, even bypass the HTTP client but still use Karates test-automation effectively, is this gRPC example by @thinkerou: karate-grpc. The above logic can actually be replaced with Karates built-in short-cut - which is waitForResultCount() Also see waits. But this does not limit you in any way, because similar to how you can call *.feature files, you can pass a whole JSON object as the argument. Test Automation | Karate Labs Open-source test automation solution used by 42 of the Fortune 500 companies. Multiple fields can be set in one step using multipart fields. Since XML is represented internally as a JSON-like or map-like object, if you perform string concatenation when printing, you will not see XML - which can be confusing at first. Since Karate uses Gherkin, you can also employ data-driven techniques such as expressing data-tables in test scripts. Another example is that for the new Microsoft Edge browser (based on Chromium), the Karate default alwaysMatch is not supported, so this is what works: Here are some of the things that you can customize, but note that these depend on the driver implementation. You can see what the result looks like here. Use the webDriverSession property in those cases. This is like the opposite of set if you need to remove keys or data elements from JSON or XML instances. status: '#number? There are two types of code that can be call-ed. They can be very useful in some situations. Alternatively, if using Gradle then add the following sourceSets definition. But again, you can return a JSON object. Also refer to the eval keyword for a simpler way to execute arbitrary JavaScript that can be useful in some situations. Also see waits. * match response contains only deep { foo, # and you can use 'contains' the way you'd expect, # some more examples of validation macros, # this is also possible, see the subtle difference from the above, """ This is typically combined with multipart file as shown below. ] So if you take the previous folder structure example, you can do this on the command-line: Here, AnimalsTest is the name of the Java class we designated to run the multiple *.feature files that make up your test-suite. To avoid flaky tests, use waitForUrl(). As per GitHub page of Karate Framework - Karate is the only open-source tool to combine API test-automation, mocks, performance-testing, and even UI automation into a single , unified framework. The contents of my-signin.feature are shown below. In the feature below, the * print 'in setup' step will run only once. function(x, y, i) { As a convenience, to reset the value to what was initially set, you can call timeout() with no argument: Only applies to WebDriver based driver sessions, and useful in case you need the session id to download any test-reports / video etc. For performance reasons, you can implement enableForUri() so that this activates only for some URL patterns. Of course if you did not care about the page URL assertion (you can still do it later), you could do this. It is actually a transpose of the table approach, and can be very convenient when there are a large number of keys per row or if the nesting is complex. By using this plugin, you agree to our privacy-policy. subType: So you can refer to the response, responseStatus or even responseHeaders if needed. Combined with Docker, headless Chrome and Karates parallel-execution capabilities - this simple start() and stop() lifecycle can effectively run web UI automation tests in parallel on a single node. JavaScript functions have some limitations when combined with multi-threaded Java code. For teams familiar with or currently using REST-assured, this detailed comparison of Karate vs REST-assured - can help you evaluate Karate. A few more useful transforms are to select a sub-set of key-value pairs using karate.filterKeys(), merging 2 or more JSON-s using karate.merge() and combining 2 or more arrays (or objects) into a single array using karate.append(). You just need to do a normal POST (or GET). Either - it can be assigned to a variable like so. Use this for building multipart named (form) field requests. A stand-alone example can be found here: examples/image-comparison along with a video explanation. Another good thing that Karate inherits is the nice IDE support for Cucumber that IntelliJ and Eclipse have. { With the formalities out of the way, lets dive straight into the syntax. To define Karate DSL, in simple words, we can say that it is a blend of API test-automation, mocks and performance-testing with UI-testing into a single, unified framework. Note that the duration is in milliseconds. Since a scroll() + click() (or input()) is a common combination, you can chain these: This returns an instance of Mouse on which you can chain actions. There are two variations. You can always use a JavaScript switch case within an eval or function block. Also referred to as mutual auth - if your API requires that clients present an X509 certificate for authentication, Karate supports this via JSON as the configure ssl value. You can even initialize the JSON in a separate step and pass it by name, especially if it is complex. Example: Note that if you do this as soon as you navigate to a new page, there is a chance that this returns the old / stale URL. For example: Normally you would use text() to do the above, but you get the idea. For convenience, a string contains match is used. For JSON, you can also use the JS delete operator via eval, useful when the path you are trying to mutate is dynamic. And the right-hand-side can be any valid Karate expression. Use this for multipart content items that dont have field-names. } If you read from a file, the advantage is that multiple scripts can re-use the same data. Even Java interop and access to the karate JS API would work. Here is an example of performing a configure driver step in JavaScript: By default, Karate will add logs to the report output so that HTTP requests and responses appear in-line in the HTML reports. Uses the configured highlightDuration. The configure driver options are fine for testing on localhost and when not in headless mode. With the above in place, you dont have to keep switching between your src/test/java and src/test/resources folders, you can have all your test-code and artifacts under src/test/java and everything will work as expected. Heres how it works: Here is a contrived example that uses match each, contains and the #? It is best explained via examples. """, * def timeLong = call dateStringToLong '2016-12-24T03, # import yaml (will be converted to json), # if the js file evaluates to a function, it can be re-used later using the 'call' keyword (or invoked just like normal js), # the following short-cut is also allowed, # perfect for all those common authentication or 'set up' flows, And request karate.readAsString('classpath, # use only 'ssim' (structural similarity) engine, # always use both 'resemble' and 'ssim' engines but only evaluate the lowest mismatch percentage against our `failureThreshold`, # prefer 'resemble' and fallback to 'ssim' engine only if the resemble mismatch percentage is >= `failureThreshold`, # only consider the comparison as failed when 2% or more pixels are different from the baseline, * configure imageComparison = { failureThreshold, # consider image comparisons that fail due to too many mismatched pixels as passed (especially useful when you are first starting without any baseline images), * configure imageComparison = { mismatchShouldPass, # custom JS function called in Karate HTML image comparison UI when the user clicks the `Rebase` button, """ Step 3: Provide the project details and create project, Step 4: Add Maven dependencies in pom.xml. For example, to retry() until an HTML element is present and then click() it: Or to wait until a button is enabled using the default retry configuration: Or to temporarily over-ride the retry configuration and wait: Or to move the mouse() to a given [x, y] co-ordinate and perform a click: Get the current URL / address for matching. In the rare case that you need to mutate a Map or List returned from Java but while still within a JS block, use karate.toJson() to convert. So if you really wanted to assert that the HTTP response body is well-formed JSON or XML you can do this: Very rarely used - but you can get the Java system-time (for the current response) at the point when the HTTP request was initiated (the value of System.currentTimeMillis()) which can be used for detailed logging or custom framework / stats calculations. For example you can get a nice feature coverage report, provided you have a rich set of tags. Karate and BDD Karate is built on top of Cucumber, another BDD testing framework, and shares some of the same concepts. Note that the parser is lenient so that you dont have to enclose all keys in double-quotes. Some XPath expressions return a list of nodes (instead of a single node). Another example for a popular Maven reporting plugin that is compatible with Karate JSON is Cluecumber. did the function invocation return a map-like (or JSON) object ? Billie In fact, this is the mechanism used when karate-config.js is processed on start-up. Pay attention to the fact that the includes() function you see in the above example - is pure JavaScript. To run a script *.feature file from your Java IDE, you just need the following empty test-class in the same package. The BDD syntax popularized by Cucumber is language-neutral, and easy for even non-programmers. This gives you some powerful options, for example you can simulate Ajax and XHR failures, or even replace entire widgets or sections of the page with fake HTML. So an additional rule in the above flow of rules (before the first step) is as follows: Karate scripts are technically in Gherkin format - but all you need to grok as someone who needs to test web-services are the three sections: Feature, Background and Scenario. return sdf.format(date); These are essential HTTP operations, they focus on setting one (un-named or key-less) value at a time and therefore dont need an = sign in the syntax. And thats all there is to Karate configuration ! If you want to pretty print a JSON or XML value with indenting, refer to the documentation of the print keyword. Make sure you call go() at the end - if the last method in the chain is not click() or up(). The default is: * configure driver = { headless: false }. The section on Karate Expressions goes into the details. You can also dynamically set multiple files in one step using multipart files. Finally, the page is updated to display the first-name, last-name and the image. And you can mix API and UI test-automation within the same test script. squares.push(foo(n)); "c": 3 But note that you can use the negative form of a tag selector: ~@region=GB. This is preferred because it takes care of situations such as if the value is undefined in JavaScript. This is perfect for those cases where it really doesnt make sense - for example the Background section or when you use the def or set syntax. You can also find a nice visual comparison and explanation here. You can potentially include the steps of deploying (and un-deploying) the application-under-test using this approach - but probably the top-level JUnit test-suite would be the right place for those. english This will give you the usual HTML report showing what features will be run, including all steps shown (including comments) so that it can be reviewed. The BDD syntax with Cucumber is launguage neutral, and easy for even non-programmers. Within that folder, you can run: Now create a file called playwright/server.js with the following code: The main thing here is that the server URL should be logged to the console when it starts. And this assertion will cause the test to fail if the HTTP response code is something else. 1 Using Karate, according to Karate - is it possible to find element according to part of its parameter I have tried to do that using: * def filter = function (x) { return x.attribute ('placeholder').startsWith ('Very') } * def list = locateAll ('input [placeholder]', filter) But I have no idea how to use it for inserting the value. There are two things that can happen to the returned value. The set of built-in functions that start with wait handle all the cases you would need to typically worry about. Especially when payloads are complex (or highly dynamic), it may be more practical to use contains semantics. Do note that if you prefer a pure Java API - Karate has that covered, and with far more capabilities. Experience working in an Agile environment with agile methodologies leveraging Jira This is easily achieved with the karate.repeat() API: And theres also karate.range() which can be useful to generate test-data. And there is no more worrying about Maven profiles and whether the right *.properties file has been copied to the proper place. } Also we will learn about Karate variables, Embedded expression, Headers, Path and Query Parameters. Some characters such as the hyphen - are not permitted in lenient JSON keys (because they are interpreted by the JS engine as a minus sign). One nice thing about the design of the Gherkin syntax is that script-steps are treated the same no matter whether they start with the keyword Given, And, When or Then. Karate is the only open-source tool to combine API test-automation, mocks, performance-testing and even UI automation into a single, unified framework. Like above, but force the SSL algorithm to one of, Whether the HTTP client automatically follows redirects - (default, Set the connect timeout (milliseconds). Now you can use the path of the batch file in the driver executable config. And path blog?page=2. You use the listen keyword (with a timeout) to wait until that event occurs. Using locators in Karate UI Web Automation There are various ways we can locate an element in Karate. We can use this with param in And condition like below. 1+ years experience with Jira . This is useful in any situation where you need to concatenate dynamic string fragments to form content such as GraphQL or SQL. This also works as a getter to get the current window dimensions. It works with Gherkin language, and It is easy for even non-programmers. var sdf = new SimpleDateFormat("yyyy-MM-dd'T'HH:mm:ss.SSSZ"); Expressions follow the same short-cut rules as for waitUntil(). This is where the friendly locators come in. This demonstrates a Java Maven + JUnit 5 project set up to test a Spring Boot app. You can select a single Scenario (or Scenario-s or Scenario Outline-s or even specific Examples rows) by appending a tag selector at the end of the feature-file you are calling. The variable state after feature execution would be returned as a Map. A few special built-in variables such as $ (which is a reference to the JSON root) - can be mixed into JSON embedded expressions. or $[. If you find yourself struggling to write dynamic JsonPath filters, look at karate.filter() as an alternative, described just below. In such cases, you have to use string quotes: { 'Content-Type': 'application/json' }. If you get stuck and ask a question on Stack Overflow, make sure you provide a cURL command that works - or else it would be very difficult for anyone to troubleshoot what you could be doing wrong. And for dealing with binary content - see bytes. Also see first.feature and second.feature in the demos. The parameters that you can optionally customize via the Map argument to the pdf() method are documented here: Page.printToPDF . Refer to this for the complete example: schema-like.feature. For example, it offers API testing, API testing doubles, and API performance testing all in one framework.

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karate framework for ui automation

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