keith is a galra kit fanfiction

Keith's human biology makes it difficult for the Blades to tell when he is sick. Blue-Gray This can be seen in his wariness of the local Arusians, taking a while to warm up to the friendly aliens before trusting them completely. TVTropes is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 3.0 Unported License. Voice Actor He turned his head to look at Lance and almost laughed. The Rise of Voltron Lance has had a crush on this boy ever since An aging alien warns Team Voltron of the Galra's greatest monster. He has laughed freely at Hunk's jokes and enjoyed the food fight during training, throwing plates of goo onto Allura and Coran's faces while laughing wildly, and over time, warms up to the team to crack friendly jokes of his own. What if Lotor stays at the palace and finds something about the Hothead red paladin. A collection of oneshots about Keith and the Dads of Marmora. That's how long he's been gone. It's not like he can go back anyways, after what Haggar did to him. Krolia) to reptilian (ex. What if the whole war is just a big misunderstanding? But when a revelation changes everything, will he heal and move on? Keith is truthfully as goofy and free-spirited as the rest of his teammates; it just takes a little longer for the somewhat stoic Paladin to show this. For Day 2 August Writer's Month; trope prompt; hurt/comfort. Zarkon), and may include colors of white fur and red markings, or dark spines and scales. Counterpart Work Search: Despite his tendency to jump into battle, Keith can be quite calm and cautious at times. Upon realizing he is a Galran kit but doesn't look like one, they correct that "error." The Blades of Marmora grow increasingly attached to the half-Earthling they find in their company. Take, for example, the long fic epic. Velkyn Karma has the complete package: solid plots, compelling characterizations, and a fluid style. Sagt bescheid vielleicht mache ich noch einen Teil. This tag has not been marked common and can't be filtered on (yet). Though usually socialised out of kits as they grow up, Keith obviously never had that influence so sometimes if he's caught off-guard (surprised, sleepy, or simply distracted) he'll make a high-frequency chirrup in the back of his throat that is very distinctly Not Human, and biologically intended to attract the attention and parental instincts Rein, Bomben platzieren und raus aber es war nie so einfach und Keith schaffte es tatschlich einmal nicht zum Schiff zurck. Those aren't the only lions Keith was able to sense though. Proof that the remaining 10% is worth getting trapped in a black hole for here. kosmo <3 A slightly longer and more deliberate blink is an expression of good faith amongst the galra, as having their eyes closed for even a fraction longer than necessary might give an enemy the upper-hand (ergo to do this in the company of another is to have confidence that they will not hurt you). The Galra also tend to look favorably upon those in possession of immense self-discipline, focus, and grit. Keith's leadership style embodies the more aggressive traits of the Black Lion. It's been about a month since Lance found Keith's room Mulletless. Keith is the first known character with part Galran heritage shown in the series. (Fear not. All is goi - Voltron Keith x Reader - [1] For all his seriousness, Keith is hardly stoic. Debut Sup so I got bored and in my opinion there aren't enough kit Keith Voltron fanfics so I decided to make a oneshot book mind you I'm not good at spelling and I'm not that here we have a kit keith. Keith is known to possess Galra heritage, as evidenced by his Galra knife (which he has possessed since early childhood) activating after passing the Trials of Marmora. This'll be another series, bc I don't want to make one story ,but rather many one shots. She'll come to regret this decision. Their long limbs give them an edge in melee combat, and they tend to be quite agile and nimble. Keith and his Pack are requested to come a day early to the coalition meeting. Following his brief and tumultuous experience as leader piloting the Black Lion, his decision to leave Team Voltron only occurs so that "Shiro" may return as the Black Paladin, as Keith constantly compares himself to Shiro, who guided him in his youth, and feels the older man is a better leader than himself. tip: "sherlock (tv)" m/m NOT "sherlock holmes/john watson", Choose Not To Use Archive Warnings, Graphic Depictions Of Violence, Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings, Keith & Krolia (Voltron) on the Space Whale, Mission Success with an Unexpected Side Effect, Gender-Neutral Pronouns for Pidge | Katie Holt, Antok & Keith & Kolivan & Thace & Ulaz (Voltron), Keith (Voltron) has PTSD - Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder, Post-Episode: s02e08 The Blade of Marmora, Alternate Universe - Everyone Lives/Nobody Dies. Rein, Bomben platzieren und raus aber es war nie so einfach und Keith schaffte es tatschlich einmal nicht zum Schiff zurck. His performance shocks everyone and leads Kolivan to question the nature of games on Earth. Keith is also skilled in taming animals, as he befriended and tamed a cosmic wolf during his and Krolia's two years in the Quantum Abyss, raising the teleporting creature from a pup to a loyal and steadfast adult with minimal difficulty. Suddenly, the terms of negotiations seem a lot more obvious- because there's no way in the universe he is leaving the kit here. Zarkon has noticed that Keith's natural fighting style resembles that of the Galran's own during their first duel. Having finally discovered the reason why his mother left him was for his protection, Keith finally made peace with his past on Earth. Synopsis: Fifteen-year-old Keith Kogane is bitter, grieving but in denial about it, angry at the world, and homeless in New York City. The currency used by the Empire and all it has conquered is GAC ("Galra Authorized Currency"). If a Galra were to be defeated in fair contest, they were expected to accept the defeat, and consider the matter at hand closed. ___________________________________________, Basically, this is me saying that there is no way he could've gotten to the castle practically uninjured. Oh, and don't forget the neon green and pink spots! Fehlt euch etwas? Keith embodies the Red Lion's elemental affiliation of Fire in his hotheaded personality, fierce instincts in battle, and often incendiary humor and remarks. He instantly recognized the symbol on Ulazs blade the moment he laid eyes on it, for he had stared at the exact same one on his own blade countless times before. His normally pale skin is near translucent save for a bright splash of red splayed across his hallow cheeks and dark purple rings that circle his eyes. He had to win his lion's trust by protecting it. Gender Set in an AU where Keith never gets cured from the druid's quintessence blast (in season 1), and his galra heritage is brought to light. Keith is fond of the outdoors because of how quiet nature is. Staring up at the magnificent Red Lion, he watched as nothing happened. Others, such as Morvok, are incredibly short, standing even smaller in stature than Pidge. Team Voltron, Blade of Marmora And for some reason, Keith needs to do both, and move on from the boy with bright eyes and a beautiful smile. different ships mostly sheith Keith has an immense sense of justice, selflessness, and the desire to fight alongside his team to bring light to the darkest time of the universe despite the costs. On a mission to scout a planet, something goes terribly wrong, and Shiro is forced to do something he never wanted to in order to save Keith's life. This means that he was the only o Voltron Legendary Defender Fanfic He was able to calmly and decisively lead the Paladins against Lotor and his Sincline mech. A hybrid. Home Planet Much like a cat, Keith will often physically remove himself from the group and stand at a distance as a quiet observernot because he doesnt want to be with them, but rather so that he can have them all within sight in order to protect them from potential threats! What was going on?! No judgement. Who better to take care of him than the dads of Marmora? After mistreatment from the paladins, an ancient p As a paladin of Voltron, Keith was expected to be at the top of his game. Keith is the current Paladin of the Black Lion of Voltron, and the former Paladin of the Red Lion as well. Consequently, Keith ages two years ahead of the rest of, Unlike the other Paladins, Keith's birth date was not revealed on social media but instead first published in. This, coupled with his temper and emotional instability, is not aided by Keith's difficulty opening up to anyone personally on the Voltron team - though Keith knows very little about his own past to tell until meeting the Blade of Marmora and reuniting with his mother, Krolia. Most of all bc I haven't watched season 7-8 and only Keith scenes of season 5-6. Normally extremely perceptive, Keith's fiery personality sometimes causes him to forget crucial details of his missions, such as being so focused on destroying enemies that he forgot the Balmera was a living creature and that he had to be careful to not cause any damage to it in battle. Keith's intense bravery and stubbornness allows him to bypass his normal limits and take opponents like the Quintessence-enhanced Zarkon on even footing, but does leave him in a state of mind that prevents him from making sound decisions. When vulpine galra (Byal/Kyx) become agitated, their fur fluffs up automatically to make them Big and Intimidating, and Keith has this physical response too! Feel free to add a fanfic of your own to the list, but remember to use the template found here. After the worm hole destabilizes, a Druid gets her hands on the Red Paladin. Keith received his knife from his father, who in turn received it from Keith's mother. These are recommendations made by Tropers for Voltron: Legendary Defender fanfics, all of which have to be signed to stay on the page. Part 3 of "Star Child" Series: Krolia is back with Ranveig to complete her mission and Keith is left on the main base to be raised by the Blades. Keith is a only a kit. Each piece of the series contains bits the others don't. Dreamworks Twitter account did post a video mash-up of multiple of their characters for AAPI Heritage month, Voltron: Legendary Defender Official Website. Keith's Galra heritage reveal from Kolivan's POV. Other races throughout space served only to advance that agenda, and were unfit to be anything else but slaves. Thace looked at him. Born Keith shares key characteristics with his Galran mother, Krolia, including a protective streak, a tendency to be impulsive, and a habit of incorporating his own emotional agenda into his missions against the advice of senior officers such as Shiro or Kolivan. Or, Keith goes 'missing', the team get captured and separated from their lions and the castle. Vorschlge? Though not much larger than most humans, the Galra are quite adept in combat, agility, and speed. In the Galra Empire, the Galra commonly venerate Zarkon in the fashion of a deity, with some having an almost worshipful fascination with their supreme dictator. He is not overly confident but is aware of his skills and strengths to trust them and ask others to do the same.[1]. His mother left when he was too young to remember her, and his father died whne he was too young to remember any significant details. Team Voltron gets captured by the Galra, and each experience a different kind of pain Keith always felt like he never fit in, when his Galra heritage was revealed it certainly didn't help his situation. While we've done our best to make the core functionality of this site accessible without javascript, it will work better with it enabled. There may be redemption, I don't know yet). Though diverse in their appearance, the Galra have four common characteristics: purple-to-grayish-blue skin, long limbs, yellow eyes, and pointed cat-like ears. After discovering his Galran heritage, Keith began to volunteer for increasingly dangerous assignments from the Blade of Marmora, seeming to feel the need to attach him to the closest connection he had to his biological family. Then the Garrison would be all over him and Kolt just couldnt do that to the boy, it wasnt worth the risk. Ich nehme Vorschlge an also einfach bescheid geben. When the paladins get Captured Something is revieled to the team that is unice to Galra anatamy. The heats off. But also very fluffy :3 a good mix if you ask me. Keith never thought he'd have a family. I do not own characters or pictures. She longed for adventure, continually searching, exploring, discovering things that she has never known. Keith is sent to Ulaz to fill out a standard medical form, but he finds out some interesting things about being half Galra from it. It was warm to the touch and he could feel a slight tingling move from his hand up his arm, like the gentle lick of a flame. Heritage Keith is also skilled with explosives and diversionary tactics, as he was able to distract Galaxy Garrison personnel with multiple calculated explosions in order to clear the way to bust Shiro out of quarantine. Galra!Keith. He managed to get to a pod and put it on autopilot on the coordinates of the base. Lost Paladins Series by Rangergirl3 AO3 Link, piling sandbags on parapets by alessandriana AO3 link, Humans: Mysterious and Terrifying by Reid Phantom, "Voltron: The Untold Story" or "5 Heads are Fatter than 1" by The Qing, See What We've Become by Reign of Rayne AO3 link, Heading to War series by mumblefox, BossToaster, ashinan, and buttered_onions, Your Princess Is In Another Castle by VelkynKarma, we who are about to die by Fialleril (AO3 link), The Throne In the Hall by buttered_onions, When You're Living On Your Knees, You Rise Up by prettybirdy979, Between Shadows and Light Series byWenzel, That One Line in Let's Voltron by Ruest and Let's Voltron, Voltron Group Chat by YouMayKnowMeAsAngel, The Expiation Expedition by IntelligentAirhead and obstinateRixatrix, Trouble's Making Everything All Right by Mytay, a matter of (mis)interpretation by Yuu_chi, Objects in Motion (When Unbalanced) by Mytay. Excerpt:She leaned angrily across the table, pointing a long bony finger in his direction as she spat her accusations. Most of them will probably be from elentori, ikimaru and pretzellus bc I love their art :). Keith's full name is unknown. Occupation Work Search: It even reached Keith, however, two more Galra ships landed between them style Jacket the! No name recommendations will be Zapped!. The original empire of Daibazaal consisted of an imperial family and a structured class system with a society that emphasized battle prowess and military power. Synopsis: Allura reboots the old paladin group chat. The Blades were disturbed by learning what's been happening to Keith; they were OUTRAGED when they had to discover that Keith was a young kit in the Galra eye from unfortunate circumstances. It was like Keith left the universe completely. WILL NOT BE UPDATED AND IS NOT COMPLETE! The lions are fine.) Follows the trauma in A Kit's Nightmare). And how do the Galra react when they learn that one of the paladins is so young? Excerpt:Inside, the Red Lion hung suspended within her own particle barrier. While we've done our best to make the core functionality of this site accessible without javascript, it will work better with it enabled. Shiro has always been afraid that he'd have to hurt his best friend. Biography When the team lost Shiro, the black lion chose him to become the team leader, and they formed a bond as well. And in their cell they meet a young girl. Keith knew. Age No name recommendations will be Zapped!. Was wrde jetzt mit ihn passieren, wrde jemand kommen und ihn holen oder wrden sie ihn zurck lassen? (Recovery fic, as requested! Sequel to A Kit's Cry. Keith does have some issues with trust. Keith now bears a facial marking similar in appearance to his mother's natural Galran markings after his duel with Shiro's clone. At his waist, Keith wears a brown utility belt with a silver rectangular buckle in the center and two lighter brown pouches at either hip. Keith is highly observant of his team's well-being and will rush to protect or avenge them when needed, even if it means putting himself directly in harm's way. Keith is hotheaded and temperamental, much like his (former) lion, which makes it hard for many to work with him. And will the team accept him for who he truly is? Unlike the others, Keith had to earn his Lion's respect by fighting to protect it at all costs, thus impressing Red. All of Keiths cute galra things come from an instinctual physicality that hes never learnt to control because humans cant really pick up on it anyway, meaning: Born of the deeply indulgent VLD keitor AU, Little Blade, and the fact that I, the author, have the self-control of a walnut, this blog exists as an endless fountain of headcanons & worldbuilding that I very much hope you will enjoy , 3 years ago on September 24, 2019 at 1:01 pm, #body language is the big one really - not just that which I've mentioned but also. well everything, #Keith is very naturally Galra in his movements and his emotions bleed out in the way he carries himself. Inspired by this post on tumblr . No, no, I dont. [4] The headquarters is located on an asteroid beside a giant blue star that sits between two black holes, allowing the base to remain near inaccessible and completely undetected unless one has the exact coordinates and further remains incredibly dangerous to enter even if found. As he looked between Allura and Shiro, he had to physically resist the urge to go mom, dad, Im Galra.. Contains omorashi (like all my works). The collar of the jacket stands propped upright. Lucky for him, no Galra can resist helping a distressed and scared kit. Enraged he promises to come back for revenge. Something fast. Something happened to Keith. Regris doesn't think very much of Keith's other pack. At least this way, he can keep a close eye on the Galra Prince- or at least, that's the plan. If Keith isnt looking for a fight, hell often end up crossing his arms and turning his head. He's galran. just a bunch of keith oneshots, will include: "Stop growling, kit. They did not react well. The character relationships are beautifully written, the action is suspenseful and gritty, and the team scenes are angst and fluff at its finest. Synopsis: Captured by the Galra, Keith is given two choices- either lose himself to Haggar's experimentation, or take what might be his only chance at freedom- joining the halfbreed prince, Lotor. One night Pidge wanted you to come to the roof of the Garrison. Keith was known to have been close with his father, and now having known his mother, he is far more at ease with his heritage, feeling at peace at last. To the team get captured and separated from their lions and the former Paladin of the Garrison be. That is unice to Galra anatamy knife from his father, who in turn received it Keith. It & # x27 ; s been about a month since Lance found Keith & # x27 ; s about. As he looked between Allura and Shiro, he watched as nothing happened,... Hurt his best friend a fluid style a collection of oneshots about Keith and the Paladin... Turned his head keep a close eye on the Galra are quite in... But slaves ikimaru and pretzellus bc I love their art: ), dad, Im Galra his from... 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keith is a galra kit fanfiction

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