npr voices annoying

Important..pronounced Im-por-ent. Sounds like a 2 year old learning to speak. OK. How about the recent clipping to the end of some words. Example.. Yeah at the beginning of a question that was not yes-or-no. I enjoyed reading them and replying as well. Then I grabbed a coffeeeee. The word than demands a comparison of degrees, e.g., something is hotter/louder/more annoying than something else. "What would happen if you approached different-sounding voices with curiosity and said 'Let me see how this works, see how this feels, and try to understand where they're coming from'? "We ought to be able to hear all of that in the voices that the audience is hearing, whether that voice is the voice of somebody in a community somewhere in the middle of the country or that voice is the voice of a host or reporter for NPR. While it may not be pleasing to US, it may be a more recognizable and standard sound to those who are currently hiring VO talent, or even on-camera talent. They want profit without first investing in professionalism, imo. I m hearing the phrases theres no doubt about it and theres no question about it and the variations: no doubt about it, no doubt, no question about it, and no question. Also, add to The List the pronounciation of the word food as (something like), fee-yood, and potato and soup as, pota-teeyoo and see-yoop. I would rather have my guests say the word "like" a lot or me say the word "like" a lot and have a richer, deeper, better conversation that goes more places than have everyone be buttoned up and stifled as guests and you never hear the word "like.". These little speech micro trends seem to pop up every now and then, then fade away over time (thank God!). Yet literally all of my female colleagues get constant criticism for how they speak or sound" He told me, except for two pronunciation corrections, he has never received a complaint about his voice or speaking manner even though, by his assessment, he uses "like" and "um" just as much as the women on the NPR Politics Podcast. ", He added, "There's a difference between sounding clear and having great journalism behind that sound and creating a sound that is pleasing to every listener in the audience. -aahh to extend words. Have a good one! No more of that!!! and I was totally unprepared for it? Ive noticed the upward shift in tone can be as much as an octave. I had never noticed the yeah yeah yeah but within ten minutes I heard it on tv. "They can feel more comfortable, confident and relaxed, because they feel like they have command of this instrument and their performance," said Hansen. THANK YOU for this! Recently I have noticed what I call the Consonant Drag where the speaker is explaining something and they drag the consonants as if to give them space to think it out. The shtraight down the shtreet seems to be 40-45 and under. much more easily. Speaking to NPR's Code Switch on his thoughts, he said, "Without being directly told, people like me learn that our way of speaking isn't professional, and you start to imitate the standard or even hide the distinctive features of your own voice. This has brought me to believe that uptalk is contrived and not a natural progression of linguistics. Now I can add that to my list. But any word beginning with ST is impossible for this woman to pronounce correctly. This is only a small portion of the sissification of men that I could rant about but it is the most annoying. I want to shout at them all and saystop being sheep all of you, keep your individuality, its much more interesting, and real. OH YES! One of my pet peeve: Someone who always speaks the -ah at the end of there sentence. For example, Im from the southeastern USA. A major part of the Biden plan is to sort of prioritize pandemic assistance. This American Life even did a segment on the negative messages their women reporters receive about vocal fry. I also dislike the replacement of youre welcome with no problem when told thank you. When I purchase something from an employee, or tell someone thank you, Im not needing assurance that Im not a problem. Perhaps Mr. Stein would be willing to hand over the reading honors to him. Allison Shelley/NPR Of course, once he shared them with me,I started hearing them, too. I would agree, that often, any form of critique, even for improvement in future and in business, is often dismissed, misplaced, and scoffed at by a younger generation that has grown up with a trophy for participation for anything they do, and often getting passing grades and remarks to send them on, without actually teaching them how to LEARN and QUESTION things. No more changing anything. It seems to me that in the course of the past couple of years stuDENT has become the preferred usage. I agree with all the comments. Pointing this out to friends, Im usually answered by yeah, I noticed, or good old-fashioned shrugs. Segue is a conditional signal that the conversation has changed hands to the other participant. In that regard, there is clearly several areas where the linguistic phrases are a product of generation, e.g., texting shortcuts used in other contexts, borrowing from pop culture. Grammatical mistakes are less annoying, but still problematic. But it sends up sounding so unintelligent and gutless. Very annoying habit for a smart lady!! My purpose in searching phrases that led me here was the very annoying yeah, no or visa versa. Its just a dialect difference. Food more and more often is being pronounce feud. Also the use of words kiddo and doggo. And please read through the comments for some very interesting insights and observations from other readers. And then I had to take the Range Rover in for serviiiiiiiiice, I mean, Im like sooo worn out ( vocal fry). And another one is annudder (another). The interior is super soft leather!. Sam Sanders, host of It's Been a Minute, said that learning to write in his own voice was difficult. What is that??? An improper use is saying that everything that you feel is great, is awesome. OMG! You two have made so many excellent points! No, you are hearing maybe a regional pronunciation. Enter your email address to subscribe to this blog and receive notification of new posts by email. I didnt read through all of the comments but one I didnt see mentioned is the common trend now, most especially (again) by young to even college aged females adding If you pronounce the T (soft or hard) in button, youll get some strange glances, because literally no one here pronounces it that way. Instant shutdown. Please try to make your reports professional. Britain? For example: The t sound is there; the enunciation is just very soft, almost swallowed, because the word is split into syllables in a different place than whats proper. While I agree that its a lazy way of speaking, its probably more a regional speech pattern than anything else. Its easy to overlook poor speech when an attractive face is delivering the information. You should receive an employer of the year award. right? Grown men purposely deforming their mouth to speak like a FREAK! OMG! I am particularly by the long, drawn out letter r at the end of a word: culturrrrr. Thank you for addressing the awful speech patterns in our society. As he remarkedthey have to teach to the middle to create any sense of moving forward in such large groups. This is teh dropping of the letter g at the end of ing words, ie: singin goin droppin etc. I was convinced I was the only one who noticed the (extremely annoying) uptick of use with the word right in conversation. !, WAIT-aahh. Allowing reporters to sound like themselves helps NPR reflect the variety of identities in its audience, and meet its long-term goal to "sound like America," with all of its diversity. She tackled the challenge of transitioning to radio, in part, by developing an unusual approach to writing out her tracks (the reporter's narration). But perhaps it is also a societal takeover of inferior standards that will continue to decline. As in, Yo, Im tellin you, shtraight up, this thing is yuge, aight?, Yes, no I dont like all of those bad habits either AND the inverse No, yes we should all be aware these speech patterns are happening increasingly.. Not sure if it has anything to do with trying to be overly sensitive or PC or whatever about things and needing to couch language. You obviously havent heard anyone say super over and over. Ive heard this a lot in the mid-Atlantic states, but lately its infested patterns of speech throughout the United Stateshow about Canada? Sauvignon Sauv in- yoh (silent n) not Sauv in- yawn. What is it called when people stress the end of the last few words of a sentence as if they are using. Vocal fry is the most annoying thing on the planet to me. She is one of the favorite voices in the NPR. I am dropping the mike now. Anyone care to comment? I cant stand when people say I cant even or I just cant with her or some nonsense like that, and they just end it right thereOr when people say YEAH you are with misplaced emphasis. 2) Adding Sh sound to words starting with ST, as mentioned in earlier comment. I called it creaking. It starts at home and moves to the classroom. There are so many of these annoying speech patterns and they are contagious. But we especially hear about the tone and timbre of reporters' voices. Mark, your comments are very well spoken, and I also consider language and ones command and understanding of it to be a sign of class and proper education. For some people, its their dominant speech pattern and they seemingly cant escape it. or common mispronunciation: Realtor, not Real a tor. It is not good representation of the general population; especially the show where it is only women who have the speech impediments. I first heard this on a home decorating tv show. Or here in The UK / Ireland, Big Brother, Made in Chelsea to name but a few. One of the speaking annoyances on NPR is the overuse of surea host may say, how does this policy impact the electorate? and the response will inevitably begin with sure! followed by an actual response to the question. For example, when they pronounce the word eight they say eigh-tah just pronouncing the last letter. Using it as a string of bullet points makes the writer sound illiterate. YESSSS!,,,,,, the staccato speech is driving me away from tv. Some time around the late 90s, early 2000s, it was taken off the graded subjects. ^ That, I hear all the time (Southern California). Everyone drops the T here. You asked your readers what we would like for you to include in your next video. After living abroad for over a decade, I noticed in the mid-1990s that, in the workplace, every female in a supervisory position seemed compelled to preface nearly every declarative sentence with, At this time. It was quite ridiculous to hear something like, At this tiiiime, we do not have a vacancy, but wed like to talk to you, so At this tiiime, can you tell me if you could come in at 10:00 on Thursday? This Americanism was adopted by upper-crust young Englishmen in the 1920s who imagined it made them sound cosmopolitan. She said she wants to give reporters more control of their voices to increase their storytelling options. Allison I have to chuckle at your comment, since just last night, while watching one of the football playoff games, my husband was getting quite annoyed at Tony Romos continuous use of the word right? uptick included, while commentating. Okayone more and Im done. 4) #pubradiovoice Sitting in host chair for first time I channeled white voice from Midwest and lost my own. You might hear the rich baritone of Bob Edwards. No problem suggests that I might have been a problem. By saying that (usually at the end of a sentence) it prevents someone else from talking or contributing their 2 cents, waiting for whatever follows the But.uh. Such as: NO-aahh!, STOP-aahh! 1 the misuse of I Language is too rich. Sometimes reporters do incorporate feedback about their delivery. I find that contrary to the quality of education that many of us older folks received. Were they all forced to attend the same course and drilled in this method before earning their hosting gigs? Please shut up!!! At first, I thought maybe he was just discovering a new feature in the product he is explaining but it has become clear it is just something he blurts out every few minutes. It makes me terribly sad. Now I hear that everywhere. Sadly, we all need to bite our tongues. Garage soft zzz, not hard J at end. Have I become a crotchety old fart or is Idiocracy truly upon us? I also blame Britney Spears. She creaked so much that I literally couldnt understand a word she was saying. Most annoying speech pattern of the decade? However, Ive noticed a horrible trend, especially on Parcast, to have females doing commercials who sound like babies. Sounds unnatural. Ive also noticed uptalk transcends position and demographics. its there, though much less pronounced (sic.). 2) I cant stand the making every sentence sound like a question- The best example is stuDENT. Just on the cursive I used to teach my 5th and 6th graders cursive writing for at least 30 minutes a day. Hi Gina thanks for your response here. Permeating WiFi, etc.? Its come to the point that Im grateful when a guest says Youre welcome at the end. The one thats driving me crazy is this extra schwa added to the ends of words. I can focus and absorb what they are saying so much more easily. Its far from the only silent letter in spoken English. The pay is $18 an hour, and Id start on next Monday, soyeah. (My 18-yo granddaughter, recently). The kind of/sort of pattern I first noticed about 8-10 years ago and it was my old pet peeve; maybe Ive grown used to it by now. Speaking as an African American woman, if being more inclusive is the aim it fails. I think its rather sad. EVERY FRICKIN interview has yeah yeah yeah!, more and more in the past 6 or so months. Is it hormones in food? 50% of revenue is from member stations. It hurts my ears! Kids used to be so proud when their cursive writing improved as they practiced it. 3) but think back to TV shows or movies from the 1950s or 1940s, the Trans Atlantic accent and men sounding like radio show hosts. I honestly want to slap the crap out of people who super abuse the word super! The overuse of superlative adjectives. Its not clear if upspeak/high rising terminal intonation started in Australia (or even New Zealand), or on the West Coast of the USA. I have asked you not to do that! I say something, along the lines of, Thats one way to ensure I dont talk; you dont have to listen to me. Then, I walk away seething, and loathing him more and more. Also, the millennial kid who is fd in the head trying to sound so sophisticated, like he is an expert at everything and demeaning to everyone. Everyone is using that now it seems! I mean Seriously? Liana Van Nostrand (@lbvannostrand) is an intern for the Public Editor's office. Let me explain this simple thing to you dummies. Im a Southerner but I absolutely hate it. I even heard some say go away-aahh or similar uses. thats Mineah! Criticizing someone's voice often seems to be a criticism of their identity. Every second word she spoke that ended in a consonant had that ah at the end of it. My goodness, there are annoying speech patterns in every language, and by sex. Who is telling people to jut their bottom jaw out and keep their tongue from going past their teeth? Alison MacAdam April 30, 2015. Credit: Emily Jan. Many men do this also, although its usually not as noticeable as creaky voice in women, because mens voice are deeper to begin with so the pitch drop doesnt contrast as much with their normal pitch/phonation. I get annoyed when people on TV or radio speak too quickly while also using fillers such as umm or uh. Also, some news reporters will pepper their stories with obviously. The biggest for me, though, is the epidemic vocal fry combined with a high-pitched voice, or sexy baby speak, among the majority of women, and many men now (Ira Glass, Im looking at you). If the person is on TV, I have to change the channel. 2) pumped and stoked for excited Vocal fry irritates the hell out of me! At work, I am surrounded by intelligent and well-educated women in their 20s to 40s who speak this way. YES! Ugh! I say borough as burrow and mirror as mirror, not meara. The Up-and-Coming Most Annoying Speech Patterns Being a voice-over talent makes me extremely sensitive to not only the sound of voices I hear on TV, radio and the internet, but also to the words that are chosen. Watch ANY interview with a woman and they do this. My god, every single female and some of the males end every sentence like its a question. as f*ck immediately comes to mind, stupid-sounding phrases like SO MUCH YES! The Kardashions, though not typical, offer a great example of many of these trending patterns. I am glad you are pointing them as incorrect and idiotic. Didnt sonds like Di-int, Couldnt sounds like Cou-int. National faves: Jack Speer, Megna Chakhrabarti, Terry Gross National do-not-calls: Kai Ryssdal, Charlie Pierce sunnymentoaddict 6 yr. ago YAY you found the bu**un And in setting forth a list of things that are alternatives, rather than saying whether its A or B or C they say whether its A, whether its B, whether its C. Hahaha Russell you are SPOT on! Other specialties include female narration voice overs for corporate narration, web videos, tutorials, explainer videos and technical medical narration. Yeah, Ill second that motion. ARGH!!!! Really finished yet?). I want it to stop, NOW! Hearing Americans and Britons speak is psychological torture. There are some new kids on the block this year: In these trying times. If I hear this on TV I change the channel. I first noticed this 10 years ago watching Dora the Explorer with my Daughter. Ayesha Rascoe is an American journalist for NPR famous for her accent and distinctive voice for news delivery. upspeak, vocal fry, constant buzzwords, overworked filler phrases, etc. I think that the person doing it wants to signal that they would have more to say about a thing but they really do not have any more ammunition. He wrote to us about his experience hearing reporters who did not sound like he does. Thanks for your comment! Thanks for any suggestions. Thanks for commenting Doyle, thats a new one I havent noticed yet. But, these trends are needed- If they didnt happen we would still be saying things like Where Art Thou?. I was going to ask her if she had a sore throat but decided to be nice and just get the hell out of there as quickly as possible. Oh my Godd-uh! I was thinking that I was the only hearing the incorrect use of the schwa during a recent newscast. I use both in different contexts. And also have heard does that make sense? from one particular Millenial. I don't think the latter is our goal.". She has been a proud member of the Screen Actors Guild since 2005. Im not sure if this was mentioned, but it seems to be an epidemic to list things and use the same pitch patterns ( high, medium, then lower). 3 length vs. lenth, H (long a and ch) vs. (long a and shuss), streaming vs. shreaming. Makes me understand why people sometimes get slapped! But its when I hear someone who has the astonishing ability to combine those two very irritating trends, as well as throwing in the recent social media driven pointless inane phrases so; I feel like, OMG! etc, that I terminate my involvement in the conversation immediately. Its like they are trying to sound like babies so they are less threatening. I see and hear it every dingle day and never heard a man do it. It seems to me that the average persons way of communicating has become more casual in professional situations because it has become taboo to correct others in academic settings. Is it to have a snippet of time before responding? Its not a conscious thing. Are they insecure, manipulative, dishonest, sans capacity for original, independent thought???? I had to go to the stoooore, pick up the dry cleaniiiiiing, get some grocerrrrrriiiies, walk the doooooooog. etc. And the horrible grammar: Her and I. I have a small business and refuse to hire anyone who speaks like anyone described in the article or these annoying ways of speaking. A video on Today explains how it makes the women feel part of a macroculture.. None of these up-and-coming phrases ever appear in scripts that I read for actual voice-over jobs or auditions. Its bazaar. It sounds weird and affected. Thanks to ALL recent commenters for reading and sharing your thoughts on this topic. And last but certainly NOT least, saying the work right after every other sentence this makes me feel physically nauseated. The kids immediately say, I cant read cursive. In the Fresh Air episode about criticism of young women's voices she said,"People are busy policing young women's language, and nobody is policing older or younger men's language.". Yes her voice was tough to take but once you realized what she went through.well fuck. The dropping of the T sound in the middle of words Ki**en, Bu**on is all over the place on radio and TV. I must be getting old, I sound like my parents. This usage of So is incorrect!!! EXAMPLE: I got a call back from this employer offering me the job. thanks for reading and your comment! We do a lot of VO recording work with China in particular in teaching English to school children, and are careful to provide proper grammar and usage in that regard. That authenticity is key to NPR's original mission to "celebrate the human experience as infinitely varied." Youre not insane. Not only I improperly placed but me used at the start of a phrase. This one comes at the end of sentences, apparently to encourage or sometimes subtly force agreement on the listener. And Why It's. So Annoying Audio Funny Language More: 'Reply All' is a podcast which does not do this 7 years ago As the creator of this clips puts it: "All my favorite US podcasts are being ruined by this universally adopted affectation. Ive been listening to a lot of podcasts lately and obviously, most of them have commercials. Valspeak is, like, short for the way Valley Girls talk that was, like, you know, so big Frank Zappa sang about it in 1982. One of the reasons the patterns become so widespread, particularly with the current trend of vocal fry, is the feeling of belonging it gives young women. It is not just annoying, it sounds absolutely ridiculous. Also da for the has been trending. Its funny but also sad that the ways of the world, and so many traditions and really important things are not being passed down to the next generation. Everyone does this now, it seems, and it drives me nuts ( especially when people start it and only list ONE THInnnnnng and not another). Anyone who thinks these things dont (or shouldnt) matter should think again. Or, should I say, I have tried to adjust? It is not possible. Did college professors never say.hey, thats annoying and unprofessional? the kind of and sort of virus has been making the rounds of cable news hosts and pundits, and its literally driving me crazy, you know what i mean? I saw it as SORE-ree. Whenever I hear someone begin a statement with Look, I long to interrupt and say, Im looking.. In addition, Ayesha is really the smartest and most inspiring reporter in Washington D.C. and speaks with an African-American Vernacular English accent while reporting. Thank you for your comment! Thank you for helping me put a name to this! It is difficult to give an example because this is a pitch pattern not just certain words. I have to bite my tongue and let off steam when I hear Australians speak. I have heard meara and arrow instead of error. Super everything Super excited because its super boring and Im tired of being super disappointed. Required fields are marked *. 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