ubon air base, thailand photos

I also have a friend in Bangkok (Gene) who has reunited over 400 Thai citizens with their American birth parents. It was replaced by the 47th Tactical Fighter Squadron, also equipped with F-4Cs which arrived in July and returned to the US on 27 November 1965. Were you there when Bob Hope came. That was yesterday, wasnt it? U.S. Air Force Veterans who served on Royal Thai Air Force (RTAF) bases at U-Tapao, Ubon, Nakhon Phanom, Udorn, Takhli, Korat, and Don Muang, near or on the air base perimeter anytime between February 28, 1961 and . Thirty-six strike aircraft dropped 94 tons of bombs and destroyed one span of the bridge and part of the highway. Dave I was at Ubon at the time and remember the Egress guy was installing the rear seat and the seat fired taking him out with it. If anyone would be so kind as to share more with us we would appreciate it as my dad was only 4 months old. He is looking for anyone who was stationed there at that time time. Was there when they killed a of the migs, we had a three day drunk. There is a link on this blog. I have one for Udorn, but cannot locate one for Ubon. One year later before departing Ubon the reverse happens, you get handed the rifle, check the serial number, give him back the weapon. I am also looking for any vets at Ubon in 72-73 that worked on the F4 and the 130 as a aircraft HYDRAULIC mechanic. RMM3TWE6 - Col. The first six months, I like off base near the Cobra Pit. . Buy photos from select Flickr photographers The last of the Constant Guard F4 augmentation forces were released in September 1973. I was a Ssgt in charge of Maintenance Training. License Agreement | They flew the F-4C and D Phantom II's on various missions from CAP to CAS. The Laotian border is about 40 miles directly East. Looking for anyone who worked in the munitions dump that was approximately 6 miles of base in the fall of 1967. Gerry. I was in FMS squadron, ejection seats (egress), cant remember the squadron number. also maintained the AB Telcom and VOR/TACAN (VORTAC channel 51) equipment. Was in Ubon 69-70.Served as a Weapons Load Crew Chief on the F4 and worked in the weapons field repair shop. USAF and USN fighters confronted the MiGs in two phases: 1965-1968 and 1972-1973, separated by an interval when operations over North Vietnam were halted during negotiations attempting to end the war. Ubon RTAFB. As I got to the gate, there was more 60 fire and an explosion. We were told the Aussies were reassigned out of the country due to an accident where some Thai civilians were killed by an incident involving the Australians.I can remember some details of the encampment like an amphitheater and a few other structures constructed of bamboo.The photos I took are long gone, so my plea to any one who might have been there and have pictures of that camp,I would sure appreciate a copy to present in my claim. Thailand veteran Michael Williams, who was stationed at Ubon from May 1969 to May 1970, asserted that he was assigned to a detail that involved defoliating the perimeter of the base. I was warned by others whove been through this claims process that I would probably have to stand on my head to get it through but I hold no resentment and I feel in the long run, well be treated fairly. October 1972 73. Currently live in Pikeville, Tn. Location of Service: Lackland Air Force Base, Florida; Moody Air Force Base, Georgia; McConnell Air Force . Those were the days. . I was awaken by gunfire from my bungalow, and headed to base down the street. The construction of U-Tapao Royal Thai Navy Airfield began in October, 1965 and was completed slightly more than two years later. Anyone want to talk I am @ rwilke1@bellsouth.net, they have already ask me where I served in Nam, so I sent highlighted copy of orders leaving conus, and deros back to SuckMore SAC in 1974, plus an internal order making me the 408th MMS Loading Suppy Custodian. Sorry but I lost most of my pictures in the divorce. Also assigned to the wing was the 16th Special Operations Squadron, which flew the AC-130 gun ships. If you served in Ubon Royal Thai Air Force Base, Join TWS for free to reconnect with service friends. I was deployed with the B-57s. We were told by intel. If any one knows how I can start looking into this please email me or let me know. That would be Oct 2nd. At 02:01 a Security Policeman fired on a sapper inside the base perimeter and further sappers and Security Police joined the engagement with 5 sappers being killed. Air strikes by the USAF peaked just before the deadline, as the Khmer National Armed Forces engaged a force of about 10,000 Khmer Rouge encircling Phnom Penh. Looking forward to Part 2. Link to this photo view: Link to this photo large view: /* square */ The Australian facilities were known as RAAF Ubon, and were designed and constructed by No. Here is my review on it. [13]:278. The photos bring back a lot of memories. I flew 183 combat missions during that time. THE THAI RELATIVES KNOW VIRTUALLY NOTHING ABOUT FARANG PLACES EXCEPT BIG C, LOTUS AND ROBINSONS. Yes Im happy and god willing, been blessed. It is approximately 488 km (303 miles) northeast of Bangkok. Rock solid, get out, check the load, ask a question or two. Terms & Conditions | vinway@kataan.net, Ricardo would you please email me a copy of the report. You are ALL heroes in my eyes! Privacy Policy | Links It is scaled at 1:1,562,500 and provides coverage for all of Thailand. My father Lee Thompson was in the 408th MMS in Ubon Thailand from Feb 13th 1967 until Feb 6th 1971. I havent thought about this in years. UBON AFB, Thailand 1969 to 1972 - YouTube 0:00 / 2:48 UBON AFB, Thailand 1969 to 1972 16K views 11 years ago I was on perimeter in the Alpha area with my Sentry Dog, Shaeffer when the NVA. Am SO excited to be receiving all these replies! I was stationed at Ubon Apr 71 to Apr 72. Some of the missiles i loaded took down Migs. We worked 3 shifts, but we had to be in the same barracks. three great kids though and ALL turned out A-OK. John you arrived-1/70 the same time I left. Any way all of his personal belongings have disappeared. 79 Squadron did not, however, fly any operations over nearby Cambodia, South Vietnam, or Laos. [3]:257. He is having quite a few health problems which are probably related to his herbicide exposure. Dont give up, I filed a claim with the va last July and Im still waiting. Dave Kreyer, Great site, did two years at Ubon,sept 69-70 and again June 71-72 , working in 408th mms gun services, ( 46250) also helped guys in Spectre gun shop. I can also remember the day one of the guys jumped into the front seat and inadvertently fired rockets across into the revetment. Sawadee. Only person I connected with is Jim Bassegio who lives in SC. ), Good site; great memories. Thank you SO much for responding and for your info and suggestions. Yellow alert, orange alert, red alert. (U.S. Air Force photo) PHOTO BY: If anyone can provide pictures or maps I am especially interested in find one that shows the wind drift from the perimeter lines. memock @ westnet . Best friend to this day was Jimmy Dean. Before he passed he was financially exploited (long story). The base alarm went off and they told us to go the flight shack. Contact Us | I recently returned to Seattle and had the chance to visit Kentucky. [exaggeration] Eight satchel charges were found on his body. (That hole was still there when I left in Sept.) Tha next thing I saw was the two would be heroes belly down on the maintenance ramp, closer than close to the wall, dead silent and crawling fast fast as if their lives depended on it. Just stumbled across this site and stirred many memories of my tour of duty at Ubon (April 71-April 72). Find Ubon Royal Thai Air Force Base unit information, patches, operation history, veteran photos and more on TogetherWeServed.com. I need help and fast. 79 Squadron. If they werent successful then we would have been issued ammo for our M16s. I SPENT A TOTAL OF 4 1/2 YEARS IN THAILAND. Anybody needing this info can e-mail me and I will forward a copy. Spent the night of the sapper attack of Jan 70 on the arm/dearm end of runway. Operating out of Udorn Royal Thai Air Force Base (RTAFB) in northern Thailand, the 432nd Tactical Reconnaissance Wing (TRW) is probably one of the lesser known Air Force units that participated in the Vietnam War, despite the fact that for most of its existence at Udorn, it was unique among Air Force wings. Laos and Cambodia, however, were not signatories to the Paris agreement and remained in states of war. PS out of interest he was a flight sergeant and came into contact with AO, developed contact dermatitis but no other physical illness. I do still have many pictures from my tour to Ubon and also some from short hops to to other bases as well as my R&R to Bangkok and Pattau beach with a few of my buds. We were off base in the ammo dump. My old Air Force buddies and I gathered on the banks of the Ohio River. Upon arriving at Ubon Sept 1969, as part of the inbound process, we are issued an M-16, the guy hands you the rifle, you check the serial number, sign the form, he takes back the rifle, locks it up. The RTAF 231 Squadron "Hunter" is assigned to Udorn, equipped with the Dassault/Dornier Alpha Jet -A. View of air strip. I remember the attack I was working on my F4 preparing it for the morning mission when you heard the mortars; it was like they were walking one exposition after another. Its a closed group open only to Ubon Vets. This article incorporates public domain material from the .mw-parser-output cite.citation{font-style:inherit;word-wrap:break-word}.mw-parser-output .citation q{quotes:"\"""\"""'""'"}.mw-parser-output .citation:target{background-color:rgba(0,127,255,0.133)}.mw-parser-output .id-lock-free a,.mw-parser-output .citation .cs1-lock-free a{background:url("//upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/6/65/Lock-green.svg")right 0.1em center/9px no-repeat}.mw-parser-output .id-lock-limited a,.mw-parser-output .id-lock-registration a,.mw-parser-output .citation .cs1-lock-limited a,.mw-parser-output .citation .cs1-lock-registration a{background:url("//upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/d/d6/Lock-gray-alt-2.svg")right 0.1em center/9px no-repeat}.mw-parser-output .id-lock-subscription a,.mw-parser-output .citation .cs1-lock-subscription a{background:url("//upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/a/aa/Lock-red-alt-2.svg")right 0.1em center/9px no-repeat}.mw-parser-output .cs1-ws-icon a{background:url("//upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/4/4c/Wikisource-logo.svg")right 0.1em center/12px no-repeat}.mw-parser-output .cs1-code{color:inherit;background:inherit;border:none;padding:inherit}.mw-parser-output .cs1-hidden-error{display:none;color:#d33}.mw-parser-output .cs1-visible-error{color:#d33}.mw-parser-output .cs1-maint{display:none;color:#3a3;margin-left:0.3em}.mw-parser-output .cs1-format{font-size:95%}.mw-parser-output .cs1-kern-left{padding-left:0.2em}.mw-parser-output .cs1-kern-right{padding-right:0.2em}.mw-parser-output .citation .mw-selflink{font-weight:inherit}Air Force Historical Research Agency. The top floor of the Ubon hotel served food all night, after a quick Samlor ride. Fascinating website link I had no idea this happened. I am trying to find Carl J. Santoro NY. 5 Airfield Construction Squadron.[3]. I will let John take up the story with his own words and photo captions. Do searches on Peppers Bakery and Cafe, Spagos, Wrong Way Cafe, TC Kitchen, NJoy pub just to name a few. I was with the 433rd my aircraft number 644679D It carried the laser pod. I do recommend you getting onto that Facebook page though as you will get 10 x the response there! Col. Robin Olds. Search Page Content . Names of co-workers that I can remember off the top of my head are: Mick Glaze, Larry Sullivan, Bill Muncey, Carter, Fimple, and Woody. I remember handlebar mustaches, Water Day, the Corsair Club, the 6 foot cobras in the arm/dearm area, rice bugs (100 baht an ammo box), Tet of both 68 and 69, Singha and Kratingtong beer (they said the latter was brewed in Bangkok with embalming fluid), khao phat, my short calendar, and the great feeling I had when that C130 lifted off headed for Don Muang in the spring of 69, mike, we were working in the transfer point at the same time, but your name doesnt ring any bells in my feeble memory. In mid-1974 the wing began to lose personnel, aircraft, and units. I just came across this site, and I enjoyed the photos and all of the comments. I dont know if we armed any more flights that night, the early morning wolf birds with centerline gun pod, two inboard rocket pods, two outboard fuel tanks, may have waited for day shift at 0600 hours. Im from Arkansas. Your name is somewhat familiar to me. google_ad_client = "ca-pub-0055504374659721"; And I am trying to find others who have same conditions. Now as a member of your veteran family and a County Veterans Service Officer I know you are all aware of your exposure to Agent Orange, the diseases it causes, and which AF bases & when the VA has already acknowledged. The ONLY info i have about Ubon is from you guys on this thread. My real name is Raymond but a lot of people know me as Marty. Thanks, If you have not already found Facebook,,Ubon Vets, I highly recommended you look for it and join,, there are over 800 members,, and a wealth of information on that site,, good luck and welcome, I would like a copy of of that. If you wont do it for yourselves then do it for your families. I served boots on the ground in Vietnam so my Type II Diabetes was awarded by the VA but I belong to Udorn Research Group a yahoo group and there are many Udorn vets trying to receive AO disabilities and keep getting denied. They fired 39 rounds onto the air base that night which were well short of the AC-130s. The following Photos of the January 13, 1970 attack against American forces stationed at Ubon Air Base, during the Vietnam War, are graphic and gory. My roomie and I lived on base 2 nights before we were in a bungalow downtown. The Laos border is about 60 kilometres directly east. Please let me know if you can. First supervisor Tsgt McKinney; other SSgt John Glover; flight line buddy called Hawk, name maybe Shaw? Who worked in the fall of 1967 AC-130 gun ships Ubon 69-70.Served as a Weapons Load Crew on. All turned out A-OK. John you arrived-1/70 the same time i left across..., but we had to be in the fall of 1967 get out, check the Load ask! 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Appreciate it as my dad was only 4 months old the Ohio River story ) they fired 39 onto...

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ubon air base, thailand photos

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