words for god in different languages

While these words became syntactically masculine, so that determiners and adjectives connected to them took masculine endings, they sometimes remained morphologically neuter, which could be seen in their inflections: In the phrase, gu meins, "my God," from the Gothic Bible, for example, gu inflects as if it were still a neuter because it lacks a final -s, but the possessive adjective meins takes the final -s that it would with other masculine nouns. Ijaw. The name corresponds to the Greek spelling Iesous, from which comes the English spelling Jesus. Italian Grazie (Thank you) Grazie mille / Grazie infinite (Thank you very much) Molte grazie (Many thanks) 4. Answer is simple >, How to say God in Maltese? [44] Apart from these names, God is addressed in the local language, for example Ishwar in Hindi, Dieu in French and Dios in Spanish. Type above and press Enter to search. I should have checked it out first, as there is a Sundanese language, from Indonesia. Please make research. He is Allah, other than whom there is no deity, the Sovereign, the Pure, the Perfection, the Bestower of Faith, the Overseer, the Exalted in Might, the Compeller, the Superior. He is the Sovereign God, and God of Eternity. This cookie is set by GDPR Cookie Consent plugin. The word god was used to represent Greek theos and Latin deus in Bible translations, first in the Gothic translation of the New Testament by Ulfilas. Another term used is King of Kings or Lord of Lords and Lord of Hosts. Michigan State University Answer is simple >, How to say God in Persian? Youll find exactly the same when you do your study. Julianne 20th Feb 2015 Activities Officer. Im confident that you arent asking me to simply take your words as truth. Ibibio/ Efik - Osa-Nudazi. [33], Although Mormonism views the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit as three distinct beings, they are one in purpose and God the Father (Elohim) is worshipped and given all glory through his Son, Jesus Christ (Jehovah). Without that, you cannot hope to convince anyone. Necessary cookies are absolutely essential for the website to function properly. In many cultures it is often difficult to distinguish between the personal and the attributive names of God, the two divisions necessarily shading into each other.[12]. If your evidence contradicts what we see in the Bible, I will not share it here. Allahmeaning 'the God' in Arabicis the word for God in Islam. kalumbu@msu.edu, Module1: Exploring the Diversity of Africa, Module 4: Examining Africas Global Connections, Unit Two: Studying Africa Through Social Studies, Module 7(B): African History 1500 to the Present, Module 10: African Politics and Government, Unit Three: Studying Africa through the Humanities, Ethiopia: Govt Keen to Attract Additional Investment From China - Finance Minister, Kenya: President Ruto Says Kenya Keen On Expanding Diplomatic Alliances, Egypt: U.S.$9.13 Million From Global Environment Facility to Support Clean Air Projects in Cairo #AfricaClimateCrisis, Mozambique: Cross-Border Cooperation Could Curb Kidnappings in Mozambique, South Africa: Rising Food Prices, Ongoing Energy Crisis Place South Africa At Risk. Translation of word god in almost 13 African languages. Welcome to our website! Halakha requires that secondary rules be placed around the primary law, to reduce the chance that the main law will be broken. Moon and sun, stars and planets, everything obeys his commands and there is not a single thing that could happen without His concern. Answer is simple >Gusti, How to say God in Swahili? Godan was shortened to God over time and was adopted/retained by the Germanic peoples of the British isles as the name of their deity, in lieu of the Latin word Deus used by the Latin speaking Christian church, after conversion to Christianity. In addition to the personal name of God YHWH (pronounced with the vocalizations Yahweh or Jehovah), titles of God used by Christians include the Hebrew titles Elohim, El-Shaddai, and Adonai, as well as Ancient of Days, Father/Abba which is Hebrew, "Most High". Answer is simple >Dios, How to say God in Chichewa? The name is ISA MASIYA not yesu or jesus from Ibrahim, Ismeal, Isaac, Israel and up to the cross INRI ISA of NAZARETH the RULER of ISRAELITES a name is not a language the angel brought a name not in any earthly language but because his not from earth his from heaven. [9] Further historical lists such as The 72 Names of the Lord show parallels in the history and interpretation of the name of God amongst Kabbalah, Christianity, and Hebrew scholarship in various parts of the Mediterranean world. If your next comment doesnt begin the process of showing us the truth, rather than telling us to believe you, it will be your last comment. Mandaeism. Almost all Orthodox Jews avoid using either Yahweh or Jehovah altogether on the basis that the actual pronunciation of the tetragrammaton has been lost in antiquity. I hope you have the wisdom to make that call correctly. In the Arabic language, we refer to God as "Allah". Gods can be thus categorized into embodied gods also known as Trthankaras and Arihantas or ordinary Kevalis, and non-embodied formless gods who are called Siddhas. Albanian: Jezu Krishti 2. Answer is simple >Te Atua, How to say God in Marathi? document.getElementById( "ak_js_1" ).setAttribute( "value", ( new Date() ).getTime() ); Not sure where you got the Hebrew version but it is incorrect. Parsi tradition expanded this to a list of 101 names of God.[52]. Learning the biblical languages should be no different than learning non-biblical languageswe develop the skill by using the language in communication. Thank You the messiah. These are synonymous words in different languages. . Translation of word god in 4 middle eastern languages. Jaswinder 27th Jan 2017 Activity Assistant . Your argument seems to be that names cant be translated. My parents named me that, and they were Americans who spoke only English. Here are 35 different options: Afrikaans: Vrede Aragonese : Patz Arabic: (salm) Haitian Creole (Kreyol) : Lap Aymara: Hacaa Bulgarian: (mir) Bengali: (nti) Tibetan: (zhi-bde) Catalan: Pau International Quaker Youth letters translated by the author last year. The Greek is easy, as the earliest manuscripts of John are all in Greek. Dr. Isaac G. Kalumbu Evidence. Do You Know the Origin of Name Jehovah? Answer is simple >, How to say God in Kurdish? The prohibition on misuse (not use) of this name is the primary subject of the command not to take the name of the Lord in vain. If you speak in languages other than English and have an addition or correction, please send me a message using the form at the bottom of this page. Akua, How to say God in Hebrew? [10], The attitude as to the transmission of the name in many cultures was surrounded by secrecy. There are multiple names for God's various manifestations worshiped in Hinduism. A classic expression that many of us use almost every day, but how do other countries say it? I had thought that Sundanese was actually Sudanese (from Sudan). Thats Greek. They believe Chukwu to be an undefinable omnipotent and omnipresent supreme deity that encompasses everything in space and space itself. Chinese: Ys Jd Further Reading: Amazing And Interesting Facts About Jesus Christ All The Names Of Jesus: Who The Bible Says Christ Is 6. God still loves us. [27][28] Christ means 'the anointed' in Greek (). Augustine's mission to the Saxons in southern Britain was conducted at a time when the city of Rome was a part of a Lombardic kingdom. Answer is simple -> Catalan - lord in catalan How to say lord in Catalan? "Hasta la Vista." Meaning: "See you later." Pronunciation: Asta-la-VEE-sta "Despedida." Meaning: "Farewell." Pronunciation: Des-peh-DEE-dah "Adios." Meaning: "Goodbye." Pronunciation (s): ah-THYOHS (European Spanish); ah/DIOHS (Spanish of the Americas) "Te veo despues." ), a compound of wif "woman" (see wife) + man "human being" (in Old English used in reference to both sexes; see man (n.)). All European languages have a word for God, and this word means exactly the same in all of them. In Islam Allah does not match to any of its creations in any way. He is the Entirely Merciful, the Especially Merciful. King in the different languages means lord, leader, the only one. I wouldnt give his theory any more attention than that. However, note that while the written syllables look the same, they're pronounced in different tones. In English-speaking countries, the common verbal response to another person's sneeze is "[God] bless you", or, less commonly in the United States and Canada, "Gesundheit", the German word for health (and the response to sneezing in German-speaking countries). Answer is simple >, How to say God in Malagasy? Next, you can post the evidence here. Answer is simple >, How to say God in Azerbaijani? In the Igbo pantheon, Chukwu is the source of all other Igbo deities and is responsible for assigning them their different tasks. Join Berni Dymet as he takes a look at the joy of the Lord, from a different perspective. Watkins, Calvert, ed., The American Heritage Dictionary of Indo-European Roots, 2nd ed., Houghton Mifflin Co., 2000. The Book of Mormon ends with "to meet you before the pleasing bar of the great Jehovah, the eternal Judge of both the quick and dead. Muslims believe that Allah loves us seventy times more than mother. There are even concepts used by secular humanists to describe Ultimate Reality. This form within (late) Proto-Indo-European itself was possibly ambiguous, and thought to derive from a root *eu- "to pour, libate" (the idea survives in the Dutch word, 'Giet', meaning, to pour) (Sanskrit huta, see hot), or from a root *au- (*euh2-) "to call, to invoke" (Sanskrit hta). A liberated soul thus becomes a god liberated of miseries, cycles of rebirth, world, karmas and finally liberated of body as well. How do you, as a young woman, learn to love God and others well in this crazy, upside-down world? The existence of God is found unheard of or ignorant of in agnosticism. Answer is simple -> Arabic - God in arabic How to say God in Arabic? A quick count suggests that there are at least seventeen languages spoken today in worship in the United Church of Christ. French Merci (Thank you) Merci beaucoup (Thank you very much) Merci mille fois (Thanks so much) 3. 1. [55] However, everything is in the hands of Olodumare when they are going to bed at night. If what you have to share isnt publicly available, then its not really evidence. Answer is simple >Atua, How to say God in Scotsgaelic? But one thing is true in all religions that God is only one and no body has strong power as God. In the beginning, He created - just by the power of His spoken Word. The translation for the word deus of the Latin Bible was influenced by the then current usage by the tribes for their highest deity, namely Wodan by Angles, Saxons, and Franks of north-central and western Europe, and Godan by the Lombards of south-central Europe around Rome. Surya: It is of Hindi origin and means 'sun god.' Tyson: It is of English origin and means 'firebrand.' Uri: It stems from Israel, and in Hebrew means 'my flame' or 'my light.' Urijah: It has Israeli roots. And truly no one knows the language that angels use thats why the names angels bring can not be translated in earthly languages. As Judaism became a universal rather than merely a local religion, the more common Hebrew noun Elohim (plural in form but understood in the singular), meaning "God," tended to replace Yahweh to demonstrate the universal sovereignty of Israel's God over all others. [35] According to Jehovah's Witnesses, the name Jehovah means "He causes to become". God also said to Moses, Say to the Israelites, The Lord, the God of your fathersthe God of Abraham, the God of Isaac and the God of Jacobhas sent me to you. This is my name forever, the name you shall call me from generation to generation". Answer is simple >Dieu, How to say God in Frisian? So Paul . Its easy to translate names from one language to another. Exploring Africa Bengali: Bosnian: Boe Bulgarian: Catalan: Du Cebuano: Dios Chinese (Simplified): Chinese (Traditional): The Yoruba believe that Olodumare is omnipotent and is the source of all. We created one place where you can check almost all words in one single click. God has many names in Islam. Galician: Xesucristo 10. However in Acts 2:6 it says that each heard in his own "language.". Greek: IESOUS HO NAZORAIOS HO BASILEUS HO IOUDAIOS. This is called nirvana or moksha. Do you believe He is the Messiah? It does not store any personal data. [54] Yoruba Muslims and Christians also refer to the Abrahamic God as Olorun. [24][failed verification], English Bible translations of the Greek New Testament render ho theos (Greek: ) as God and ho kurios (Greek: ) as "the Lord", with the latter being the "Greek translation of the Hebrew OT name for God, Yahweh."[25]. Youve used translations in your comment, even though you claim it cant be done. Japanese - arigato (ah-ree-GAH-toh) Korean - kamsahamnida (KAM-sah-ham-NEE-da) Latvian - paldies (PUHL-dyehs) Norwegian - takk (tahk) Polish - dzikuj (Jenkoo-yeh) Portugese - obrigado (oh-bree-GAH-dooh) masculine/ obrigada (oh-bree-GAH-dah) feminine Romanian - mulumesc (mool-tzoo-MESK) Russian - spasiba (spuh-SEE-buh) Many dogs can understand almost every word humans say, while humans seldom learn to recognize more than half a dozen barks, if that. Nupe. Mark Sameth argues that Yahweh was a pseudo name for a dual-gendered deity, the four letters of that name being cryptogram which the priests of ancient Israel read in reverse as huhi, "heshe," as earlier theorized by Guillaume Postel (16th century) and Michelangelo Lanci (19th century).[15][16][17][18]. [citation needed] He also sometimes appears in early Medieval sagas as a name of Odin or one of his descendants, a former king of the Geats (Gaut(i)), an ancestor of the Gutar (Guti), of the Goths (Gothus) and of the royal line of Wessex (Geats) and as a previous hero of the Goths (Gapt). So, no notion, no word. When the raindrops softly patter on the thirsty tin roofs of the poor, he is there. It provides the translations for the 3000 most commonly used words in 104 languages. (n.) Wistful longing; a yearning for a far. Capitalized, "God" was first used to refer to the Abrahamic God and may now signify any monotheistic conception of God, including the translations of the Arabic Allh, Persian Khuda, Indic Ishvara and the Maasai Ngai. [54] Olodumare is aloof; he is not directly involved in earthly matters and lets other Yoruba deities (orisha), who are his sons and daughters, answer human concerns through divination, possession, sacrifice and more. 2 Holy, holy, holy! Wonder no longer, just watch this video and you'll find the ans. Maybe you missed because its written in Hebrew: Hebrew . English translations of the Bible translate the tetragrammaton as LORD, thus removing any form of YHWH from the written text and going well beyond the Jewish oral practice of substituting Adonai for YHWH when reading aloud. And the angel brought only a name not names thats why its still in the qoran Isa ibn Maryum which means ISA the Son of Maryum. Answer is simple >Pengeran, How to say God in Kannada? The Proto-Germanic meaning of *un and its etymology is uncertain. This service includes Spanish, Tagalog, Samoan, Arabic, Hawaiian, and English. During the fourth century, the Goths were converted to Christianity, largely through the efforts of Bishop Ulfilas, who translated the Bible into the Gothic language in Nicopolis ad Istrum in today's northern Bulgaria. In non-English-speaking cultures, words connoting good . How do You Address God in French: Tu or Vous? + Follow. Answer is simple >UNkulunkulu. Now, not later. For example, in Judaism the tetragrammaton is sometimes related to the ancient Hebrew ehyeh ("I will be"). Answer is simple >Mwari, How to say God in Sindhi? The supreme creator in the traditional religion of the Yoruba people is known as Olorun or Olodumare. A single meaning of every form that includes all the beliefs is impossible to define, besides that it is a representation of bad. Bewaji, John (1998). Answer is simple >, How to say God in Urdu? The earliest uses of the word God in Germanic writing is often cited to be in the Gothic Bible or Wulfila Bible, which is the Christian Bible as translated by Ulfilas into the Gothic language spoken by the Eastern Germanic, or Gothic, tribes. Im the same person, but my name would look and sound different in different places. "adult female human," late Old English wimman, wiman (plural wimmen), literally "woman-man," alteration of wifman (plural wifmen) "woman, female servant" (8c. Answer is simple >Dio, How to say God in Estonian? Answer is simple >, How to say God in Thai? The longer word for math is mathematics. Answer is simple -> Armenian - God in armenian How to say God in Armenian? Moon and sun, stars and planets, everything obeys his commands and there is not a single thing that could happen without His concern. Well, you would shout 'El Draque' of course! Other Greek transcriptions also indicated that YHWH should be pronounced Yahweh. See the chant in the Medieval and Early Modern folklore section of the Wikipedia entry for, Learn how and when to remove this template message, A New System of Geography, Or a General Description of the World by Daniel Fenning, Joseph Collyer 1765, Northern Mythology, Comprising the Principal Popular Traditions and Superstitions of Scandinavia, North Germany and the Netherlands: Compiled from Original and Other Sources. Here's how to say "thank you" in 45 different languages 1. =). Answer is simple >Allah, How to say God in Hawaiian? Seraphim: It has Hebrew roots. How to Say "Peace" in 35 Languages In the spirit of World Peace Day, why not learn how to say "Peace" in another language? In the English language, capitalization is used for names by which a god is known, including 'God'. Some of the common names for these deities in Hinduism are: Additionally, most Hindu deities have a collection of 8/12/16/32/100/108/1000/1008 names exclusively dedicated to them known as Namavali. I dont know who told you that it stands for Isa, but it does not. Every person has his own strong power and weakness. Hu means 'Just He' or 'Revealed'. This is where our tool fills in the gap. Challenging. How to Say "My Love" in 8 Different Languages Here's how you say "my love" in: Spanish - mi amor French - mon amour Italian - amore mio Portuguese - meu amor Chinese (Mandarin) - ( w de irn) German - meine Geliebte Korean - ( nae sarang) Russian - ( moya lyubov') Keep them all at hand with this romantic infographic: Answer is simple >, How to say God in Uzbek? In the old times people has no idea of God and that perceived everything harmful as god. However, the quality of godliness is one and the same in all of them. Translation tools typically translate into one language at a time. [citation needed] Bahs believe Bah'u'llh, the founder of the Bah Faith, is the "complete incarnation of the names and attributes of God". Flneur French origin. Answer is simple >Diu, How to say God in Croatian? By clicking OK, you consent to the use of ALL the cookies. She is the primary creator, Mawu-Lisa the secondary creator, and the theology based on these is called Vodun, Voodoo or Vodoun.[53]. If youre right, provide the evidence we need to see that you are right. The Tirthankara is a guide and teacher who points the way to enlightenment, but the struggle for enlightenment is one's own. One who achieves this state of soul through right belief, right knowledge and right conduct can be termed as god. A wagging tail can mean so many things. It sounds like youre saying that the only name we should use to talk about the Son of God, the Messiah of Israel and the world, is ISA. Many think "Allah" is a personal God of . This website uses cookies to improve your experience while you navigate through the website. Traditionally, Jesus in Central Asian languages has been Isa (or in Cyrillic) except in Tajik. Yes you were right. In Judaism, the pronunciation of the name of God has always been guarded with great care. Answer is simple -> God Albanian - God in albanian How to say God in Albanian? Answer is simple >Tanr, How to say God in Ukrainian? [6], Exchange of names held sacred between different religious traditions is typically limited. Answer is simple >Jumal, How to say God in Filipino? I appreciate you bringing this to my attention. Answer is simple >Dio, How to say God in Japanese? Meaning of * un and its etymology is uncertain is only one x27 ; pronounced... Cookie is set by GDPR cookie Consent plugin find the ans, in Judaism the is... A Sundanese language, from Indonesia Greek spelling Iesous, from which comes the English spelling.. I had thought that Sundanese was actually Sudanese ( from Sudan ) cookies to improve your experience while navigate! Knowledge and right conduct can be termed as God. [ 52 ] is... 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words for god in different languages

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