moorish american passport

that all Moorish American People have an inalienable right to complete freedom, the exercise of their sovereignty and the integrity of their National Government as National Citizens. The SPC process will make up another 20% of your game. No one was injured; 11 people were arrested and charged with unlawful possession of firearms and ammunition, among other offenses. Thats not how Gaines-El sees it. I simply rattled that off at them, and they looked at me blankly, took off their robes and fezzes, and went back to their birth names, and pled guilty.. Members of Moorish sovereign citizen groups claim they are descended from Moors who predated white settlers in North America, and that they are part of a sovereign nation and not subject to U.S . (Phone us at 1-505-340-3632) There may not be a hundred of them, but theyre absolutely organized., SPLC is a nonprofit, tax-exempt 501(c)(3) organization (EIN: 63-0598743). Members of 'Moorish' groups and other black Americans are taking up the ideas of the radical 'sovereign citizens' movement. and some even anointed;but they still carry many of the same responsibilities. The Secretary will reach out to you with further details. All Moorish American People have the right to self-determination; by virtue of that right they freely determine their political status and freely pursue their economic, social and cultural development. is a de jure Religious government of an autonomous Cherokee nation of indigenous people known as Moors/Moorish Americans, successors of the Empire of Morocco. If you look on the first page of the inside cover, it does say that all whom you pass by, to allow the following National/Citizen respect, protection, and aid, etc etc. 5. This is not true. Bearing a golden seal, in aureate legalistic language, the documents claimed that an obscure 18th-century treaty gave the sender rights to claim her new house as his own. But McGauleys alarm bells really went off when he learned that at least one Moor had used his Power of Attorney General document to open a bank account and pass a number of bad checks. It is right such as, that of a tree to the space of air and earth is suitable for the full expansion of its principle and destiny of growth. Islam. Any attempt aimed at the partial or total disruption of the National Unity of the Moorish American People and the Provinces and territorial integrity of a country is incompatible with the purposes and principles of the Charter of the United States of America Republic. Speaking on the passport and international travel for Moorish Americans.Speaking on issues pertaining to Moorish Americans.Disclaimer: This video represents the views of the presenters and/or our guests based off of our personal research and life experiences, and in no way is this content endorsed by or a representation of the official policies of the Moorish Science Temple of America.Support the stream: Talking about how Moors can actually improve their conditions in light of the mess occurring with Moors mixing in sovereign citizen ideology with their desire to assert their nationality.Subscribe \u0026 Check Out Our Website http://www.MoorsInAmerica.comDonations/Support: is the official website of the Moorish Science Temple of America: http://www.mstofa.netJoin \u0026 Contribute to our FB Group: Us on Instagram: Us on FB: Us on Twitter: Everyone about the channel \u0026 Subscribe! Unlike the white-dominated sovereign citizen movement today, however, MSTA was explicitly not antigovernment. Those members who are with us over a period of time, will be able to study ample material in the EMPOWER YOURSELF PACK and have the opportunity to have numerous conversations with our team, and over the course of time have resources to gain more information, skill, and knowledge. Rise of the Moors, as well as the individual members arrested in Massachusetts in July, did not respond to requests to comment. Paper Terrorism All armed action or repressive measures of all kinds directed against independent Moorish American People shall cease in order to enable them to exercise peacefully and freely their right to complete independence, and the integrity of their National Government here in America shall be respected. that the process of liberation is irresistible and irreversible and that, in order to avoid serious crises, an end must be put to colonialism and all practices of segregation and discrimination associated therewith. If a person believes he or she is eligible under the law as a non-citizen national of the United States and the person complies with the provisions of section 341(b) of the INA, 8 USC 1452(b), he/she may apply for a passport at any Passport Agency or acceptance facility in the United States. are successors of the tribe Lamtunah/Lamthoonah/Lumthunes, the Marabout/Morabite/Morabathoon race, of the Great Chief Abu Tashufin/Tashfin succeeded by Yusuf ibn Tashufin the founders of the Empire of Morocco. R. V. Bey, Noble Nature El Bey and Taj Tarik Bey, lead polemicists of the Moors Order of the Roundtable, propounds a nearly indecipherable political theory that melds sovereign concepts and an antigovernment reinterpretation of MSTA doctrine. This site is for those Moors who are active and not passive;for those Moors who wish to have true freedom and equality and the right to self-determination! A New Jersey woman was preyed upon by a fast-growing extremist group that claims its members are sovereign Moors, not bound by U.S. laws. Via an email, a staff member at the Al Moroccan consulate, where Mr. John is listed on the website as the consul general to the United States and China, initially scheduled an interview but then canceled. The Department of State occasionally receives requests for certificates of non-citizen national status pursuant to Section 341(b)of the Immigration and Nationality Act (INA), 8 USC 1452(b). He smileth on the arts, and they flourish; the sciences improve beneath the culture of his hand. or the Moorish Science Temple of America. His magistrates are just, his ministers are wise, and the favorite of his bosom deceiveth him not. The Moors claim to be about Black liberation and opportunity, and uplifting Black people, Ms. Little said in an interview seated on a staircase inside her house. I just wanted to let you know that if you ever have any problem with members of the Moorish Nation, you can call me., As it happens, McGauley, whose county encompasses the city of Fort Wayne, was having trouble with members of the Moorish Nation., Starting in December 2010, nearly a dozen black men had come into his office and recorded bogus documents purporting to change their names, grant themselves power of attorney general over themselves, and proclaim their Unalienable and Substantive Rights to Be, to Enjoy, and to Act, distinct in my aboriginal customs and culture; and determining my own political, social, and economic status of the state., McGauley was not thrilled to learn that their leader, who calls himself Sheik Jabbar Gaines-El, had uncovered his home number. and all men must now proclaim their free national name to be recognized by the government in which they live and the nations of the earth.". And so it was with surprise that Ms. Little found herself in her yard on Ivy Street on a June afternoon as a police SWAT team negotiated with a man who had broken in, changed her locks and hung a red and green flag in its window. His people, therefore, look up to him as a father, with reverence and love; they consider him as the guardian of all they enjoy. honoreth with his favor, or rewardeth with his bounty. He frameth his statutes with equity and wisdom; his subjects enjoy the fruits of their labor in security; and their happiness consists of the observance of the law. He was released on his own recognizance. Posse ideologues argued, in effect, that God gave America to the white man and therefore the government cannot abridge most rights of whites unless they submit to a contract with that government. THE EUROPEANS HAS BEEN THE CUSTODIAN OVER OUR GOVERNMENT AND LANDS; OUR ANCESTORS HAD GIVEN THEM THAT AUTHORITY UNTIL WE WOKE FROM A LONG SLEEP. The men claimed to be sovereign citizens of the Al Moroccan Empire and that their status permitted them access to the property, Mr. OHaras report said. The aim to limit our greatness pales in the fulfillment of our Moorish-Fest Destiny, which is to over-spread the Continent for the free development of U.S.A.R.s yearly multiplying millions [allotted by Province Jurisdiction], as the spirit of Nationalism that will sweep this Nation in the next two decades demands more terrain. The spirit of the merchant who extendeth his commerce, the skill of the farmer who, enricheth his lands, the ingenuity of the artists, the improvements of the scholar; all these he. On its website, Rise of the Moors, for example, has cited reparations part of national conversations about race and equity as a driving factor for its belief that its members can claim things as their own. They refused to pay the fees associated with filing the documents, McGauley said, and seemed unconcerned when he explained that their name-change and other documents had no legal validity. They are not members of our organization. When Ms. Little called the police a second time, they returned with a SWAT team. Any and all past and present affiliations implied by operation of law or otherwise with foreign entities are hereby, now, and forever dissolved and revoked.. Renewing Passports: If you answer 'Yes' to all 5 eligibility questions in the "Renew a Passport by Mail" section, mail your renewal form directly to the State Department.If you don't meet all the renewal requirements, you . This Ecclesiastical Government political power is inherent in the people, and all free governments are founded on their authority, and instituted for their benefit. Your Homecoming is a mental transition and decision to exit slavery. was created by a Moorish Society on June 19th,2020 with inalienable rights, endowed by the Creator of the U Show More Sovereign ideas have leaked into other black Moorish groups as well. The only difference is kept internal inside the HOMELAND SECURITY AND U.S. CUSTOMS/IMMIGRATION COMPUTERS. I dont know what theyre doing, because theyre misrepresenting the Moorish Science Temple of America.. The Passport Book and Card all looks the same in your hands. They were Muslims from the medieval era in Northwest Africa and the Iberian Peninsula. 7. He dropped off the Moorish map after being honorably discharged in 2005 due to a combat-related injury, but took another stab at sovereignty in November 2010, acquiring a Nationality and Right to Travel card from the Autonomous Autochthon International Muurish Gansul. They did. Just months before joining the U.S. Army in July 2001, Gaines-El recorded a Declaration of Indigenous Identity as kin and family to this soil whose indigenous name is Turtle Land and whose fictitious corporate name is America, at the Allen County Recorders Office. Moorish Americans are not sovereign citizens. steps shall be taken, in Trust and Non-Self-Governing Provinces or all other territories which have not yet attained independence, to transfer all powers to the Moorish American People of those Provinces and territories, without any conditions or reservations, in accordance with their freely expressed will and desire, without any distinction as to race, creed or color, in order to enable them to enjoy complete independence and freedom. WE ARE WOKE NOW ". God eventually sent European colonists to enslave the Moors as punishment for their forgetting their history and ways, Drew Ali said. M.N.R.P. Immediate steps shall be taken, in Trust and Non-Self-Governing Provinces or all other territories which have not yet attained independence, to transfer all powers to the Moorish American People of those Provinces and territories, without any conditions or reservations, in accordance with their freely expressed will and desire, without any distinction as to race, creed or color, in order to enable them to enjoy complete independence and freedom. All Citizens must preserve the Constitution and Laws for theUnited States of America Republicbecause by being aMoorish American Citizenyou are a part and parcel of the government and must live the life accordingly. 1. Government officials, he says, know they have no jurisdiction over Moors and as long as Moors refuse to comply, there is nothing the courts can do. In a podcast interview, he said he spent nine years in banking before buying a one-way ticket to China in the wake of the 2008 financial crisis. As people are severely missing the mark due to unfounded rumors or misinterpretations on the weight of significance about this Passport and what it will give you. Mr. A simple traffic violation or pet-licensing case can provoke dozens of court filings containing hundreds of pages of pseudo-legal nonsense. 16. Other Moorish Offshoots Citizenship by persons claiming right of residence in the United States, Assisted Reproductive Technology (ART) and Surrogacy Abroad, Administrative Review of Loss of Nationality Determination, Inter-American Service Convention and Additional Protocol, Advice about Possible Loss of U.S. Judge Terrence McGann did not agree: Under your set of rules, every house is fair game, you own the entire United States, you own the oceans, you own anything you want, he said, according to reports. CITIZEN with a SOCIAL SECURITY NUMBER, you are FINE!! Initially espoused by white supremacist groups, sovereign citizen ideology first cropped up in America in the 1970s, according to the Southern Poverty Law Center. Why Mr. John set his sights on Ms. Littles house is unknown. The next day, she returned with a locksmith and was confronted by two men, one of whom was Mr. John and who said the house was his. He became fluent in Chinese and produced several fashion shows focusing on Black designers and models, according to multiple accounts. Dont get me wrong, if you are applying for a Passport for the first time and would like to fill it out consistent with your State National allegiance to the republic rather than the Old Corporation way you were taught, and thats what you want to do, go ahead and get with us, study the video in the EMPOWER YOURSELF PACK, and get the information available to study, and make your own legal decisions for yourself! Basically, think that they will Red Flag your name and application, and then scrutinize and object to your attempt to subsequent submission. He looketh among his people with discernment; he discovereth the abilities of men, and employeth them according to their merits. The State National but NOT a U.S. CITIZEN Passport, has the exact same look, feel, and color as the U.S. CITIZEN Passport. 2. Citizenship at Birth by a Child Born Abroad, Renunciation of U.S. he Moorish Nation is a collection of sovereign citizen organizations, espousing the Islam religion, which emerged from the Moorish Science Temple of America (MSTA), founded in 1913 in the U.S. Adherents believe that African-Americans were descended from the Moors and have an inherited birthright to the land. In his Frost Illustrated article, Gaines-El noted as many white sovereign citizens also do that the Dred Scott decision was never reversed. We, the Moorish Society of the Moorish National Republic of Peace have removed ourselves from any foreign legislation. *Processing times begin the day we receive your application at a passport agency or center, not the day you mail your application or apply. consists of Board of Directors and Nationals and Citizens exercising our First Amendment right freedom of Religion and the exercise there of, and the right to life, liberty in the pursuit of happiness of the U.S. Constitution and upholding the Treaty of Peace and Friendship Between Empire of Morocco and United States 1786/1787/1836, Moorish National Republic of Peace Constitution, and the L.EYE.P Creed. Speaking on issues pertaining to Moorish Americans.Disclaimer: This video represents the views of the presenters and/or our guests based off of our personal research and life experiences, and in no way is this content endorsed by or a representation of the official policies of the Moorish Science Temple of America.Support the stream: Talking about how Moors can actually improve their conditions in light of the mess occurring with Moors mixing in sovereign citizen ideology with their desire to assert their nationality.Subscribe \u0026 Check Out Our Website http://www.MoorsInAmerica.comDonations/Support: is the official website of the Moorish Science Temple of America: http://www.mstofa.netJoin \u0026 Contribute to our FB Group: Us on Instagram: Us on FB: Us on Twitter: Everyone about the channel \u0026 Subscribe! They called the inhabitants they met there Maures from the Greek word mauros, meaning dark or black. We are endowed by our creator with unalienable rights; that among these are life, liberty and pursuit of happiness. aimed at the partial or total disruption of the National Unity of the Moorish American People and the Provinces and territorial integrity of a country is incompatible with the purposes and principles of the Charter of the United States of America Republic. *The Moors community is celebrated on this date c 200. The Intelligence Report is the SPLC's award-winning magazine. the increasing conflicts resulting from the denial of or impediments in the way of the freedom of such Moorish American People, which constitute a serious threat to peace here in America. 6. Leg. 11. This is the beginning of the "American" Passport". We have seen numerous cases of our SPC DONE W U members, get passports with leaving the SSN form blank, because the truthful statement is that the living man (NOT the corporate fiction ALL-CAPITAL LETTERS NAME) does not have a social security number as its a separate entity. They advise Moors not to cooperate with the police or the courts. 13. There, Mr. John said, he was scouted by a modeling agent, kicking off a foray into the fashion world. Aware of the increasing conflicts resulting from the denial of or impediments in the way of the freedom of such Moorish American People, which constitute a serious threat to peace here in America. Thou art clothed in purple, and seated on a throne; the crown of majesty investeth thy temples, the sceptre of power is placed in thy hand; but not for thyself were these ensigns given; not meant for thine own, but the good of thy kingdom. for MoorishAmerican Nationals,shall control the flow of commerce, develop its economicstructure, providean educational system that will produce great minds. Arm. You are about to leave for an external website that is not maintained by the U.S. Department of State. Thats right, they are still so-called 14th Amendment citizens; in a better terminology, Negro, black, colored and African American. 2. We are citizens of the United States of America, and we want to make our contribution to the United States of America, not tear it down, Jones Bey said. citizens belong have a variety of names: Moorish Nation, The Aware Group, Washitaw Nation, the North Carolina American Republic, Republic of United States of America, etc. The officers verified that Ms. Little bought the house in February, and they asked the men to leave. On March 29, John McGauley, county recorder for Allen County, Ind., came home to find a disturbing message on his answering machine. But black people were only made citizens by the 14th Amendment, they argued, meaning that they have permanently contracted with the government and therefore must obey all its dictates. Head. that the continued existence of colonialism prevents the development of international economic co-operation, impedes the social, cultural and economic development of independent Moorish American People and militates against the United States of America Republic ideal of universal peace. What may be even stranger about Gaines and his black Fort Wayne cohorts is that the sovereign citizens ideology to which they adhere a conspiratorial belief system that argues that most Americans are not subject to most tax and criminal laws promulgated by the government was originally thoroughly anti-black. We have established ourselves in the Free lands of our ancestors of the Empire of Morocco, upholding the Treaty with Cherokee 1866, Treaty of Peace and Friendship Between Empire of Morocco and the United States 1786,1787,1836. Experts say it lures marginalized people to its ranks with the false promise that they are above the law. The right of the Moorish people to their collective action; to their juridical, social, political, and economic systems or institutions; to their own cultures; to profess and practice their spiritual beliefs; to use their own tongues and languages; and to their lands, territories and resources. (b) A person who claims to be a national, but not a citizen, of the United States may apply to the Secretary of State for a certificate of non-citizen national status. Some followers also claim to have roots in America that. Considering the important role of the Moorish American People in assisting the movement for independence in Trust as we Move forward in our Right to Self-Governing our Provinces and Territories. The Moorish permutation appears to have picked up in popularity in the 1990s, inspired in part by Black identity ideology of a similarly named religious group, the Moorish Science Temple of America, which disavows the sovereign citizen movement. Prophet Noble Drew Ali teaches that the word "Allah" is the Father of the Universe. He calleth together the wise men of his kingdom; he consulteth among them with freedom, and heareth the opinions of them all. In early June, a new face El Clay Kenyatta Blackburn Bey hit the county recorders office with a fresh set of documents demanding proof from Indianas Superior Court that it has jurisdiction over his traffic violation case. She graduated from the University of Central Florida but struggled as a young adult, living out of motel rooms for periods of time. , his ministers are wise, and heareth the opinions of them all the Iberian Peninsula Book Card. The police a second time, they returned with a SWAT team honoreth with his bounty are life liberty. Of court filings containing hundreds of pages of pseudo-legal nonsense explicitly not antigovernment, develop economicstructure! Of the same in your hands with his bounty the favorite of bosom... 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