nebraska trespass hunts

There is so much game that it is unbelievable to even imagine that there would be so many animals here. Wake up between mule deer, whitetail deer and turkeys in a back woods cabin in the pine ridges area of N.W. This is a public hunting area that on opening morning gets a lot of hunting pressure. While some of the locals (and many of the hunters) have been talking about the lessened herds during the severe winter of 2007-2008, I have maintained my strong conviction of attributing the non-appearance of the herds to their usual migrating and grazing grounds, not to extra-ordinary losses of animals due to weather conditions, but, to the fact that the weather pattern is no longer what it used to be years ago. Love from your California friends. The fee is $5. This is in the special Mule Deer Conservation area. So, the elk have been here since about the middle of December and they are hanging out, basking in the sun, to the torment of the "Ranching for wildlife" hunters, who cannot hunt them due to regulations, and they would not, anyway, due to the fact that, I will not do anything to get the elk moving. Of course,on the, ", email: . In 2010, everybody will be driving in two feet of snow, fighting the elements of nature, but, totally surrounded by elk and huge timber bucks. Beautiful day for a hike on the "Y Lazy S Ranch", for this hunter from Oregon. The climate change is truly affecting the hunting success. That animal was 17.75 " and a very high score. And, look forward to another gret hunting season next year and hanging out with you guys again. , The best part of hunting the "Y Lazy S Ranch" is meeting the landowner, Aleka.the abundant game is secondary. I was lucky enough to get a bull within range and complete the deal. Our remote location is a perfect haven for wild pheasants. With mud on his boots, burrs on his pants, and sweat on his brow he never-never ever loses sight of why he is HERE for. Unfortunately, the snow was slow coming and so were the elk. Again, THANKS, for taking such good care of us and we would like to hunt with you again next year, if possible. If there are NO available accommodations, hunters may stay in town at their own cost or take advantage of our CAMPING spaces available WITH FULL & UNLIMITED USE OF HOT SHOWERS & BATHROOMS AT THE HEADQUARTERS. No mule deer may be harvested in Mule Deer Conservation Area. Varies . The Nebraska Hunt Deer Season is set by the Nebraska Game and Parks Commission so the Opening Day at the Double R Guest Ranch varies from year to year. This is a perfect hunt for a family group. Deer hunters should have no difficulty fulfilling their permits! You will be hunting on all private ranch and farm land of a couple of thousand acres with intermixed Cedar groves, hardwood drainages, fields of soybeans, corn, Green winter wheat on multiple small farms interconnected. We are located in the middle-interior of the vast, sparsely-populated Sand Hills. Hunt rates differ for Archery or Muzzleloader hunting contact me for details. We got very many nice buck deer, quite a few bull elk and all the pronghorn hunters filled their tags. To an officer when in possession of a resident permit. See map on page 36. Lusk, WY 82225. We invite you to experience the excitement of quality hunting in Northwest Nebraska's most beautiful area. Thishunter from Australia enjoyed hunting with his father on the "Y Lazy S Ranch"., The hunter from North Carolina stalking his game., Mike from North Carolina. And I work very hard trying to please everybody. Nov 18, 2020. Minimum Age: Deer age 10; Antelope, Elk, Bighorn age 12, Seasons: Elk and Bighorn Same as adult hunts; no special permit or season. It's a Michael/Annabelle and friends' tradition, that they have been putting on for the last 10 years. and were ready to roll out when I convinced him to go for another drive. Your hospitality and land provided us with what we have been looking to find for years. Less than five minutes later, he had his buck. Early the next morning, we started our hunt and after spotting and insuccessfully stalking several pronghorn herds we were finally able to get within 200 yards of one. The guy that should get a medal for effort, though, is Vince from Wisconsin. ******************, It is definitely a blessing to live on this beautiful ranch.There is absolutely no doubt in my mind that I have an ongoing love affair, with this land, this County, this State and this Country. Since the late 1960's, we chose not to advertise; not to seek the business of hunters for only one season. "2115 County Road 3P. They have chosen to do exactly what I have been talking about for the last 4-5 years. Accompanied means you must be in unaided verbal and visual communications at all times, Resident (15 years old or younger) they do not need any license or habitat stamp, Nonresident (15 years old or younger) Hunt permit, Habitat Stamp=Hunter Education (if age 12 or older), All hunters age 16 or older must have valid Nebraska hunting license and habitat stamp. 7184 Hwy 20. Please, know that your arrival is most anticipated for many months each year. What a beauty!! So far, we have small amount of snowcover, but, not what we actually need. The elk are here. This is a free ranging hunt that is usually producing 8 point whitetail deer. I cannot "Thank you" enough for the opportunity to hunt the "Y Lazy S Ranch". The deadline for your reservations to hunt on the, "Y Lazy S Ranch". That was the right call, as the bull I killed moved into the area during the night. ************. They are going to expect the same results from now on. E-mail address (used to notify successful applicants of permit drawings). Whether it snows or not. See map on page 37. We had some good laughs with the wonderful company of many, included the hunters from down under. It has not been easy. I was fortunate to be able to spend a woderful week with my Dad and my cousin and that, I will remember always!! This site has the complete Big Game Guide in its pages. One is my son-in-law Mark and the other one is Bob. (Drivers license or voter registration etc). Thank you. This year again, I received many nice comments from the many wonderful friends. Bag limit: one deer of both sex and one antlerless whitetail. For youths. We require a 270 or larger rifle because the deer can get quite large in this area with the high protein grain available. All units have room to relax, and there are games and reading materials for leisure hours and TV to keep you informed when necessary. Valid in open seasons with the appropriate weapons, See maps on page 38-39. By now, they are tired of running, tired of hunters and those who survived may be wondering why? Erich, from California,with a real heavy mulley. Unfortunately, Larry was unable to get a bull within rifle range. Kerry and I had a great time at your ranch this year. All in all, it was a great hunt and I look forward to visiting the ranch again in the future - maybe with a mule deer tag in my pocket next time. With your leadership and knowledge, bonds will be strengthened and a first-time hunter will become a lifetime hunter. Second and third regular rifle seasons for deer and elk will be available for the first half or the second half of the season, availing one to a four night free complementary accommodation in either our beautiful log cabins or the ranch house. The man has been seen alone in the wilderness, on ridges, in valleys and in between. We need new rules to manage mule deer, and we have selected these four units in southwest Nebraska to implement them. We are located within the natural migration route. Just, up the draw from our house. We have various sizes of tracts to fit your hunting party. The accommodations were clean and comfortable. is the day before I am fully booked. ", "Thank you so much for everything. We have the promise habitat deep draws, wheat and trees for cover that they come to after that first shot. Hunting has become the lifeblood of the local landowners After the disastrous agricultural experience of the 70's and the 80's, many ranchers and farmers saw an opportunity to supplement their income by offering a premier hunting experience to those that seek the excitement of the hunt. I'm not a rich man by any means, but understand you have to pay to play. Nobody asked me, but, I think that these guys are spolied for life. Guide, transportation, Turkey calling, instructions, help on cleaning & packaging turkey, and noon meal in field each day. Some of the hunters had to go back home emptyhanded. We will direct you to a choice spot on the ranch, where you may camp away from the rest of the hunters and truly enjoy the beautiful western atmosphere. I just want to take a moment and "Thank you and Monte" for a wonderful hunt. NOTE: A new resident should be prepared to provide documentation of residency. Rifle Package - $2900. ******************. Our success continues to be unbelievable in both species and the quality of the animals is consistent.. We certainly loved having them here. I wanted to take time to thank you and your staff for a great hunting experience. It is not because we got our deer so early the first morning, either. "Aleka, Your ranch isan exceptional experience and your hunters have taken some really nice "Deer and Elk". Thank you, to ALL. Antelope Creek Ranch is a family operation owned by Edward and Tamara Eitel. We had a great time hunting and hope to be back next year. Antlerless A deer with no antlers or antlers no more than 6 inches in length. We have two motels in town by Wal-Mart that provide special reduced prices for our hunters. We were truly not prepared for the sumptuous accommodations. Everybody loves the cabins and I promise that I will continue to add more comforts as the years go by. On the "Y LAZY S RANCH" we have been offering trespass onlyhunts with minimal other services offered. He's happy with his buck. For license information, please, contact: has 6,500 acres ALL private land solely owned by your hostess Alexandra (Aleka) Butler, adjacent to RouttNational Forest. , THE RANCH TRESPASS FEESWILLBE AS FOLLOWS, beginning January 1, 2022:, PronghornBuck $ 2,000, Doe Antelope $ 500, 4 day hunt / 5 night accommodations upon availability $ 2,500, ELK $3,500, ---------------------------------------, Cow ELK $ 2,000, 4 day hunt / 5 night accommodations upon availability , (Foradditional night accommodations , please, make the necessary arrangements with the management), , CALL FOR AVAILABILITY OF landowners vouchers FOR ANTELOPE ONLY. It was still summerlike weather here until Thanksgiving., And then, as soon as December arrived, so did the winter weather. The Nebraska deer hunt fees include the right to hunt, the in-season waterfowl, upland birds, coyote (no permit needed), and small game with the proper hunting permits and guns. Chadron, Nebraska 69337. And, all three scored big with their beautiful bull elk. Several thousand again. BOX 1304Craig, CO 81626-1304United Business Phone # 801-499-4986 Toll Free Fax # 866-564-7395. Bag limit: one deer of both sex and one antlerless whitetail. I have no specific score to achieve, I'd just like to see deer. We were treated as guests in every way, shape and form and NOT treated like "now we have their money ( even if the check I gave you was $200.00 short and I had to write another one), we have to put up with them". Meals are not included, but the cabins have full cooking facilities with all necessary utensils, dishes, and appliances furnished, including a gas grill if needed. Glenn and I had a great experience hunting your ranch. Archery Valid statewide. The amount of deer on the property is just unbelievable. So many beautiful deer and antelope bucks. You will each have a plat map to be carried with you at all times when you are hunting. The map will have his phone and address along with permission slip on the back providing you with written permission to hunt the property the first 4 days of the gun season. So, we didn't harvest as many elk as we had wished. Those hunters find themselves highly frustrated and unsuccessful, only because CO DOW refuses to keep the game moving. Nothing pleases me more than to see smiling faces and hear them say: "We had a great time. A 17 year old must purchase an adult license and Conservation stamp. Of course, the hunting pressure on the mountain started pushing the animals down further. 4 day hunt. A very special treat for two friends, Dave Thomas and Paul Rodondi. My wife and I took our grandson Luke, on his first ever hunt for a Pronghorn on the "Y Lazy S" and the experience was excellent. A hunter from Australia harvested this beautiful buck. This year we will be honored to have here some hunters from Europe, Kuwait and possibly the Aussies may be coming back. After all, it was still summertime in November. If you'd rather call, the number is 970 824-6668. One of your other hunters, Owen from California, was kind enough to help me get the elk loaded up. This scenic 1000 acre ranch lies in the Nebraska Pine Ridge area, very near the Wyoming State line. The only thing that matters to me, is that the hunters get what they come here for. For archery and muzzleloader season the licenses are available at any time. One check is allowed for payment. I am stubbornly convinced that the elk have been hunted for just TOO LONG, and they need their much deserved rest on this refuge, and a bit because I think that ranching for wildlife is a highly unfair program to the masses of hunters, those, who want to enjoy a good hunt at a nominal cost. 5 Any deer, elk, antelope, or bighorn sheep hunters ages 15 or younger must be accompanied by a licensed person age 19 and older. Have a Happy summer everybody and call me if you have any additional questions. More snow would mean better crops on this ranch, better and happier attitude by this landowner, more feed for the wildlife and prettier sights of this country site. Youth age 10 or older may hunt deer in Nebraska, Youth ages 15 or younger must hunt with a licensed adult. Larry again, got a beautiful buck as did Chuck Mosier. Only two persons may submit applications together as buddy applicants. The listed ones are for rifle, with archery and muzzleloader reduced from that price. Also, I am so pleased to know that all our hard work and the big investment of the Cabins construction is paying off. That should bring even more wild animals to the property. There were, indeed, an amazingly largenumber of deer and antelope fawns in the lower country and elk calves in the high country. Compare . I saw several animals. The area has its own population of deer but with the pressure from hunters on the Habitat Management Area the deer quickly move on to your private land to escape the bands of public land hunters. We really appreciate the way that you looked after us personally, and even changed your personal plans to allow us to start one weekend earlier than originally planned. Again, thanks for inviting us to stay and experience Colorado hospitality. So, everybody, make sure you log on to their website and follow instructions for new registration and new new ways of applying for your licenses. Deer No one may have more than two permits that allow the harvest of a buck. I want to express my heartfelt "Thanks" to all my wonderful hunter-friends, who overwhelmed me with their display of "holiday spirit" by sending all the cards, and gifts, text messages and emails. 5 Day Hunt. Our location is in the center of the annual residence of pronghorn goats. Of course,on the, "Y Lazy S Ranch". Hunting Mule and Whitetail Deer at the Double R Ranch is only available to our on-site guests. So, our "farmer" hopes were crushed again, but, almost immediately, I overheard myself sigh in an undertone: "Hopefully next year it will be better".. Self-Guided, DIY, Trespass Hunts Filters. I woke and waited for daybreak. It seems that the seven year drought may be approaching it's end. So, now with a total 6,500 under this ownership, it's easier to spread out our hunters , and be assured of the ultimate success. Application Age: Youth age 16 may get a youth permit if they purchase before turning 16. Hunters ages 12 through 29 must have completed firearm hunter education when hunting ANYTHING with a firearm or crossbow. I want to tell you what a wonderful time we had on your ranch, during the 2014 third season elk hunt. Our private hunting land provides over 1,000 acres with creeks, mature oak and cottonwood trees, plum thickets, Ponderosa Pines and Niobrara River frontage. You can contact the Game and Parks Commission at 2200 N. 33rd St., Lincoln, NE 68503, or call (402) 471-0641. All the best and hoping to draw the right tags so we can come back next year. You are responsible for your own lodging and meals. The accompanying adult hunter must at all times be in unaided visual and verbal communication with the novice hunter. Thank you for making Katie's hunt and first deer very memorable. We are very busy putting up the LODGE and as of the end of January ALL the logs are in place. Bag limit: one buck. We have a place to put you and your party. Buck A deer having at least one antler 6 inches or more in length. So, Monte and I, spent the summer remodeling that cabin. Several feet of snow. The Sand Hills Management Unit has the highest percentage of mature, trophy-Whitetail Deer, and it should, it has been managed as a Trophy Unit since 1991.. They simultaneously shot their two bulls from inside the hunting stand at the Cummings Place. We offer rifle, muzzleloader, and archery deer hunting packages. Dominick Tofolo from New York, flew into Denver, drove out to the ranch with his son and spoiled his hunt within a couple of hours, by taking a beautiful 5x5 bull, opening morning. Whitetail Deer Rifle Season 100_____% _99.9____%, No data first time but the deer are there, Archery________________ _______% ________%, Muzzleloader_______________ _________% ________%. We offer Trophy Mule Deer (occasional Whitetail) hunts in the fall, and Merriam Gobbler Turkey Hunts in the spring, with some excellent fishing thrown in! Bucks that offer fantastic wild meat and a very respectable trophy to be prized. Fishing on-site is available at the private lake with the small boat, or if the lake is safely frozen, you can ice fish . The following permits are valid only for the November firearm season: Buffalo Whitetail, Frenchman Whitetail, Platte Whitetail, and Republican Whitetail. Saddle Ridge Outfitters is located in North Central Nebraska, near the town of Springview. And, again, against my best expectations, I am very late updating this website. And of course, while camping you can enjoy a real campfire Dan P. here. Unguided Deer, Elk and Antelope Hunting. Deer - DeSoto Muzzleloader Oct. 1 - 2, Oct. 15 - 16, Dec. 10 - 11, Deer - Boyer Chute Oct. 22 - 23, Nov. 5 - 6, Dec. 17 - 18. Reach out to us to experience a full service outfitting company, offering first class hunting experiences in Kansas, Texas and Nebraska. Firearm or crossbow hunters under age 12 and those using the exemption certificate can never hunt alone and must be accompanied when hunting anything with a firearm or crossbow. I saw numerous ELK and was able to connect early Saturday morning, thanks to your suggestion of spending the night in the hunting blind. In 2012, even though, there were some rather serious health issues present, we completed several projects and purchased some more land adjacent to the Mobley Place on 22. Go on a Private Land Hunting in Northwest Colorado. Nonresident hunter demand for mule deer permits is increasing as mule deer hunting opportunities become more limited nationwide. They, by instict alone, know that the hunting seasons are all over with; and they know where the feed is. A lazy herd of elk enjoying the winter day directly behind the ranch house, on the "Y Lazy S Ranch". All in all, you have a great setup for hunting, and we could certainly feel the benefit of your focus on hunting versus ranching and/or farming. Prices do not include transportation, licenses or Nebraska sales tax of 5.5%. Location. We are looking forward to returning again. The expansive grasslands are a haven for a variety of birds, including: Pheasant Goose Grouse Quail Add an accompanying bird hunt to your Hidden Valley Outfitters package. Take a youth hunting. The late cow season, which lasts for the entire month of December, proved to be extremely successful. The accommodations were FIRST CLASS all the way. Buckhorn Canyon, CO Benkelman, Nebraska Experience the thrill of a tom turkey coming to the call. **************. I work very hard, as you well know, to get ready for the few days you will be here. It was magnificent. Our weather has definitely changed and that affects the movement of wildlife. Once again, we found ourselves staying really busy by moving all the power equipment to the many different ranches, wasting many man-hours and much fuel, only to then decide that we would have been much better not having moved there at all. The accompanying person, must be age 19 or older, a licensed hunter and if age 19-29, must be certified in hunter education. Unguided Hunting. Bag limit: one deer of either sex and one antlerless deer in seasons with the appropriate weapons. DK, "Late sending this, but, please, accept the "Thanks" of Jim S and me for one of, IF not the "BEST" deer hunt I have ever had. Operating in three states allows us to provide an exceptional hunt for a wide range of hunters based on season dates, weapon preference and budget. We always had respectable bucks here, but, this year, the number of aged and bigger bucks was indeed impressive. Hunter Orange -- Any persons hunting deer under the authority of a firearm permit during an authorized Forearm season must display on his or her head, chest and back at least 400 square inches of hunter orange material. CAMPING anywhere on the property $250.00. We offer guided and self guided Whitetail Deer hunting as well as self guided Merriam Turkey hunting. No doupt we will continue to work hard to improve the wildlife habitat, so that this will always continue to be the prime secret spot of those, who for so many years continue to return and enjoy this magnificent part of the world. Statewide Archery, Muzzleloader and Restricted Statewide Buck permits may not be used in the MDCA for mule deer. We do this to keep our deer quality high. The property is family-friendly, with activities available to the non-hunting guest. The combination of the rut, and thousands of whitetail habitat around you, with your being minimal pressure brings in bucks every year that have never been seen before. White-tail and Mule Deer Abound! I've been looking into going up to Nebraska to hunt deer ( either whitetail or muley). Must be submitted during the first application period for draw units. Michael brought in the New Year with an impressive display of pyrotechnics, that lasted almost 30 minutes. I just happened to see the "5 year Big game season Structure" that the Colorado Wildlife Commission approved on September 10, 2009 and I am very excited. We have limited openings for Trespass Hunts during the 2022 Season CALL OR E-mail NOW!! The stands you have built are a great help in spotting deer and elk, without disturbing them. THE CHAPMAN CABIN OR THE UPSTAIRS OF THE RANCH HOUSE) for a maximum of five, six or nine nights (depending on the season), . Office Hours: Monday 8 am - 5 pm and Tuesday - Saturday 8 am - 10 pm Mountain Standard Time. The Anderson family operates Pine Timber Adventures, a working cattle ranch located in the rugged, pine timber hills. Located in the heart of the Niobrara Scenic River Corridor, our properties consist of over 30,000 contiguous acres including 15 miles of river frontage. Great success with pronghorn antelope and mule deer during archery season. All hunt packages have a maximum of 4 hunters per cabin. A young man's first buck. We are also looking forward to see again old friends and meet some new ones. So, my advise to all who are interested is, do not give up on Northwestern Colorado. We are also looking forward to another good harvest of game in the upcoming hunting season in the fall of 2015. The night was cold and snowy, but, I slept well in the hunting blind atop one of the ranch's high spots. His thirst insatiable, until his gun's pin is set and his gun's barrell smokes.. Housing accommodations(in our GORGEOUS LOG CABINS. Tasted GREAT. My hope for this new year is that the drought will be a thing of the past. Dan and I had a wonderful stay at your ranch. Of course the highlight of the trip was the beautiful country. Stephanie Schaubin said on Dec 2, 2015: "I want to send my many "THANKS" for the recent successful hunt on your beautiful ranch. "I've enclosed a picture of the buck I shot this year. I had a great time hunting and hanging out with both, you and Monte this year. The accompanying person if age 19-29 must be certified in hunter education. Also, the LOG cabins are now a place to relax and watch your favorite TV program, since there are BIG, flat screen TVs hooked to. The accommodations were excellent and the new addition of flat screen TVs in all the cabins were very much appreciated. Well, it's the middle of January and it's cold; there is a lot of snow out there and even the elk are sluggish. Lodging and meals are the hunters responsibility. Our guide service is family owned and operated and consists of approximately 20,000 acres in Nebraska and 2,000 acres in South Dakota. So, my message to the hunters who love to hunt on my ranch, is: Craig, Colorado is still "the Elk hunting capital of the world". Mark and Bob have never had the opportunity that your ranch offers, so they are going to be so spoiled by all the game you have." We were greeted by Aleka the day before the season opened and she spent time with us to ensure we knew the ranch boundaries and where to set up and hunt for the best chance at a pronghorn. , finitely a blessing to live on this beautiful ranch., Of course, there is nothing that can affect the growth of the numbers of mule deer and pronghorn antelope. About ten minutes after legal shooting time, this BULL crested a hill near the blind I slept in and shortly after I was working on a down ELK. But, it paid off. First few days of October, we got a pretty nice little storm that got the elk anxious to move to the lower country. Our cabin was remote so that we were able to enjoy the solitude of the open range. But, sooner or later, I get it done; so, here I am again, trying to come up with something creative to describe what I would call "the most exceptional year yet". All can be done during your 4 day hunt without any additional charges. This was their very first time hunting ELK. NEBRASKA HUNTS Hunts take place in Southwestern Nebraska along the Platte River valley. What a year 2012 was!!! Nebraska Muzzy Whitetail Hunt. What an experience, to be able to sit down with you, your grandson and the other hunters and enjoy the company. You will be hunting in the famous Nebraska Panhandle known for its game rich habitat where water and woods meet agriculture. Officer when in possession of a resident permit quite a few bull.... Erich, from California, was kind enough to get a medal effort. Annual residence of pronghorn goats to move to the call another good of... Help in spotting deer and elk calves in the upcoming hunting season in the blind! First deer very memorable been looking into going up to Nebraska to implement them on cleaning & packaging,... The trip was the beautiful country definitely changed and that affects the movement of wildlife of both sex and antlerless! Hunting the `` Y Lazy S ranch '' we have been putting on for the few days will... 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nebraska trespass hunts

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