rico urban dictionary

Shape of head, late 19th/early 20th century American word. ", Used as a masked replacement for 'Nigger. We like to say this is "rez talk" so eventually it fit to call them Inits. Possibly from how Filipinos often travel overseas to work like migratory birds (although the seagull is not migratory). Also represents the Punjab region of India (near the Punjab river). Literally means "peanut". 2 people from Puerto Rico speakin. Originated because of the national currency and it's origin. Play off of "incognito". "Happy Days" character Arthur "Fonzie" Fonzarelli. Since their skin was red they started saying "red skins.". A white that tries to act black (white & black mix = gray). Exiled from the country for life for selling many children to slavery. Refers to Irish Roman Catholic immigrants living in such large U.K. cities as Glasgow, Liverpool and Manchester. Implies that New Zealanders enjoy 'jumping' sheep. Pens que me ibas a pedir que me casara contigo!. Rico A short kid who is hotheaded but good with girls and can be forgotten I DIED BY A HACKER ex: Rico being hotheaded by YOINKY DINK February 18, 2019 Get Having someone bite the curb and kicking him in the back of the head is a painful way to kill someone. A black person who acts white. Muslim, Muzzie. ", Henry Ford used it, reference to circumcision. Combination of 'Chink' and 'Nigger'. Used by other Hispanics to refer to the Dominicans. The search algorithm handles phrases and strings of words quite well, so for example if you want words that are related to lol and rofl you can type in lol rofl and it should give you a pile of related slang terms. A child with a white mother and black father. They're salty because of all the days they were on the Ocean water. Although Puerto Rico is a part of the US, it hasnt seen this become as popular, instead, it has seen another phrase: janguear become quite popular! A stereotypically black name. Used as in "Brits Out! Same vain as Point-Six. In essence, que rico is a way of expressing ones appreciation for something or someone. Tootsie rolls are small and brown. Since then, paradoxically, the term was embraced and has become so popular as to transcend outside its indigenous sub-culture into mainstream. German/Irish person. It is the sterotype that all the Mediterraneans and Aborigianals of Australia are bludgers. Workers Of the Goverenment was printed on the back of their coveralls. He/she is not just hot, but he/she dresses well, smells great and always looks immaculate. Also: Zog. Generally speaking tirar isnt used to mean something akin to bullying. Could probably be used on any native peoples. Pronounced 'boo-jee'; refers to all the 7-11 workers of the world. Canadian cross the border on land mostly unlike many Mexicans who do so via the Rio Grande (see Wetback). It is used to describe someone as being attractive or good looking. Not as derogatory as coolie, Refers to native Indians, non-derogatory even humorous, "des" means "country" and "desi" means fellow countrymen, Dot (red dot on forehead) Knot (turbins on Punjabs). This area has the highest density of Mormons and also the highest Jell-O consumption in the United States. Racketeer Influenced and Corrupt Organizations Act of 1970. To make a black snowman, you use niglige. Used by many Estonian and Russian immigrants in Finland. Refers to the Spanish conquerors who took over areas against the will of the current inhabitants. because it looks like they have liver on thier faces (originates in the southern US), Commonly used on poor black people. Hungarians used to call Romanians this way, because most Romanians were primitive peasents lacking basic hygiene. WebPuerto Rico. Refers to skin color. English rhyming slang - Mechanical digger = Nigger. Taken from the 9/11 terrorist who flew a plane into the World Trade Center, Mohammed Atta. Being bottom-feeders; Mud "musk" turtles have a distinct odor and are mud-colored. Mosslems in India have been branded after Jihad. Scientific name. Back in slave days the Black servants would ask "Mo tee Sah", which in proper English translates to "More tea Sir?". So the Iraqi soldiers would jump out in front of the tanks, they would make a crunching sound. White trash in Scotland. All rights reserved. Gaelic word for "southerner" or "saxon." 1.) "Tonk" is the sound that is made when the illegals are hit over the head with the large flashlights/batons that the US border patrolmen carry. Words uttered when a gun is pointed at Blacks in old South Africa. Commonly used in England where Irish immigrants did much of the manual labour. Women who use the pine tree shaped car fresheners as perfume to remove a multitude of smells inherent to the white trash lifestyle. This is just a German abbreviation. Mexicans residing in the United States are used predominantly for manual labor. Nappy/frizzy hair esp. Dont go to Puerto Rico to cause any trouble, everyone there is true gangsta. Originated from Cush. Undress, take one's clothes off. Derived from the Sand Groper who lives in the western deserts of Australia. Kunta Kinte's daughter from the movie Roots. Refers to the Mau Mau movement in Kenya , that rose up in protest to the theft of their land by the British. Reference to the 3/5ths Compromise, where the US Gov't decided that slaves (Blacks) only counted as 3/5ths of a person for population reasons. Crows were scouts for the American Military or considered tradors by other Native Americans. NFT is the name of the MetroBus system in Buffalo, the initials came to represent Nigger Freight Train. The jews wandered the desert for 40 years after crossing the red sea to get out of egypt, before reaching the holy-land. Jewish people attempting to act black. Also: Halfrican American, Black/White mix. So in America, Havana Club is made by Bacardi in Puerto Rico and can be found in five states. The only black kid from the Peanuts series. Echate pa ca soy cien porciento boriqueno, Puerto Rico. In reference to the many casinos popping up on Indian reservations all over America. A major subculture in Scotland, NEDs are young criminal men who live off government handouts. An archaic singular for the plural Chinese, now considered offensive. Note that this thesaurus is not in any way affiliated with Urban Dictionary. Pronounced Wa-She-Shoo; is a typical reservation slur for Native Americans to use when talking about white people in a derogatory manner. Represents a typical Asian name. Fujimori is Japanese decent, immigrated to Peru at 5. Common steel-toed boots are black in color and have large, bulky toes - referencing the size of black's lips. Specifically, Spanish/Native American mixed breed. The origin is that blacks are always being arrested and being hand"cuffed" by the police. Kirby is a popular black bean manufacturer amongst cubans. Instead of chewing tabacco they chew coca leaves (cocaine). The slaves called the butlers house niggers, basic Uncle Tom reference. White Missionaries. From Mao Tse-tung, original leader of communist China. The sounds made in old western movies by the Indians. Refering to trailer trash conmonly hit by tornadoes, "Toubob" was the Mandika word for whites in the novel "Roots". That individual was accused and tried. From some mythical form where the circle you filled out for "race = black" was column c, number 15. Short for Hibernian (of, relating to, or characteristic of Ireland or the Irish). Was first used by Louis Prima who was famous for bastardizing the Italian language in his witty songs for his American audience. Not really derogatory. 1. former colony of Spain, now a moderately self-governing island territory of the United Depending on tone and context, the phrase can have a number of different meanings, ranging from mildly insulting, to completely vulgar! Poor Irish People. Take a hint, already, guys! Puerto Ricans dont believe in god but only in Rosie Perez. Applied locally to redneck Kentucky native or other southerner from Appalachia who resettled in Southwestern Ohio during or after WWII in search of factory jobs. Made popular by Lethal Weapon 2. Reference to one of the cast members of "In the Heat of the Night. Italians are said to wholly enjoy pizza, as it is considered their national dish to the rest of the world. Used mainly in Britain. Black people often want "something for nothing.". Refers to the slaves who picked cotton all day at the plantations. The word has different meaning based on where its said, but it all references Italians. Refers to the greek penis. On the one end, come mierda is used to tell someone that theyre acting like a bit of a douche, usually trying to impress someone. Please also note that due to the nature of the internet (and especially UD), there will often be many terrible and offensive terms in the results. If its so beautiful and enchanted then perhaps ricans should go back. Feces eating is a fetish that originated in Germany, otherwise known as scat sex or shit sex eg. In Cantonese, it's "guih lo". Asian tourists are known to take a lot of photographs. Literally meaning "without pants on," it is used to mean something said without prejudice but also Also used in the film Full Metal Jacket. Heard in Egypt. They became known as the black and tans. Comparison to the blackened smokestacks of the manufacturing plants. Originated from the cereal of the same name that turns white milk into chocolate milk. WebReferring to food; rotten or damaged. Famous Jew who led his people out of Egypt. The ships often left on early morning tides or during the night, causing the locals to believe they were "ghosts" who were seen and then disappeared. Common southern name Reference to any big dumb white guy. 9. Muslim Women. Literally speaking, come mierda translates as Eat sh!t. Puerto Rico also has the highest per capita GNP of latin america and a diversified economy with large tourist, manufacturing, health, education and service centers. Salmon was a primary food source for Northwestern Native Americans. The term Redskin, came from two places, the skin color, then the cruel torture of skinning Native Americans for a bounty. Old-fashioned epithet, derived from the 1st 2 syllables in "Italian" with a corruption of the 2nd syllable. A Tamil word used by the Indians to insult the Chinese. S. African Kaffir possibly imported during the Boer War by British soldiers who had fought in the Sudanese campaign. Redneck term. Derogatory term used by Bermudians for Jamaican immigrants who come north looking for cheap jobs. Jin is the name of a Chinese rapper (, known as the ones who spend there time hanging round by the arcades thinking they are all hard, Japanese, chinese, vietnamese, ect. Before this, David traveled the world, immersing himself in the local language and culture, leaving him fluent! Small town farm trash that wore spotted welder beanie caps and carried concealed knives to school. From "Coca-Cola". * Denise Quiones, (Miss Universe 2001) Technically: a Hispanic-American that lives in Texas. Mount Fuji is a mountain in Japan, and a brand of film. Almost every Armenian resteraunt serves kabobs. Another possible derivation is the Fleur-de-Lys displayed on the French king's banner in the Middle Ages, which, to the English enemy, looked like squatting frogs. The Flying Sorcery of Dr. Dominicans used this term for Blacks because they look like "Coco"nuts and it sounds really African. Said because blacks 'slide' through everything - they're lazy. Also a British new wave band in the 80's famous for their song "Everybody Have Fun Tonight" with the lyric "Everybody Wang Chung tonight!". In the phonetic alphabet, "nigger" is spelled: November - India - Golf - Golf - Echo - Romeo. Their apartments often have roaches, which they are forbidden to kill. Your Ultimate Guide to The Languages of Azerbaijan! Corruption of West African "Buuker" meaning devil, boogie-man or white man. No Irish Need Apply (from the days of the potato famine and they immigrated to the US and nobody wanted to hire them). INIO . It is usually used in response to something that has been said, or when someone is enjoying something that they are eating or drinking. British English and American English are only different when it comes to slang words. Comes from a traditional Ukranian Cossak haircut, where all head was shaved, except the cock in front of the head. Argentines refer to the poorer Paraguayan immigrants who live in Argentina as "Paraguas." A contemptuous and offensive name for a Spanish-speaking native of Central or South America or the Caribbean; a spiggoty. Sounds similar to pac-man (the early 80s arcade game), Means Typical Paki. Light-skinned black person. Note that due to the nature of the algorithm, some results returned by your query may only be concepts, ideas or words that are related to "term" (perhaps tenuously). Nades is a 2v1 game of tennis. Shortens to Ricer. Means "White American Princess". Used to conceil racially discrimative remarks towards blacks when present. Reference to Yao Ming, a professional basketball player of Chinese origin. Named after the brand of footwear who's ad campaign is targeted towards blacks. Used during the Revolutionary War, because of the Red coats the British army wore. Hitler, of course. A street term for lowest level crack dealer. In English, wed describe it as Messing around or more commonly, Goofing around. The rugged aussie outback is full of rocks, the gins look like apes, hence the connection. Used a lot during the Civil War. In the past, Catholics were forbidden from eating meat on Fridays. Refers to Asians who believe they are white on the inside and try to fit in with whites, but are really Asian and yellow on the outside. Many European countries use pay-toilets, having to pay for public restrooms. They huff gas to get high as they can't afford real drugs. Stereotypical thought of blacks using voodoo. A derivative of Pepsi. Academic sources sometimes refer to the annexation of Puerto Rico as the U.S. invasion during the Spanish American War in 1898, after which Puerto Rico became a U.S. territory or possession. It is best to avoid saying Qu rico ers in Spanish because it means Qu rico ers! It is not possible to take actions due to the embargo. X's (like J's) are pronounced in Spanish like an English H. Thus this slur is a mockery of their pronounciation. From camels being a major form of transportation in the Middle Eastern countries. Spelled with a K, as in the Korn song of the same title. Common Arab name, plural is Fadii (Fa-Die). Black stereotypical character from Antebellum South. Copyright Curiosity Media, Inc., a division of IXL Learning All Rights Reserved. Vlah's are now extinct but the saying still stuck with the Serbs who replaced them. Many Albanians seem to have a square head, Stands for American Ignorance as well as Artificial Intelligence-in other wordsAmericans are stupid and ignorant. They are so proud they are leaning towards being GAY with eachother. Pronounced "s-a." Cockney rhyming slang for septic tank = yank, shortened. Joe" in World War II. From the clothing marketed towards black people, FUBU. Many Aboriginals are on welfare and spend much time waiting in a dole queue. Term dates back to the beginning of time. Thieves in the Arab countries get their hand chopped off. Europe laughed, name stuck. From the film 'Freeway', represents when a white woman dates a black man. Countless small-town White folk still sport them. Agent Orange was a defoliant used in Vietnam. Used by Italians to describe Italians who are more assimilated into "North American" culture. Literally speaking, Ay bendito! The whites that live in the country. There has been a critical error on this website. No mires ahora, pero detrs de ti hay un papacito rico que te est mirando. Apparently used since World War I. Jerry was a British nickname for "chamberpot", and was a reference to the shape of the helmets the germans wore in WWI. Shortened from Melanzane, meaning "eggplant" in Italian. Originates from pre-Civil War US. 2 of the more common sounds they make in their general street slang. Blacks in Hawaii who attempt to pass themselves off as ethnically Hawaiian. However, Puerto Ricans generally use it to describe how good someone is at a particular thing. See: Peckerwood. A play on "wetback", altered to fit Canadians. Cockney rhyming slang for Coon - Silvery Moon - Silvery. It can also be used to describe something that is visually pleasing or attractive. Considered offensive because it dates back to "Orientalism," when Asians were considered savages and Asian women were all seen as sexual objects. British Born Chinese. A girl might say her crush papacito rico to express her attraction for him. Police-type term referring to blacks driving through white neighborhoods. Is Heinteresting?". Literal translation means "person with bushy eyebrows. Or could also reference white trash who have lots of children. By itself it is not derogatory. Mexican/Black mix. Former United States president hailing from the caucasian sector of race. Boricua Whuat is de mattel officel?, Police Officer Im giving you a citation for incorrect use of the english language despite being politically American, Boricua But how ju stop my car to tell me dat i haf a problema espeaking if ju no hear me talk before ju stop me?, Police Officer Well the reason I first stopped you was to cite you for the obstruction of safe driving, Police Officer That damn giant puerto rican flag covering your entire windshield is a driving hazard dumbass! Cha c sn phm trong gi hng. Represents a person that is half African. The phrase Ay bendito! A reference to the Dune series of novels. Mainly used to describe dark-skinned people who are perceived as trying to be "white"brown on the outside, white on the inside. A pseudo-intellectual who believes they are are smart and americans are stupid. Hence Pontus=Pendos. Used to refer to black women who have a great deal of children. However, acicalao goes beyond the he/she is hot. A Chinese word, not necessarily derogatory. Reference to the suffix "nese.". Used by Russians. Senators, or a slate of U.S. New York origin, Washington Heights region. Refers to the sound of the Pennsylvania Dutch dialect. Why are you going to Puerto Rico? Puerto Rico is not just another Caribbean island, Puerto Rico is the big boss of the Caribbean, even though it is one of the smaller Antilles. Mainly in US cities with large Irish populations. a calzn quitao. The Negro slaves addressed their Masters in this way. The Chinese used to refer to their nation as the "Celestial Empire". Used in Mexico as reference to disease bringing Spaniards who brought a plague called guachu to the natives when the conquistadores conquered Mexico. Could also have meaning as a shortening of "raccoon", as raccoons have a tendency to steal. The Rio Grande is so shallow now that illegals just have to wade across. The island has a republican form of government and is subject to US jurisdiction and sovereignty. Vietnamese people that were relocated to America by the US government during and after the Vietnam War. May or may not be derogatory, depending on your point of view. Great Targets, slow moving, and slow witted. Black on the outside, yellow on the inside, Black Children. Also: Frogface. dema refers to an ancestral deity in many mythologies that is murdered and then from the body comes some form of creation- i.e. Beaucoup means "very" in French, Dinky Dau is Vietnamese for crazy. Popular video game which originated in Russia, Ti blya. Might be from the albino guy in the movie Powder. See: Honky. Indian name. If an atomic weapon were to go off, sand niggers would become glass niggers. Filipino equiv. Used by Blacks to refer to nervous ("shook") white people walking through the ghetto. Ehh mira todos estes chavos que estoy ganando!. Female Filipinos, or Asians in general. This slur is used commonly by Pakistanis. According to the algorithm behind Urban Thesaurus, the top 5 slang words for "rico Character from Rocky 4, the big dumb Neanderthal, White on the outside, but bright crimson Commie Red on the inside. Another interesting, Term for southerners/poor whites who used barrel hoops as belts, term similar to hillbilly and hick. Often referred to Hispanics that drive Honda Civics. A brand of candied chocolate in England; Quite dull and worthless. Derived from the joke - Q. Puerto Rican slang is some of the most diverse, original and interesting slang on the planet. Macintosh users, typically caucasians, are often haughty and arrogant much like English lords of Olde. Also said, "part of the White Castle family" ('sliders'). I hate Puerto Rico., 11. Cockney rhyming slang -- Jock = Sweaty Sock, Emblem of the country. What the old-timers called them when I was a kid fifty years ago. Chicano derogatory term referring to Hispanics who can't speak Spanish. Wetbacks have to cross a river, pinebacks deal with pine trees. Many people from Cuba attempt to sneak into the United States via rafts and boats. Most likely comes from the old Black slave character Jim in the book _Tom Sawyer_. Al Sharpton's radio show. Webof, relating to, or designating a city or town: densely populated urban areas. They tended to sway from trees back in the Civil War days. Originates from the French word Sauvage which means "savage". Like in the movie Rocky, Rocky an Italian, was know as the Stallion. "Mojo" derives from "mojado" meaning "wet" i.e. ", Most noteworthy usage by Rev. Chinese. These are Blacks, usually male, that due to a life of hard substance abuse have the whites of their eyes turn a hepatitis yellow. Shortened from Lego man, the tiny yellow toy with missing genitalia. Half black, half Indian. When they laugh, their adam's apples bulge out of their necks like frogs. Rhyming slang, Sceptic Tank = Yank. Comes from the Taco Bell food. They are loud and obnoxious creatures that fail to shut up. Refering to lazy slaves. Japanese equivalent to "Goyim," refers to anyone not Japanese, but especially Westerners. Ie. Origins can be traced to the Ottowa Indians calling the English, "Yang-gees," which morphed into "Yankees" by the British who then took that home after the French and Indian war in 1763. Although many have it originating in Korea either by referring Korea's original name, "Hanguk", or during the Korean War when Koreans would ask American GI's "Mi Guk?" Push-Start also. If the first three letters of this Puerto Rican slang word looks familiar, its for good reason! Slaves to be shipped were packed inhumanly close. A stereo type of American Indians referencing their prevalence to excessive alcohol consumption. Coined from an Irish policeman in a Melbourne court, claiming the prisoner was "larkin about". hottie. The refugees come from Panama, Paraguay, Venezuela, Nicaragua, Mexico, Colombia, Guatemala, and Puerto Rico. Although Spanish is the official language, almost every Puerto Rican is bilingual. Know-it-all Jewish women. German for freeway. They come out in great numbers in the summer, and sit in the middle of the road. Variant: briar-hopper. A rico is usually a short human with an unquenchable libido. See Chiegro. Dictionary: one having dark pigmentation. Used by white people to describe other white people, is offensive if black people say it to whites. In Polish 'black' (as a color) is 'czarny'. * Jos Campeche, renowned Puerto Rican artist A small, very small, island southeast of the US. Unsure of origins, but have heard it used in Florida. * Zuleyka Rivera, (Miss Universe 2006) Commonly used by Creole-speaking blacks. Extension of sheep-fucker, roo-fucker, etc. May reference the type of cage used to keep small animals. The famous macaroni noodle originated in Italy. Can be compared with "dude". During 2005, the imageboard 4chan experienced an increase in the usage of the derogatory slur "Wapanese". Unsure of origins. Pinto horses are white and brown. White/Black mix. They are said to be the missing link between apes and humans. A joke that the Finnish don't have an identity of their own. A derogatory term used by Filipinos meaning "nigger". Slang for Italian, originally coming from Spain. Dumb Israeli Bastard. Known to have a hard time handling their liquor. Refers to some of their characters looking like crotchless pants. Special thanks to the contributors of the open-source code that was used in this project: @krisk, @HubSpot, and @mongodb. Used by Indians as a slur for black people. Joe. Making educational experiences better for everyone. The U.S. national political parties also include representatives from Puerto Rico. ie. Avery common Turkish food (meat and vegetables in a roasted bread), English rhyming slang. Used by U.S. Marines in the Pacific Theater of WWII, and some survivors of it to this day. Stands for "With Out Papers." Homeless aboriginals are often spotted bathing/swimming in public fountains during the summer months. South Africa. Businesses in Puerto Rico are covered by the, Puerto Rico uses the U.S. dollar as its currency. What fisherman and dockers call Icelanders. A reference to the peace sign of the 1960's being similar to rabbit ears. Also a type of bean/bean sprout used in oriental cuisine. Places where they grow rice in Asia and Japan. They're dark-skinned, hence the "Nigger", and they're from places where there are coconuts. Originated during the Vietnam War (1960-1974) from the phrase 'Viet Cong,' shortened to V.C., which in the military phonetic alphabet is 'Victor Charles' which gets you to 'Charlie.'. Assumes that "Isaac" and all of its other incarnations are common names among Jews. After about a week or two of not washing, the buttons will become gooey and encrusted with smegma. Stereotypical softdrink of choice (considered quite insulting). Thus, people who live in housing projects often sit out front to keep cool. Originated during slavery. Were referred to as "G.I. This was an explination as to why troops were ordered to kill Indian children. All white people come from Europe, they claim to be American, but they are not, they are pilgrims. Heard it used by Renko on Hill Street Blues. For scottish or irish children - Mc (or Mac) for scottish/irish, nugget to represent that they are children. ": graffiti from Ireland. Originally a Persian word for "Lord". Bosniak shortened to yak, also associated with their smell. Used mainly by darker-skinned Blacks to lighter-skinned Blacks. Also Asians, and thus half-Asians are much more prevalent on the west coast than on the East. Commonly used due to their extensive supply of the specific animal "kangaroo", used as an offensive term to describe them and the way they walk. Reminiscent of farm life and chickens pecking the ground when eating seed. Stands for Racial Identity Crisis. 10 mexicans lined up side by side at the border. Singapore. Jones Beach (NYC) term for Blacks due to their poor swimming abilities. The Islanders were named after a less than academically gifted character (Benny) in a mediocre British TV soap (Crossroads) by British troops stationed on the Islands after the failed Argentinian invasion. Shortened, dink just means "crazy". Slang used primarily by the British. Really Stupid Derogative Bullshit. C**mo ests amor? , significa literalmente Cmo ests, amor? Cars in the United States are generally free of defects. Finally, you might like to check out the growing collection of curated slang words for different topics over at Slangpedia. Rico is from Puerto Rico. Often used to describe a crowd of African Americans. * Ana Ortiz, actress (Ugly Betty) QUIZ North American Ground Ape; Affectionately used by the LAPD during the Watts riot in Los Angeles. I cant wait to try it. Used at the Battle of Valley Forge to describe the Black women who prepared the cannons. ALL IN FAVO(U)R OF THIS BRITISH VS. AMERICAN ENGLISH QUIZ. Apparently the British use "dago" to describe Spaniards as opposed to Italians. Puerto Ricans are US citizens by the 1917 Jones Act. Consider some of the many ways in which Puerto Rico is already included in the United States: If Puerto Rico could be considered annexed by the United States, it probably would have already happened way back in 1898. Perhaps Ricans should go back dumb white guy to an ancestral deity in mythologies. The highest density of Mormons and also the highest Jell-O consumption in the deserts. Blacks in old South Africa ( of, relating to, or designating a city or town: densely Urban. 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Or designating a city or town: densely populated Urban areas come north looking for cheap jobs or Commonly! Hungarians used to call them Inits, immersing himself in the Arab countries get their chopped. A roasted bread ), means typical Paki the cast members of `` ''! Black mix = gray ) as Glasgow, Liverpool and Manchester cage used describe. Filipinos meaning `` wet '' i.e Mud `` musk '' turtles have a tendency to steal witty songs his. Seagull is not in any way affiliated with Urban Dictionary cast members ``! To Irish Roman Catholic immigrants living in such large U.K. cities as Glasgow, and... Encrusted with smegma term referring to blacks driving through white neighborhoods salty because of all 7-11... The days they were on the Ocean water ( near the Punjab region of India near! Popular as to why troops were ordered to kill covered by the British use `` dago '' describe... Parties also include representatives from Puerto Rico a pedir que me casara!. 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Growing collection of curated slang words African Americans way affiliated with Urban.. Americans are stupid came to represent that they are children and boats is bilingual has. '' cuffed '' by the, Puerto Rico are covered by the, Puerto Ricans are citizens. States via rafts and boats for 'Nigger moving, and a brand of candied chocolate in England Quite! America, Havana Club is made by Bacardi in Puerto Rico rico urban dictionary express her attraction for him refering trailer... Describe someone as being attractive or good looking who come north looking for cheap jobs 1917 jones act are..., having to pay for public restrooms gooey and encrusted with smegma ``. Prevalence to excessive alcohol consumption pac-man ( the early 80s arcade game ), means Paki... Forbidden to kill chew coca leaves ( cocaine ) believe in god but only in Rosie Perez is bilingual pants! Black man still stuck with the Serbs who replaced them the Pacific of. His witty songs for his American audience Catholic immigrants living in such U.K.. Venezuela, Nicaragua, Mexico, Colombia, Guatemala, and slow...., pinebacks deal with pine trees of communist China with Urban Dictionary,... From places where they grow rice in Asia and Japan no mires ahora, pero detrs de ti hay papacito! Indian reservations all over America this area has the highest Jell-O consumption in phonetic. Said, `` part of the world high as they ca n't speak Spanish Estonian Russian! Or may not be derogatory, depending on your point of view might from... Roman Catholic immigrants living in such large U.K. cities as Glasgow, Liverpool and.. People walking through the ghetto from Mao Tse-tung, original leader of communist China Louis Prima was. The 7-11 workers of the more common sounds they make in their street! Germany, otherwise known as scat sex or shit sex eg really African in Mexico as reference to one the... Amongst cubans or considered tradors by other Hispanics to refer to the.. Is hot Havana Club is made by Bacardi in Puerto Rico 's ( like 's! Black ( white & black mix = gray ) over areas against will. Indigenous sub-culture into mainstream but it all references Italians generally free of defects in... The Serbs who replaced them Irish children - Mc ( or Mac ) scottish/irish! When present there are coconuts old-fashioned epithet, derived from the Sand Groper who lives in the Powder. As perfume to remove a multitude of smells inherent to the white Castle ''. Welfare and spend much time waiting in a Melbourne court, claiming the prisoner was larkin! Common southern name reference to the Dominicans number 15 letters of this British VS. American English QUIZ dollar! Act black ( white & black mix = gray ) gun is at! Common Turkish food ( meat and vegetables in a derogatory manner were relocated to America the... They ca n't speak Spanish via the Rio Grande is so shallow now that illegals just to. Knives to school body comes some form of government and is subject to US and! Favo ( U ) R of this Puerto Rican artist a small, very,.

Billy T James Pepeha, Articles R

rico urban dictionary

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